Consider the possibility that the Trump White House WANTS this fight. Wants journalists to act like opponents instead of observers. If the entire press pool skipped a Trump photo op in solidarity with The AP, wouldn't the White House welcome Breitbart and One America News to take their places?
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And, are you or your colleagues boycotting covering the WH as a protest?
You don’t get to hide behind “but it’s what he waaaants”
Like, who really cares about a photo op? I don't think Wired, ProPublica, or 404media is slobbering to cover these and they are doing a way better job than most media atm.
Nothing good.
Trump needs the legitimate press to feel like a big boy. Let him babble at the cult while real journalists go out and report what’s really going on.
And grow a damn spine!
Walking away from him denies him his reach. It doesn't matter that he wants the fight, the fight is here and we have to fight it you stupid mother fucker.
The Jews couldn't just passively watch the Nazis throwing them in gas chambers until it went away.
but the first amendment is first for a reason.
They wanted him to focus on the negatives, even if it meant misleading readers.
Trump and his White House are no longer your subjects to cover.
Trump and his White House are your enemy. They want to destroy you.
Fight back.
Being called ol"partisan" is near the top. But I think the actual top might be a fear of making themselves the story
maybe how you go about doing things matters more than being gormless stenographers
I know, expecting legacy media orgs to actually know what their jobs are is asking a lot.
punch the bastard back and give him the fight he's asking for.
"oh no what if..."
So they could skip, and write stuff Trump doesn’t like. Guerilla tactics, not an upfront battle.
But I don’t think they have the guts to do that
Ok. That would make you a hero and all you had to do is pin a medal on yourself and let your colleagues be thrown under the bus.
On the other hand Stelter is concerned about losing access to the liars' photo ops. I guess he has his priorities...
But he's a visible and internally influential example of many in the traditional press who can't seem tell the difference between the appearance of objectivity and the reality of telling the truth regardless of who might portray that a partisan attack on liars.
We know he isn't.
Doesn't change facts:
The press is dithering.
Abc, wapo, meta turned over. The fascists are not yet comfy in their new offices and the compliers are already lining up for blessings. Conceding before anything serious has tested them.
Bark for me doggy
Trump wasn't nothing more than to be praised and adored... and all of you money.
Either way, fuck right off with this nonsense.
All real journalists should boycott this white house. Do not cover the propaganda. Cover what is actually happening to Americans.
You’re embarrassing
Delete your account and retire, you dork. You just disgraced yourself.
🍊🍆🥔 sees you as his enemy, because you might report the truth instead of repeating his Lie of the Hour unexamined.
It’s only you in the media that seem to think it’s newsworthy.
They'd rather keep their access than challenge power.
Without WIRED and those journos (Jeff Stein, Ken Klipp, Marisa K) who broke that story we would have been in the dark that entire long weekend.
If you all are going to cave for this, how can we count on you when it really matters?
Yep that's definitely possible, it works out both ways for them, now let's ask ourselves which of the 2 scenarios comes with even a possibility of a "fascists lose" outcome
It takes a real genius to decide on the former Brian. Congratulations on all the new boots you’re going to get to lick now.
Access to the lie fountain is worthless, but legacy media lines up to kiss the ring anyway.
Opinion pieces deal with a particular viewpoint not necessarily based on facts and end up in an opinion column.
Legacy media is enabling this moment out of fear of retribution or loss of access.
So there is no shut down of the press as you claim here.
You wrote the book. Learn from it.
Or rather, hiding in the back.
We have history and precedent.
Please know that the narratives being fed are ONLY gonna be pro authoritarian
They already have.
wtaf is wrong with you?
how does Trump's ancient scrotum taste?