apparently some gamers are upset about ciri being the protagonist of witcher 4. did they not play witcher 3? the ending i got had ciri becoming a witcher and one of the DLCs for witcher 3 was basically about geralt retiring to live on a vineyard
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"girls can't be witchers" yeah but ciri did anyway in witcher 3. witcher 3 did the woke thing you're mad about. maybe you just suck at video games if you didn't get to that part
Gamers, is Geraldo 3 woke? I never played it, too busy complaining about minorities online, but is there a based explanation for this? I'm literally crying and pissing and shitting right now, please help!!!
So what they do say is somewhat true. Because could survive what Geralt and other Witchers went through. In both the books and games Ciri did not partake in the Trial of the Grasses. So she's not a 'Witcher' in a traditional sense. Which is what I think some people are trying to say.
Being the devil's advocate, a lot of people are talking about what is established lore. Like why there was no female Witchers. The Trials were too brutal for them. So even I was surprised to see her downing a potion in the trailer. I would have liked more emphasis on things like her magic.
But we don't really know what the full story and the possibility of a new school, since already there was a HUGE decline of Witchers. So we'll just have to see where that goes and how they'll go about what was shown in the trailer.
lol, I wish I could say that it was, but the trick with the eyes makes it brow raising. Only the top percent of men, the physical aspect of their biology, is what allows them to survive. So if weak, they won't survive. And the trials may have been male designed because it focused on men.
I think people are worried about changing the lore, or bending the 'laws', so to speak to get what they're presenting to work. So I think if they don't change it but work on smartly developing or adding to it that will allow female witchers, then awesome!
Lmao the only thing that makes Ciri not a “true” Witcher is she never had the mutations, but she’s been trained by Witchers and has supernatural abilities anyways
And none of that is even important, because Ciri is an awesome character and it makes complete sense to make a sequel about her
Sapkowski was woke before the term appeared, and it was in the 1990s when he started the whole damn thing.
Frankly I am stunned how realistic Ciri looks. I am from Poland and she does look like a woman from this region - minus the scars, armour and swords.
She was ceremoniously awarded the title of witcher. But she never went thru the trial of the grasses, because she would die if she did. Adults die in the trial, women die, actually most boys die but the ones who make it are always male. Biology, women cant be witchers
I just find it an interesting new thing, like, there's so many cool questions to it. "Can you be a witcher without undergoing the Trial?" or "Was women not being allowed to become witchers witcher tradition or was there science/magic they had to unfuck?". Like as a hook that's pretty cool.
doubt anyone'd ask to see your witchers license if you showed up to their village with the head of the ghoul that killed their uncle or whatever and asked who's supposed to be paying you
But she has the magical steroid cat eyes though I need to know how we got here this is absolutely critical to my enjoyment of a videogame that only exists in one prerendered trailer
It doesn't even make sense lore wise. Geralt chose Ciri as payment from duny to become a witcher regardless of their gender. Just because we only see male witchers in the series doesn't mean there can't be female ones. It's just the mortality rate for becoming a witcher is abysmal.
only read the first book but in witcher 3 there are some lines about how only boys are typically made witchers. but like there's also nothing in the lore that would prevent ciri from being one anyway. pretty sure a village being attacked by a monster will hire anyone who can kill it lmao
I really recommend reading all those books they’re so worth it. And they even mention this “issue” in the books, yeah never before there was a female Witcher, but there aren’t exactly any specific rules that forbid it.
So Geralt literally decides why the hell not and starts to teach Ciri to be a Witcher, that is in the third book (the first novel) and these moments are also showed in Witcher 3 as past memories.
Literally all those complain about Ciri, never actually read the books.
I got kicked from the official Discord for saying that people who had a problem with it were stupid & had never engaged seriously with the story.
I also called some of them gooners bc they were upset she'd aged and looked different as a result, but still,
Those dumbasses never read the actual books and have been fan of the series only because of their gooning since Witcher 2.
My only “grip” with Witcher 4 is how will they balance the gameplay, because lore-wise Ciri at that point would be OP as fuck, she would be the most powerful witcher ever.
