this is part of why all the pearl clutching shit about how "americans can't just execute people" re: Luigi fell so fucking flat. um the cops execute people every single day and brutalize other people further for noticing they did that
We need a policy that for every child that is murdered, by so-called police, one of those are also hit. Do you think that would work... I'm just wondering.
Its bad when cops shoot people too. They can both be bad. We can think its bad when people are murdered, whether by cops or random guys. Its actually quite morally consistent to think that cops are bad and do bad things, and also that you shouldnt shoot a guy in the back in the street, even a ceo
I think it’s bad when someone denies life-saving medical care to a person in need just to make themself even more obscenely rich. Maybe shooting them isn’t the best solution, but unless there are three ghosts ready to terrify every CEO into changing their ways I’m not sure what the alternative is.
A lot of people said things like "if you support this killing, your enemies might start killing people in the street too!" The point is that our enemies are already doing that.
Tools of oppression are legitimate targets for violence in unjust systems because their very existence is violence. Sympathy for tools of oppression is the same as supporting the systemic violence of oppression. Make of that what you will.
I mean, im not as upset about a ceo getting shot as a kid getting murdered in his bed by cops, but I still think they are both bad. I dont think it takes some sort of great moral courage to say murder is bad, and we shouldn't let cops do it, either.
You’re right. It takes no moral courage at all to say murder is bad. It’s almost like it’s a completely useless sentiment because it ignores the societal context. But sit comfy in your safe stance & feel morally superior. That’s the easy route. Don’t dig deeper & engage in reality.
the right-wing spent over a hundred years pushing the idea that summary public executions are fine and actually preferable, and are now quaking that one (1) of them fell prey to this system they created
I love reminding ppl that in the US, cops can legally execute ppl on the spot if it can proven that said cop was sufficiently scared. That's qualified immunity, baybee!!!
I’m still disturbed by that footage of a cop forcing that guy to crawl down a hotel hallway in a fucked up impossible game of simon says just to shoot him dead anyway. A lot of these cops are sociopaths.
That case will stick with me for awhile, thanks to the detail about the cop using a gun with the words "YOU'RE FUCKED" engraved on it.
The guy now gets $2500 a month as a pension thanks to the department "medically retiring" him. He's like 32 years old now and can still qualify while working.
Yeah that whole situation was completely fucked, it wasn’t the first instance of him getting complaints or abusing his power either it was just the worst and most famous. I think he had a Punisher skull too.
U.S. cops are the most-armed, least-educated, least-trained paramilitary force in the world. They will kill to protect their paychecks. In that respect, they are similar to CEOs.
Yeah, 1st amendment auditors(hate that name) sometimes publish the earnings of the dipshits they expose and it's shocking most of the time. No way those high school graduates could ever replace those paychecks. It's why they close ranks.
[police departmental chief in the wake of wildly popular healthcare CEO slaying, sweating and trying to come up with explanation for why it's actually good and OK that half his cops have Punisher patches]
I like this because the original post is not about how "most people" think, because most people were mostly like "hell yeah" and the pearl clutching was exclusively from media people defending their fucking owners.
Presumably journalists should engage with reality not "what people think"
"The police need to have a monopoly on legal violence" is a tenet of liberal democracy, so it's explainable as being where the media draw a red line. They need to believe that everything the police do wrong is an aberration from how they should function. (I'm not defending this)
I will never not be aware that the guy who ALLEGEDLY and NOT YET CONFIRMED BY TRIAL to kill an executive is being charged with terrorism, and the guy who, with witnesses, choked to death a homeless guy in a mental health crisis, and was invited to meet the president and VP at a football game.
The throughline is also there, in that if people don't really care much that cops do it, why would they care if a rando does it to a CEO of a company that does terrible things
You'd think people would at least be more upset about the 2nd amendment not being good for shit when you're killed for exercising it if the person breaking into your home is a cop
(They're not upset about it because they believe they are in the in-group that doesn't get killed)
If the cops can storm your home and murder your little brother because they think you are selling weed, why shouldn't you also murder the guy who let your wife suffer and die so he could have more money? This is not actually a question. I know the answer.
