Do you think, if Joe Biden was like “we’re going to cause a recession but after that we’ll have a golden age,” that the Washington Post would say “oh he’s just not explaining his plan very well”?
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All a person can do is stop sending them any $, and drop by the site every couple of months to tell them what a disgrace they are to journalism everywhere.
Please stop using Joe Biden as an example. Trump is the stupidest president in US history, elected by the slimmer margin in US history. There is no comparison between a demented autocratic malignant, narcissist, and an intelligent, educated former president.
This is misleading. The "what if" scenarios don't actually tell us shit. I searched "Joe Biden" on the post's site and 50 articles in I don't see one negative headline about him. Fuck the WP, oligarch mouthpiece, but your statement is partisan and tells us nothing.
If Biden had done a quarter of what the dollar-store dictator has done since January, an impeachment proceeding would already be underway with support from both parties and all news media.
It's a bad day in history where Trump re-enacts the pig "Windmill plan" from George Orwell's animal farm - and Western media just go "oh but maybe he just isn't clear enough in his message?
Well, he's not explaining it very well. Do you hear Trump actually saying: "It's going to be a total shitshow and everything is going to crash and burn and we'll have mass unemployment and severe widespread poverty"? I'm not hearing that explanation from him. 🤷🏻
Sooooo tired of the WaPo and other RethugliCon billionaire owned MSM. Jesus Christ. Why bother pointing out how exceptionally biased they all are towards Trump. They love what Heritage/Trump/Musk/Thiel are doing. Just delete, cancel, and ignore. Spend your time on supporting real media.
If a newspaper has to clarify what the president said this much, then the president can't form coherent sentences, and the paper feels the need to cover the president's stupidity in craft glitter to sell more papers rather than do their jobs and question his incoherent word vomit, ya know, their job
🗣 THIS IS WHY boycotting Amazon every single day is *necessary.* They're a search engine. Buy products you see on Amazon directly from the merchant or buy local as much as you can until dude gets the message! *Anyone else* but Amazon.
The Washington Reifenstahl is doing a pretty good job at making the stupidest president the U.S. has ever had NOT look like the stupidest president we have ever had. Not an easy job with Trump. Bezo spent a lot to do this. Does he think it was money well spent?
This is what makes me so mad. He’s so fing obsessed with Biden. I mean what’s next.. Biden caused storms that 40+ horrifying deaths of Americans over the weekend while he’s off fing golfing?! It’s like white noise.. Biden this, Biden that.
Yup. There is a level at which point tariffs kick in. Agreed to by TreasonousTrump, which we all know his word isn't worth shit. That import level has never been reached.
Here is an article explaining Trump’s use of “schemas”, intellectual shortcuts for processing information. “golden age” is a great example of this. Note: Substack article but requires free subscription to author.
There is no real plan—just a scheme to enrich himself and his family. That’s it. Take as much as possible, as fast as possible, and stay in the game until the pockets are full. Nothing more, nothing less.
🤔 Some of them will be conscripted into the military to guard the borders and international Trump hotels and casinos in Gaza, Panama and elsewhere. 🤷🏻♂️🙈🤬
'Golden Age' for whom... and define 'Golden Age' // I don't see prosperity on the horizon for any Americans unless they are already in the multiple 7 figure plus range...
Frankly, a toddler could have written this article and it would prob be infinitely more coherent
What I think is, it's time to stop asking what media would say if Biden did whatever. Biden is gone, Trump is the reality. Focus only on what Trump has done, plans to do, could do, will do and how to stop him doing more shit.
The Kennedy files. The inspection of Ft Knox to see if the gold is still there. Distractions to the real destruction the Orange Clown’s regime is doing. Check the second headline.
If he creates the best economy anyone ever imagined we’ll still be alienated the world over, never to be trusted by the rest of the free world. We’ll still be living in fascism.
The lede's word choice is propaganda: "President Donald Trump's economic plan is causing BRIEF pain while the nation ADVANCES to a new "GOLDEN AGE." In the revised article, they now start with "President Donald Trump acknowledges" but nowhere in the 1650+ word article does he acknowledge anything.
What the hell is this psychological thing where Trump is allowed to do stupid shit and rather than say "that's stupid" they tie themselves in knots to justify it?
Makes me think I'm living in the movie Being There, but Chance becomes president.
Allow me to explain Trump/Project 2025 vision then: The billionaires get all the money and the rest of us are displaced by AI and should go away and die. Any questions?
He's not explaining it well because there is no plan. I am so glad I cancelled my long time subscription to the post and recently cancelled Amazon Prime as well.
He did cause inflation and after that we had a (potential beginning of a) golden age and the Washington Post did not say "oh he just didn't explain his plan very well."