My guess is that they're going to borrow from book lore and have this take place after the second Conjunction of the Spheres. They can use that to hand wave something about how magic is different now and her powers don't work the same.
I expect that the process of undertaking the Trial of the Grasses has dulled her ability to use her Elder Blood stuff. I do think that'll be an upgrade tree in the game, but likely be much less powerful
Also, she was quite strong in Witcher 3, but she was still quite vulnerable. And I thought she couldn't undergo the witcher mutations, so she would have had to come by those powers some other way, perhaps?
The thing is, in my opinion Ciri’s own powers are far more superior than witchers powers, so she doesn’t even need to go through the classic trials of mutation. It’s true, that in the end she is still just a human (with elven blood), so she’s vulnerable, but still in that universe she’s really OP.
Theres some peripheral Witcher material (tabletop game and I believe some comics) where the Cat school figured out a way to make women witchers. They could go that route. The games changed a lot of lore from the books.
It was this thread that I learned of the ability and I think its awesome! I almost bought PC version because I heard there was a mod that allowed you to play her in 3.
Actually she was trained to be one in Kaer Morhen because the guys and their master did not know what else to do with a young girl. She was so pleased to learn how to properly use a sword and to fight.
It's not woke, it's not canon, it's in the books
She cant be a Witcher? Who cares! She can bend space and time! That and a good writer could come up with some rational to justify it so that she could be. No problema :)
i love how the witcher games pretty flagrantly break the lore of the books in favor of doing cool stuff all the time and yet letting you play as the coolest character is somehow too far for them lol
This implies any of these woke screeching morons who did get to that part would've actually read or listened to anything substantial. But then again they're the ones who refuse to touch grass despite being fully capable of doing so.
There never was anything about women not being able to be witchers both in games and in books. Moreover the author uses gender neutral words to describe kids who die during the ritual many times, Geralt himself says Ciri gender doesn't matter.
idk about the books but in witcher 3 i'm pretty sure they explicitly say only boys would be given the mutations to become witchers and if you get the ending where ciri becomes a witcher it's pretty much explicitly stated she's the only one
There is some non-book Witcher material where the Cat school started giving girls the trial and Ciri is wearing a Lynx medallion, the offshoot of the Cat school formed in W3. So the Lynx school might be allowing girls to do the trial by this point in the game.
In Blood of Elves, the first book. Generally the author is very progressive given a lot of his pro-women statements are from years ago in Poland + the entire witcher saga is about how racism simplified tribalism is bad.
It's fantasy anything can happen! I mean - Wedge Antilles thought there was no way you could hit a 2 meter target, even with a computer, until a man who used to bullseye womp rats with his T-16 back home showed him how to do the impossible.
geralt is the first witcher to go into retirement and ciri is the first teleporty time woman to be a witcher, firsts are cool. given the subject matter the series has dealt with i'm sure there'll be plenty of characters with their own reservations about her. conflict is good storytelling
it does suck for them that the series that's known for trying to tell more mature complex stories isn't just making a game about a guy that levels up so he can face a clear bad guy and maybe the bad guy wronged him in some way and was callous about it because he was evil
Right? Ciri, the First of her Kind. All sorts of adventures could come from that. Now the Wild Hunt want her even more, but not to kill her, to turn her to their side.
I have misread "witchers" as "witches," but considering that the word "witcher" is an English translation of the Slavic word "vedmak" (meaning "male witch"), my point stands.
i remember those morons actually bitching about that ending and calling it non-canon because "SJW propaganda" (remember the anti-SJW crusade from 2013-2017? I member)
Some gamers aren't real fans then, Ciri is the best choice to carry the torch. Also my girl is too busy killing monsters and taking names to put on a face for the chuds, stop the bitching.
Remember people getting knickers in a bunch over them having a black actor play this character? "And most hauntingly, a twelve-year-old girl from District 11. She has dark brown skin and eyes, but other than that, she's very like Prim in size and demeanor."
I’ve never played the games but the show was HILARIOUSLY woke. There was a whole episode about how sexual violence was a uniquely horrifying type of depravity!
Not sure he is retiring ^^
By the way, they told years ago that Geralt's adventures would not continue in a new game.
