We do!
I feed the local bird families from my Dallas apartment balcony.
In the late spring/early summer, I had blue jays, cardinals, mourning doves and sparrows bringing their youngsters over to show them where the free, no-danger food was.
Critters in general, but it's really fun to see these tiny dinosaurs. Magpies and crows have been really fun to see and hear for the last five-ish years in my neighborhood.
I've been able to train a Mot Mot . I whistle the same 3 sounds and he flies to an avocado tree that's close to where I stand.. he knows it's time for me to feed him. It's so friggin awesome! The Brown Jays are bullies and chase him away..I live in Costa Rica.
I saw christmas decoration of the red birds being gay. The ones who made the decoration put 2 males with each other on all the pieces. For the not so educated people, red bird shown hereis the cardinal, is male... females are brown...
We have all of these birds in Minnesota this time of year too. We also get chickadees, a variety of woodpeckers, and winter hued goldfinches. We enjoy feeding and watching them. 😊
Me and my cat got so excited when we got two birds to our feeder. I live on the 10th floor so I'm thinking maybe they don't see it? Tbf he did terrorize the poor things.
Blue jays are bullies, the male cardinals control when the females can eat and the damn squirrels are like vacuums. The hawks are cool until they swoop in and grab a tiny titmouse trying to eat.
My husband bought this one but I made him return it because our feeding area is too far from our router. We have hawks in the area and I like the feeders to have protection for the birds near the trees.
When I was a kid long ago we had cardinals all around our house and neighborhood. Now I rarely ever see them. I wonder if it is due to temperature, or cats, or what.
The pyrrhuloxias in my hood aren’t quite as pretty as Northern cardinals but still cool. I put a security door on the side entrance partly to save them from themselves.
Yeah I’m from the Midwest originally, far enough east that the cardinals were redder than the one in the pic. I moved a little west and they were duller, then to the Southwest and it’s just a hint of red on the desert cardinals. At least there’s usually no snow around them when I see them…
I’m in the Midwest too. I’ve only seen a couple of them, maybe they’re juveniles or lighter at different times of the year. I’m not well versed though. I know a little more about sparrows and warblers.
Where is this balcony? Here recently I have seen an enormous number of bluejays. The corvids have disappeared. Just a few weeks ago i watched them mob a hawk atop a group of pines while a large crew of squirrels sheltered or otherwise dashed for cover.
I feed the local bird families from my Dallas apartment balcony.
In the late spring/early summer, I had blue jays, cardinals, mourning doves and sparrows bringing their youngsters over to show them where the free, no-danger food was.
Lucky you
Currently setting up a small lil area out front w/ feeders and hiding spots, the little cheepers always make my day
Special thanks to Merlin bird ID app.
We were so happy when the juncos came back this year 💚
Can you help me with some of these birds? These are birds we don't have in the Netherlands.
The black with white I don't know. What is this for a bird? And is the last bird a female nothern cardinal?
#planettitanic #humanextinction #societalcollapse
thank you for showing your beautifully wonderful visitors :]
We have one also that hangs out around here.
Waits for birds to come to the feeders.
Mourning Doves are his main prey.
The last one I noted was a red tailed hawk, who I’m fairly certain was in the vicinity due to the squirrels showing up and not the bird seed.
I love winter because all kinds of birds like to come to our window sill and eat.
It does get crowded when the European starlings crash the party.
I’ve watched those litter fuckers in action… they’re not nice birds at all. 🤔