There is no explanation for this attempt to normalise other than they are courting favour with Trump. The central reason that markets are taking fright is that they are not seeing any sign of a plan.
Or if Biden had an African man rustling through our country’s data and randomly firing whole swaths of government workers without rhythm or reason and the Dems in Congress just sat on their hands and let it happen…
the funny thing is that before trump the crash was inevitable but the banking sector was fine. the unrealized losses numbers were batshit but it was because the banks hold shitloads of US treasuries which have incurred interest rate collapse. if they had liquidity they'd be fine
by inserting so much uncertainty and fear into the markets, trump is causing consumers and businesses to pull liquidity out of banks and putting the banks in severe danger of collapse should a recession occur under these circumstances, because the banks will have to dump the bonds at a loss to cover
cash outlays without going insolvent and triggering FDIC intervention. the treasuries if they can hold them to maturity are profitable, but only if they can mature, otherwise they're major losses just for a bank to stay afloat. it'd likely be leveraged derivatives causing a disastrous crash again
one would hope banks didn't fuck up and go unhedged against more stable loans and debt they have in order to fish for higher returns, but american banks are a lot more... cowboy than some other western countries' are
"It's going to be sho brief, such briefness, you won't believe how brief it's going to be. People ask me, how are you making it sho brief, I shay 'I don't know!' just wait till I tell you how Golden it's going to be."
I feel like something like journalistic ethics would dictate at least phrasing it as "The Trump administration claims that...", but I guess professional journalists understand that better
they could literally make it unegregious (still not good but not pathetically weak and unethical) by just saying "his plan is TO cause 'brief pain' while the nation advances to a 'Golden Age'". But that's not simping hard enough for them.
Instead of “golden age”, I’d suggest that Trump is actually working toward a “Gilded Age”, but I suspect too few people would understand why that would be a bad idea even if it worked.
If it’s not a petty vengeful move like killing VOA after a reporter from there asked a question he didn’t like, he has no freaking idea what he’s doing, and he couldn’t care less as long as his fat ass stays out of jail and he can keep golfing multiple times a week at our expense.
No need for an explanation. It’s playing out in front of the whole world. The Washington Post is simply asking everyone not to believe the evidence of their own eyes. (See George Orwell for more details)
Most economists say Trump’s tariffs will increase inflation, slow economic growth, hurt U.S. workers and result in American consumers footing the bill for his tariffs.
Complete BS. Trump and Republican's plan is to loot as much as they can as fast as they can while holding off impeachment and prosecution as long as they can with distractions and excuses.
No. They all have capitulated to the Orange God. There is no fourth estate anymore, and it no longer is here to protect us. One wonders how journalism is "taught" nowadays. Not very well.
Rump doesn't care about the economy, he is draining the treasury and going to put in his bitcoin so it cannot be traced. He wanted to take all the salaries of the people fired and do the same with those funds.
Trump has no plan. He thinks when he puts a tariff on a foreign good that foreign country pays us money… seriously. He’s said so numerous times. Why major media and national level dems haven’t picked up on this is infuriating.
A. Dismantle society
B. Cause a massive recession
C. ?????
D. Enjoy a Golden Age
eggs 🥚 and groceries still massively HIGH!
The rest of us will continue to suffer.
That’s some crazy shit
Joseph Goebbels would be envious of such a fine job of applying lipstick on these pigs!
Spread the word!
What a shitty time we live in
No longer will your children aspire to becoming doctors, lawyers, or scientists.
Instead, your sons will aspire to semi-skilled labor while your daughters as a rule will only become homemakers.
Frankly, a toddler could have written this article and it would prob be infinitely more coherent
WaPo went soft on Trump sometime around 2022. I think Bezos started meddling then.
Trump turns 79 in June...crickets.
Please ghost it and ghost Amazon, which WaPo Nazi owner Jeff Bezos also owns.
We dropped Amazon easily and so can you.
“You see, Billionaires HAVE to get huge tax breaks because of how much tax they paid for their MegaYachts!”
And don’t worry, all the losses bounced back on March 4th!
Take the time to watch this, if you a haven’t already:
Another account to block
Like reduce the federal workforce, pretty simple concept, the execution of it has been awful beyond anyone’s imagination.
Makes me think I'm living in the movie Being There, but Chance becomes president.
The WP is just a propaganda rag working for Trump and the Republican Party.
Middle-class become poverty stricken.
The fascist Oligarchy wants recession for an obvious reason. They will force a recession.
now... who knows
Sure man.
The double standard wasn’t subtle before the election but holy shit now its as subtle as a punch in the face
Get the story straight Washington Post.
#trump #economy
But don't claim he planned anything.
Would have been most appropriate headline!