Ciri is great =]
But she is overpowered 😵
the people angry at videogames right now are the ones with deliberating porn addictions. The reason they're angry is because they think the female protagonists aren't attractive enough.
I've read a few of their hot takes and they think Horizon was made because of 'DEI' and that's why they scrapped Killzone because of Women apparently. *sigh*
From just a narrative point of view only male perspectives are boring af. I don't understand these people at all. Metroid for instance wouldn't his the same if instead of Samus Aran it was some Master chief type dude.
There's always a bunch of bros ready to whine about women leads, minority leads, etc. Whatever....maybe it'll push them out into the real world so they can meet some and learn they don't bite. 🙄
You shouldn't stress things like this. People tend to like what they can relate to and/or enjoy, and as long as those that can relate to and/or enjoy it outnumber those that don't, it will be successful. My advice is to stop antagonizing those that don't like the game you like.
I think Lara Croft is getting another Tomb Raider game (Set in India).
Watch them suddenly turn against her and call it "woke" despite Lara's been a MC for like, 30 years. Anti woke people are seriously getting that dumb now.
Yeah it just basically confirmed the Witcher Ciri ending as canon and I have zero problem with that as long as the game is good. CD Projekt red has not missed yet
There was a woman who was trained under The School of the Viper as a remember of Letho's cadre in Assassin of Kings. People throwing the biggest fits never played more than the first act of Wild Hunt.
Personally i have nothing against Ciri being a new MC but I remember seeing interviews with CDPR people saying that new Witcher games will have a completely different story/characters.. I was kinda hoping for that.. especially since everything else Witcher related was always about Ciri (books...)
I expect she’d have gone through the trials since W3. She’s Lynx school, the offshoot of the Cat school formed in W3. In the tabletop games the Cat school allowed women to go through the trials. I wouldn’t be surprised if they take some inspiration from that.
I've literally seen it called a "bait and switch". It's mind-blowing.
Not only is Geralt done adventuring, but they showed you the main character is female in the first trailers for the game, how on earth is that a "bait and switch"? I'll never understand these people.
I think gamergate showed us that they're a mix of people who know how to lie in a way that gets things repeated, and users who get tricked by that small group into amplifying stupid ideas.
I bought Witcher 2 and never got around to it. Maybe I'll buy Witcher 4 too, just to tick them off.
They make a lot more sense when you realize they don't want to be challenged in any way and want the gaming industry to never change and pump out slop made just for them.
The lore says that women have not historically become Witchers because they can't survive the process. The point the sock-molesting incels missed, because they clearly didn't play Witcher 3, is that Ciri has Elder blood, and is perfectly capable of being a Witcher.
It's the same issue with the new Fable game having a female protagonist. "She's ugly" or "she sounds manly" or other bullshit. I'm excited to have Ciri as the main character and I look forward to bugging Geralt in his retirement like a good daughter should.
There's literally notes you can find that indicate that the school of the cat accepted women and men both. The reason they stopped experimenting on women as a rule is their survival rate was even lower than boys so it was decided it was barbaric to try. It's why ciri had a cat medallion she found
Gamers are stupid (ues, Im generalizing). They announced that she would be the main character in 4 back just after Blood and Wine released. It's been what I thought was common news for years now. Anyways, the trailer was dope as fuck.
A depressingly large number of gamers hate women or anyone queer or not white. That's why they always freak out about characters like Tash in veilguard or the newest assassin creed etc.
I dont't really see what the problem is. Sure I hope Ciri doesn't play like she does in Witcher 3, but generally she's the most obvious protagonist for anyone who knows the original stories
Who else could it even be? Eskel? Dandelion? Some random side character?
They clearly haven’t read the books. Ciri & Geralt are essentially co-main characters in the novels, with most of the focus being on Ciri in the later ones.
Not saying “she can’t,” her gameplay sections were great in 3, but it does negate certain ending options. For instance, if she became heir/empress of Nilfgaard, it would be both strange and irresponsible of her to be trekking around slaying monsters when she should be governing.
Oh really? That’s a bummer. I felt that the Nilfgaard ending was the best outcome and highest quality of life for the most folks.
