All I could think reading "I messed up at work again" is a little kid coming home from school in the 50s like leave it to beaver, where he kicks the floor and says jee-whiz mom, I got in trouble at school again...
Messed up!? Messed up is reversing two numbers. Not adding a civilian into war plans!
I am shocked that info about “Houthi member seen entering his girlfriend’s house” was not redacted on print out of Hegseth’s Attack Plan. The undercover person who reported this to US May be identified and tortured. This is classified information putting our agents at risk. Just plain stupid!
Meanwhile, JD Vance confirms he thought he was joining a thread with Christophe Waltz to reminisce about the movie Inglorious Basterds, where the US rampage through Europe
D.O.G.E needs to clean this up. Every last senate nominated secretary should resign because of the incompetence and fecklessness. These idiots are true DEI hires. The entire White House staff including the current occupant are the picture of Fraud, Waste, and Abuse.
These Boomers don’t understand how technology works. Seems like Waltz was trying to get Ambassador Jamieson Greer on there and accidentally hit Jeffrey Goldberg who was most likely right above his name. You’d think he would check this before starting the conversation 🤦♀️
Oh my mistake. Thought he was older. My point is that he probably doesn’t understand how Signal really works and accidentally added Goldberg by mistake.
My apologies, didn’t mean to offend you or anyone else. I’m Gen X born in 76’ and barely know how Signal works. Bottom line is that the National Security Advisor should’ve checked all of the list names before proceeding with sensitive info that put our servicemen in danger.
it’s only Tuesday and Trump’s already: leaked war plans in a group chat, pardoned Hunter’s ex-biz partner, tried to kill the dept of ed, and dropped like 5 exec orders. Season 2.0 of the trump reality show is off to a chaotic start 📺
A mess up and all those texts were official records. And after firing the NARA Archivist none other than Marco Rubio (aka MAR) is acting archivist. Good job!
🇺🇸If you can't #protest write or call your state reps- use this Website:
You can clear the pre_written letter, and change the topic. 🚫 #DOGE, save our #Constitution! 🇺🇸. PEACEFUL protests avoid martial law.
Congresswoman Julie Fedorchak held a “Phone Town Hall” tonight. She insisted there was no classified information shared and this was just a “mistake.”
Incidentally, EVERY question she received challenged the actions of the administration. THIS, IN THE VERY RED STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA!
If nothing else, at least this fiasco means we can finally put to bed the lingering notion any of these muppets were ever engaged in “4D chess” strategy.
I’d say at best they might aspire to the black v white simplicity of checkers…but then there’s the choking hazard to worry about.
Lying useless asswipe!! Be an honorable man and step down. Berating Mr Goldman is the lowest of the low and you invited him into your illegal chat re war plans and you want us to believe that he’s the bad guy!! Go screw yourself and take the rest of the 18 with you!! Sick of this BS pretend admin!
If they started acting like an opposition party instead of trying to be more likeable Republicans, that other third of the country might have actually come out to vote and we wouldn't be watching American democracy swirl down the drain.
But apparently that's not an option. That never seems to be an option. They're always so busy trying to win Republican votes that they have stopped caring about keeping Democrats. They're cowards every time it matters. If they started taking their own side in the fight they'd win some elections.
Then vote Republican. I don't know what to tell you. If you're unhappy, then run for an office. We also had a bunch of ppl vote for a 3rd party because that always works.
People vote third party when the big two don't offer anything worth voting for. If you have actual Republicans in the republican Party and wanna-be Republicans in the Democratic Party, what else you gonna do? Keep voting Democrat on the off-chance that they might grow a collective spine?
So what can they do? They can stop collaborating and enabling and FIGHT. They can stop trying to win the votes of people who despise them and FIGHT. They can stop rolling over like obendient puppies and writing strongly-worded letters and fucking FIGHT.
You'll wait. That's all you'll do. You'll wait, just like the Democrats wait. "It's not the right time for that." "We don't have a supermajority, so we can't accomplish anything." "Right-wing voters might be mad if we do that." You think Repubs give a shit about making Dems mad? It's insane.
You know what the Democrats are thinking about right now? It's not looking at how to fight these bastards. They're looking at how to be more like them. Just once in a while, I'd love to see the Democrats try to act like a left-wing party instead of trying to mimic the right-wing one.
No, I don't because I'm not a mind reader. If you tell me you know what they're thinking I'd have to say bullshit, unless you're a mind reader. Are you mind reader?
