Sounds like she representeed her clients against on one of those goddamned fake insurance companies (never join a "sharing ministry"!), so kudos to the Gooch on that case.
I just looked her up and she has a husband. His name is Chad Munsey. That means she was born Ginger Gooch, carried that name her whole life, and when given the opportunity to change it, said, "no thanks, I'd rather keep my name that sounds like the world's grossest porn star."
On the one hand, WTAF, in the other, she was practicing well before she married, and changing her name would have hurt her "brand". Plus, what would she have said to people who asked her why? "I changed my name because Internet slang recently turned it into a dirty joke"?
And if she did that, what's that mean for all her relatives that are also named Gooch?
Sometimes it's better to just live your best life, and ignore the Internet.
Can't people just go and change their damn names? I think the problem is they are afraid their father will be disappointed. Every father with an embarrassing name should change it immediately for the sake of the children.
🎶You’re a mean one, Justice Gooch
Your judgments are so cruel
You’re a Republican apparatchik
Appointed by a fool
Justice Gooo—ooch!
You were voted the “most likely to hang someone to death” in law school🎵
🎵You’re a perky one, Justice Gooch
Your curls are stiff with spray
You’re a “Christian wife and mother,”
Or so your press kits say,
Justice Gooch!
And I want to know why that is even relevant in the ostensibly secular republic of the US of A!🎶
She represented Thomas Boogher.
Sometimes it's better to just live your best life, and ignore the Internet.
"I've been Gooched!"
What, was Golden Gina taken??
Surely not? A bit of career change there
Normal unsigned copies:
Amazon (including audio):
Nice work, past me.
Your judgments are so cruel
You’re a Republican apparatchik
Appointed by a fool
Justice Gooo—ooch!
You were voted the “most likely to hang someone to death” in law school🎵
Your curls are stiff with spray
You’re a “Christian wife and mother,”
Or so your press kits say,
Justice Gooch!
And I want to know why that is even relevant in the ostensibly secular republic of the US of A!🎶