Then again, a relatively stable and egalitarian nation led by a reality saving super-empress would be a fairly dull gameplay environment.
I’m disappointed because it was pretty clear in Witcher 3 that witchers were a dying, if not completely dead, profession and that monsters were less of problem.
A years-back prequel to the era when witchers were most needed made more sense to me.
I think a story about the last witcher, attempting to protect people and monsters in a world where the church of eternal fire is in political power is honestly an interesting and exciting idea
Think I heard Pillar Of Garbage call them anti-fans? People who don't consume the media they complain about but instead manufacture outrage for clicks and clout. And their sources are all each other, it's very insular.
Even then, the game won't be out for 4 years minimum. Those ppl need to have some faith in CDPR, they write good shit and I have faith any questions ppl may have will be answered.
(Yes I know I'm putting faith in ppl who aren't looking to change their minds)
No kidding. Hell, my usually coop bud who is a dude. Does so for that reason.
Heck, he is looking forward to playing Witcher 4.
Gets funny since, I tend to play a dude and him a gal while we coop. Or, both of us play gals and we do funny stuff like, bad arse girl band beating up mons in MH.
Ciri is gonna be badass. The game is going to have an amazing clash of what monsters really are. I plan on buying it myself. This spurs me to get into the books and games even more.
Its why I turned off the scrolling comments last night. Hell its why I left other social media platforms. I just want to talk good games and that games looks amazing. I can't wait to play as Ciri again 💚💚💚
Ciri is a better witcher than Geralt, due her innate power, beside her full access to witcher skills and training. Geralt only has better skills due his age/experience.
The prologue also shows Ciri training at Kaer Morhen. It's not like her being a Witcher came out of nowhere. She's been training most of her life to be one
Training is not enough. Tere's an entire process of agumenting a human into a witcher. And the knowlege of how to do that is lost. They can't make new witchers.
Magic was adopted by humans from elves. Ciri is part elf and inherits the ability, she doesn’t necessarily need to do the Trial to gain the abilities. She comes full circle back to Falka as the bridge between humans and elves.
She's pretty magic, and she's friendos with some powerful witches. I bet someone can figure it out.
Also, I don't know, how about letting the game explain it? Shut, do you throw away a Superman comic because gravity is a binding force and humans can't naturally overcome it?
That's what I don't understand. She has powers of elder blood. This is beyound anything a witcher can achieve. I don't see a reason why would she subject herself to a procedure that is notoriously dangerous for benefit that pales in comparison to what she can do already.
The guy who first decided to take a flat summ of money instead of % from the first game and then tried to sue CDPR when he saw that game actually sold well?
I am just waiting for the inevitable ugly looking single frame that isn't at all what she normally looks like to get posted alongside claims that she's been made uglier, alongside mods to make her look like a fusion of a 12 year old and a pron star.
They pull this every time a game has a female protag that isn't a supermodel. It's a major part of their modus operandi. Whine because female protag, call female protag ugly. They just hate women.
This is the context I’ve needed this morning, thank you for clarifying the “female protagonist” stuff I’ve been seeing
(I missed the TGAs last night)
Female Witcher seems correct
But also: I feel like the gender of the Witcher is irrelevant? Idk much ab the series, so idrk
Just my opinion
This is what I keep thinking, humans learned magic from elves and Ciri holds the powers of Falka, why do the Trials to gain the powers she was born with.
I mean a Witcher is basically the equivalent of a male witch so it's not surprising a female witch raised as a witcher who has ancient blood could become a witcher
Ciri is the natural continuation of the story. She's basically immortal and can control time and the Witcher Trails being passable for her isn't exactly overdoing it ffs.
The Internet has too many "incelligent" people who BADLY need to touch grass or get laid.
I'm ok with female characters who are in protagonist like laura croft she's my favorite character in my childhood when I was playing tomb raider and then I chose a female character in far cry 6 as a protagonist, and I'm glad ciri was in new Witcher 4 and other gamers they're just dumb
Those "gamers" didn't play Witcher 3. Probably won't play Witcher 4. Probably don't even play RPGs. They're just mad that a female protagonist has replaced a male one in a series.