We can get some bullshit talking points about "hard work, rugged individualism, and entrepreneurialism" and "stop demonizing wealth and corporations" and get ourselves some "traditional American imagery". We can dress in pink, bend over for the Repubs and stick a flag in our asses. What a joke.
So there ya go. THERE is the Democrat strategy. Ditch the little guys, turn to big money donors, shun the actual left-wingers, go to fucking tailgates and gun shows. Maybe dress up in pink clown suits and hold up little placards. What absolute bollocks.
No, you don't because you don't pay attention to ANYTHING your party is doing or what the big-shots who write the checks for them are telling them to do.
Republicans don't go, "Oh well, nothing we can do, so might as well give in." They fucking fight. So why can't Democrats fight that hard for an agenda that people actually want and support? If Republicans can do it for crap most of the country hates, why can't Democrats? Why?
The answer, of course, is because Republicans are not afraid to say no and mean it. When they say they're going to stop the Democratic president's agenda, they mean it. They vote together and they stand firm. I'd love to see even an ounce of that from Democrats instead of the usual jellyspines.
How come Republicans can force their will in either chamber regardless of wheher they're a minority or not, and Democrats can't get a damn thing done no matter how much of a majority they have? Think about that while you're waiting.
What did the Republicans do when they didn't have a majority and still managed to block Obama's court nominees? What did Tommy Tubberville do when he held up military promotions while Democrats controlled the Senate?
They should join the resistance on the streets and organize like AOC and Bernie are doing instead of hiding and sitting on their fat asses.
I have every confidence that Dem leadership will find a way as always to sit on their hands & keep their mouths shut. It's their specialty & the oligarchs pay them well to do so.
"National Geographic Editorial Staff" made me cry. Could have picked anything and it wouldn't have come close to the impact. I considered Teen Beat's video game review editor, Cosmo's survey Staff, or Highlights' maze designers. But I think they made the right call!
The Trump administration clearly didn’t mean to text war plans to Atlantic editor Jeff Goldberg. They meant to send it to Jeff Goldblum, the strategic genius as seen in the documentary Independence Day.
Messed up? I guess that is how we are now speaking about putting our military 🪖 soldiers' lives at risk. This will certainly minimize any intelligence sharing from our allies. The administration and all the morons on the call are stating: no big deal, nothing bad happened. I feel unsafe
What the heck. Why isn't anyone talking about the content of the chat? Hegsworth and Vance were bragging about doing the work for POTUS, and totally throwing Europe under the bus. Saying we don't want to carry them any more. Meanwhile high fiving about killing people at the command of POTUS.
In theory, the Attorney General should be bringing charges. But of course my fellow Americans voted for just the worst person who only cares about loyalty.
Ya’ll are having to dig deep these days! I’ll admit that most headlines I read these days I have to immediately verify because EVERY headline reads like an Onion headline.
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that WAS a joke, right?!
Discovering you're unqualified for a job (at his age) must be appallingly immasculating.
Thoughts and prayers.
Messed up!? Messed up is reversing two numbers. Not adding a civilian into war plans!
The Buck Stop, genius?
You can clear the pre_written letter, and change the topic. 🚫 #DOGE, save our #Constitution! 🇺🇸. PEACEFUL protests avoid martial law.
Incidentally, EVERY question she received challenged the actions of the administration. THIS, IN THE VERY RED STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA!
I’d say at best they might aspire to the black v white simplicity of checkers…but then there’s the choking hazard to worry about.
"He who acts to save his country from tyranny, domestic terrorism, Project 2025, and radical right wing criminals, violates no laws.”
I'll wait.
There's ALWAYS a race and misogyny problem in the US. There was one when Obama won, but he actually campaigned as sort of a left-wing option AND WON.
Rachel Maddow timeline is in order due to the fact timely intelligence dropped right into Putin’s lap!
War plans disseminated on an open line? CIA agent doxxed? Did Walz make a mistake or exposure? TG has a leaker.
- Jeff Goldblum
We REALLY DO need a full unbiased investigation.
It's happening again and again; when will we stop this regime???
“Hunter Biden tells Trump to ‘just get my name out of your mouth already, you fucking imbecile’.”
His wife got 'Bomb Iran at Midnite'.
Anywhere in the world but the U.S., apparently
Boss: YOU'RE FIRED!!!!!
GOP: Accidentally (oops) shoots off nukes.
The US: Boys will be boys
Ya’ll are having to dig deep these days! I’ll admit that most headlines I read these days I have to immediately verify because EVERY headline reads like an Onion headline.