What those people screaming about how violence isn't the answer really mean is that the state monopoly on violence is sacred to the absolute degree. Ask them what they think about abolishing the police and all of a sudden they're horrified
I'm just going to meet that pearl-clutching with hostility from now on because if people really wanna preach about how it's wrong to support Mangione but have nothing to say about these murderous cops and their ilk I KNOW they're on some bullshit
"americans can't just execute people!" (literally defending healthcare ceos A.K.A. americans that execute people with legal protections to do exactly that)
No knock raids should be RARE, because they are SO dangerous. But they give the cops a chance to cosplay as badasses with their toys, so they are common.
Another awful thing is that in NEW YORK killing a cop is an automatic Murder 1 charge, but a cop can basically never be charged with Murder 1.
How about we replace 'rare' with 'nonexistent'? Yes, sometimes cops would be in danger. Cops are meant to be in danger, so that everyone else isn't. Deviating from that principle seems like a good way to end up with cops murdering random people.
Check out the NY AG page for footage of a bunch of looser ass COs bewting/choking a handcuffed man to death. The stupid motherfuckers (luckliy) didn't know their body cams were recording on standby.
I tried explaining to a friend that the violent world of vigilantes justifying murder he was so worried about already existed as police, dude ignored it, said something about christians using this to justify bombing abortion centers like they werent already doing that anyways. Head in the sand.
Not to mention all the mass shootings that are only met with "thoughts and prayers," or all the people who die as collateral damage from our healthcare & housing systems. Make people numb to violence and eventually they use violence to fight back.
it’s important that we learn the right lessons from this tragedy, like never letting a single thing change about society because of “moral consistency”
"in an ideal world cops wouldn't kill anyone and no one would murder CEOs" okay. we live in the real world though and i'm not wrong for pointing out this specific type of hypocrisy
Reminds me of a post I saw "in a perfect world a BLM rally and a KKK rally could be right next to each other without any violence" and I just had to stare unblinking for a second
Both acts are wrong: only one will have serious consequences. Society has murder built into the system. POC, poor people, and the mentally disabled have the most casualties. Suburban school kids and sick people denied medical care are being sacrificed for guns and for for-profit hc. Smh
it's all two faced shit, they impose the rules of a better world while they while away the years benefiting from the crapsack world that hasn't come for them yet thinking that everybody loves them for their hypocrisy
They are willing to take some political action towards the one issue (give cops more money to protect CEOs) and unwilling to take any action on the other (reduce budgets, limit policing power, hold cops accountable).
Maybe is not failure to apply their standards, but just different ethics entirely.
Luigi was a good guy with a gun: verifiable defensive use of a gun, killing a guy who was killing people. The police don’t even do it for a reason, w/o profit or principle. They’re just bad.
Not only that, but private citizens are apparently allowed to execute people at will - so long as the victim fits a certain profile. Jordan Neely was murdered, and many in the mainstream media - and unanimously across right-wing media - committed to calling his killer a hero.
Between one guy who shot another guy and is now in custody facing a myriad of charges versus unaccountable kill squads in every locality that dispense death, randomly and with total impunity, one is obviously much, much worse
Also "it's the guns that are the problem" has to mean taking away guns from cops in this context, which would be good, but has never really been a part of gon control advocacy
Cops have to give up their guns FIRST or it doesn’t fucking work. Drives me nuts that gun advocacy doesn’t start with disarming the police. I know why they can’t say that, but it is so obvious.
According to Agenda 47 on Trump's own website, he plans to share his legal immunity with cops while sending them into the field with orders and permission to kill.
Get ready for this to become the new norm, and for protests to be met with lethal force.
"Randall Adjessom?"
"No, no! Brian Thomson."
Do you see what's wrong with your statement now?
The guy now gets $2500 a month as a pension thanks to the department "medically retiring" him. He's like 32 years old now and can still qualify while working.
Presumably journalists should engage with reality not "what people think"
(They're not upset about it because they believe they are in the in-group that doesn't get killed)
no other way to explain that level of brainrot
Another awful thing is that in NEW YORK killing a cop is an automatic Murder 1 charge, but a cop can basically never be charged with Murder 1.
Fucking pigs.
Maybe is not failure to apply their standards, but just different ethics entirely.
Get ready for this to become the new norm, and for protests to be met with lethal force.