I dislike them opting for Ciri because I thought the best ending was Empress Ciri despite being bittersweet. The primary mechanism in the ending is choosing to trust Ciri to make her own choices. The difference between Witcher and Empress Ciri is whether you allow her and her father to talk.
Frankly, they should've done it from the start. The first game had some nice, true-to-the-source love-letter-to-the-books vibes. This was what I loved about it. But making someone other than Geralt the protagonist would've make it better.
It's the usual engagement created by fake fans of the IP who in all likelyhood never played any of the games and just want to manufucature an artifical culture war with grifters
Same thing as with Veilguard "who ruined DA by turning it woke" despite the series having been woke as fuck since day one
the whole reason i played The House of Fata Morgana is because of dipshits getting performatively upset about the phrase "fragile male ego" in the English loc
and it's such a goddamn self-report because it's only in the extras content, which pretty much CEMENTS that they never ACTUALLY played it
to have seen the phrase "fragile male ego" in the game's text would mean they would've had to played the game through, and unless they skipped over all the dialogue just to reach it, this would mean they somehow missed the fact that the game is absolutely fucking "political" in the ways they hate
by the end of the books when she is 16, she is described as the female witcher, the games have her as around 21.
If they have her chugging back witcher potions or using magic that isn't her ancient blood rite teleportation stuff I'll be upset tho.
You got the good ending. I did too! I was pretty shocked when I watched the other ones on youtube. All you had to do was respect Ciri's autonomy while being supportive as a father figure...
My brother said he was a big Witcher fan, read all the books, played all the games but the second a women is the Witcher he lost his mind 🤦🏼♂️ shit has me wondering how we are related. I was just excited for another game but what do I know 🤷🏼♂️
witcher 3, as the name suggests, is the 3rd installment in a series of games. And those r based on novels. And the characters come from the novels. And Cirilla is a pivotal character in this story, with chapters dedicated to her. This isnt specific to witcher 3
The good Witcher 3 ending literally set itself up as the start of Ciri’s new journey. Acting shocked is about as bizarre as being outraged at Ellie kissing women when she did that in a Last of Us DLC from 2014!!
whoa wait a minute, you can't just tell me there's a new Witcher game where you play as Ciri like that, you don't understand i will never financially recover from this
Witcher 4 about to become the second ever game i bother preordering (hilariously the first was Witcher 3)
You literally start TW3 with a dream where Geralt is training little Ciri to be a witcher. To be able to play as adult witcher Ciri is just chef's kiss. Who else could TW4's protagonist even be?
I messed up my playthrough by missing the Yen quest and if you don’t pursue Triss and are alone in the second DLC IIRC Ciri comes and is like hey you wanna go hunt monsters here and Geralt responds with “I dunno I’m kinda getting tired of it. You go on alone.”
This is why I don't engage with mainstream gamer discourse. Like oh no the game did the thing that conflicts with your world view, yeah and the gaming industry conflicts with my world views over the amount of layoffs it does every month.
Get the fuck in line.
“Did they not play Witcher 3” of course not, none of these idiots actually play video games, they just mald about how “woke” they are on twitter and watch clickbait YouTube videos about it
Did I not call it? LOL Same dudes who were upset that TWN is making the story align *more or less* with the books and increasingly making Ciri the focus.
Most of these grown ass men getting mad at "woke" games are so porn addicted they have broken their sense of reality. Imagine being a streamer who's whole identity and income is based around keeping those very men in a constant rage at not being able to wank it to video games...
And it's not like they can't find video games that are sexual or that fit their desires. There are plenty of them online, in fact. They just won't be made mainstream because - *news flash* - not everyone needs their video games to be pornos.
Tifa is simultaneously the beautiful woman only Japanese studios uncorrupted by Western AAA devs will give you and ruined forever by woke DEI garbage because she wears a sports bra
I mean OG RE3 Jill looks like a character out of ReBoot. Remake RE3 Jill actually has a personality and is modeled after a Russian Model to boot. The most egregious complaint is the one against reboot Lara Croft. Maybe they find Porygon attractive idk.
They gotta be using some really wack beauty standards at this rate. I was like, damn. She actually has form and is dope looking. Since, she was reminding me more of what like characters in Ghost in the Shell and Aeon Flux look.
