Lol, just musing the same myself.🤣 Let us know if a market bet opens up for this because at some point his wife and his three daughters are gonna ask, "seriously, asshole? Wtf?"
IANAL & Zuck will definitely part with a fair amount of scratch, regardless. The bigger deal is what strings will be attached. Scott has basically none, because the original business plan had her written in as a partner. Chan IIRC was an employee.😬
Im betting hes picked up a RFK brain worm from eating his hunted meat raw (which he has been known to do). I also bet that the meat was cats, and because he has turned off fact checking, you cant prove me wrong!
I have sincerely wondered how on earth she is tolerating what he's become. Sure, maybe she knew what she was getting into...but affair/divorce makes so much more sense....
Five bucks says separated within eight months, they try to reconcile for the holidays but it goes badly sideways then get divorced in '26 with a confidential settlement and undisclosed terms. (But an obvious non-disparagement clause.)
Right? I’ve so wanted to call her the B word (not the one used for female dog). What person with solid sense of who she/he is continues any relationship w/the person whose brother tried to cash in on his sibling’s relationship with a billionaire by selling him out to the Saudis?
sometimes men hit 40 and get interested in working out and buying new clothes and making friends with dudes who swear and hit their wives and implementing misogynistic policies at work and it’s for totally benign and normal reasons, and sometimes it’s because a woman in their life finally said no
Yeah I can't look at his current style & think the woman I've seen described as his wife is looking at all of that without one daily eye roll. If it comes out later that he's had affairs w/ staff in the last 4+ yrs, this will be me:
I mean, you're not wrong but Zuck and Musk should have gone ahead with their playfight a year or two back. Give the people the bread and circuses if you're going to be a billionaire asshole. You should be put in a pit to fight all the other ones to the death.
I guess I should also qualify that I wouldn't pay Dana White any amount of money to actually watch this freakshow fight because it most assuredly would be boring as hell. But if they each get a couple of shiners or a hangnail from all that wimpy flailing around and/or floor hugging then good.
I wouldn't consider the guy who started a website to rate women as pivoting to mysogyny. Basically he's just taken the mask off that he put on when it was necessary to get what he wanted.
i think there is a decent chance that 'having a classical roman statue built of your wife' will replace 'having a vow renewal' as the classic signal of impending divorce.
Eewww. That is not a classical Roman statue or tradition. Does he also have white tigers with diamond collars roaming around? Seems more like a Vegas type of tradition to me.
1. wants to breed and have smart children with a smart wife
2. wants to fuck around like he’s a big man with ridiculous women. Or men. Expecting a lot of dudes coming out of the closet
3. Midlife meltdown, working out, regression to their teenage mindset
Turtleneck and chain🎶
And a baller watch 🎶
The full arc took 3 years.