I suppose if you only see women as sexual objects, you'll never be able to accept one as the MC. Being asked to project yourself on to her- or empathize- is a thought experiment is beyond your cognitive capacity. And if her looks don't meet your standards, you genuinely will ask what the point was.
I think some of them are not even aware that the books exists AND that they were written before the idea of the game was conceived (and not as an afterthought).
I didn't mean it as an excuse for them, the lack of knowledge (especially one that can be so easily acquired) is never an excuse.
Just an additional angle that highlights how deeply and dangerously clueless they are
The main thing is it doesn't make a lot of sense, she has omega super powers, there's no need for her to drink potions or undergo mutations. She's basically the Jesus of the witcher setting
Especially when she was basically the center figure for the plot in most of the novels as a CHILD OF DESTINY gifted with generationally impactful powers she's spend the entire series learning to control. It's weird that people would be shocked when the entire point of Game 3 was finding her 🤦🏾
I do understand if people didn’t want a canon ending for Witcher 3, and I personally prefer if it was a custom character, but Ciri is such a cool character that I can get behind the decision.
That's the thing, The Witcher franchise has NEVER been about Custom Characters. You got some freedom in Geralt, but by and large he was a defined character with a defined past. You were just going along on his adventures.
Either way. They can freak out and cry, I'm just super interested in how the game will be. I loved the side content in W3, don't care who or what I'm playing as long as it stacks up to that. Hope game good, hope it fun.
They're happy to play games where the protagonist is a hedgehog or a robot or even a cat, but an actual human woman is a too much for them to handle...
You’re overthinking this. They’re going to react this way to any media that doesn’t feature a white male protagonist because they’re incel fuckwits. Just ignore them, they hate that.
it may alarm you to be informed of this but I am sorry to tell you that gamer bros are, in fact, demonstrably, dumb as shit and functionally illiterate
all the complaints i have heard are people saying “she’s not hot.” that was what that g r o u p said about the women in silent hill 2 as well! i’m like dude… what are you talking about? 😵💫
And none of that is even important, because Ciri is an awesome character and it makes complete sense to make a sequel about her
Frankly I am stunned how realistic Ciri looks. I am from Poland and she does look like a woman from this region - minus the scars, armour and swords.
Which is to say these men have probably never gotten the Ciri Witcher ending.
Also Ciri was raised by witchers and trained like witcher. Lack of extreme reflexes was taught to overcome by cunning. It paid off.
Literally all those complain about Ciri, never actually read the books.
I also called some of them gooners bc they were upset she'd aged and looked different as a result, but still,
My only “grip” with Witcher 4 is how will they balance the gameplay, because lore-wise Ciri at that point would be OP as fuck, she would be the most powerful witcher ever.
Also, she was quite strong in Witcher 3, but she was still quite vulnerable. And I thought she couldn't undergo the witcher mutations, so she would have had to come by those powers some other way, perhaps?
It's not woke, it's not canon, it's in the books
Ciri’s magic is such that it’d not be out of left field for her to just make whatever changes she needs to make to her biochemistry as a one off.
Seeing her all grown and badass makes me honestly emotional 😭 it will be fantastic
Yea they can’t go through the trial of grasses.
Difference is Ciri is a child of Elder blood. She can literally transport herself and others to different universes.
To say “it would kill her” is pretty stupid. Ciri was always the protagonist of the series.
They both are the series protagonist. Hell Geralt was dead before the first game. Which Ret-conned the books ending.
There are so many places they could take this and the chuds are hung up on gender. It's boring of them, and sad.
they're so hilariously clueless you just wanna pat them on the head. Only you don't cause yikes.
I can't wait for the game, I need CDPR to take their time though.
wait a minute
there was more than one!
By the way, they told years ago that Geralt's adventures would not continue in a new game.
Ciri is great =]
But she is overpowered 😵
I 100% OK having Ciri as the main character, and I intend to buy Witcher 4.
People complaining about it can get bent.
Have they forgotten about Tomb Raider? Always had the same female protagonist. And Horizon Zero Dawn?
(I use Arch^H^H^H^H Linux, BTW)
It is just being mad about the existence of women now.
Watch them suddenly turn against her and call it "woke" despite Lara's been a MC for like, 30 years. Anti woke people are seriously getting that dumb now.
It's what they did for the anime adaptation it got.
These people are insane to be upset about this
Not only is Geralt done adventuring, but they showed you the main character is female in the first trailers for the game, how on earth is that a "bait and switch"? I'll never understand these people.
I bought Witcher 2 and never got around to it. Maybe I'll buy Witcher 4 too, just to tick them off.
but also:
I'm looking forward to seeing protag Ciri 🫡
Wouldn't pay much mind to it, I think the reveal was awesome and Ciri is a fantastic character
And also, because they never played thru the whole game or they would know they hinted at this.
Or are the Chuds just upset a female was in the trailer as the protagonist?
Divide and conquer is the rich elites strategy to oppress us.
Who else could it even be? Eskel? Dandelion? Some random side character?
Le shock. Le surprise.
It helps that the Ciri becoming a Witcher ending was essentially confirmed as the canon version.
Then again, a relatively stable and egalitarian nation led by a reality saving super-empress would be a fairly dull gameplay environment.
A years-back prequel to the era when witchers were most needed made more sense to me.
By timeline Ciri would be the only Witcher left.
These people clearly did not even play the game nor the DLC.
P.S Let Geralt have retirement in peace people, he has earned it.
(Yes I know I'm putting faith in ppl who aren't looking to change their minds)
Heck, he is looking forward to playing Witcher 4.
Gets funny since, I tend to play a dude and him a gal while we coop. Or, both of us play gals and we do funny stuff like, bad arse girl band beating up mons in MH.
CD PROJEKT RED said no more Games with Geralt as the main character.
Also, I don't know, how about letting the game explain it? Shut, do you throw away a Superman comic because gravity is a binding force and humans can't naturally overcome it?
It's going to happen and I will sigh deeply at it
Bring Ciri on - fricking awesome!
(I missed the TGAs last night)
Female Witcher seems correct
But also: I feel like the gender of the Witcher is irrelevant? Idk much ab the series, so idrk
Just my opinion
I’ve never gotten into the Witcher stuff
I tried reading it once, and I couldn’t get into it lol
The Internet has too many "incelligent" people who BADLY need to touch grass or get laid.
And I fully agree. Leave Geralt to his little vineyard. He survived!
Same thing as with Veilguard "who ruined DA by turning it woke" despite the series having been woke as fuck since day one
and it's such a goddamn self-report because it's only in the extras content, which pretty much CEMENTS that they never ACTUALLY played it
If they have her chugging back witcher potions or using magic that isn't her ancient blood rite teleportation stuff I'll be upset tho.
Ciri is a great and logical choice because it means it can be at least tangential rather than completely brand new and foreign.
Witcher 4 about to become the second ever game i bother preordering (hilariously the first was Witcher 3)
Get the fuck in line.
They are just grifters wanting to make some money of being offended by "woke" or some shit.
Honestly I’ll probably play W4 because i never liked Geralt’s voice and it kept me from enjoying 1-3
I know it's a slim chance, but if we get Henry caville do an appearance as another witcher I'd be stupendously happy.
I mean, I've seen the character model. She fits every eurocentric beauty standard, sans being 20 years old.
The horror of looking at a smoking hot 40 something for an entire campaign.
Witchers stop aging when they reach around 40. They are immortal but pay for it with sterility.
So we essentially see Ciri in this coming game when she has aged as much as she ever will. She could be 100 for all I know.
At this point I think they're just not attracted to women.
They gotta be using some really wack beauty standards at this rate. I was like, damn. She actually has form and is dope looking. Since, she was reminding me more of what like characters in Ghost in the Shell and Aeon Flux look.
Besides the fact who cares if a MC is hot, what the actual fuck?
Bet these are the same guys complaining about Ilona Maher's SI photo shoot.
Just an additional angle that highlights how deeply and dangerously clueless they are
This is no different.
People didn't cry when they made Luigi a protag for Mansion...(well they kinda did, but mostly because the GC didn't launch with a Mario platformer)