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Chicago crowd tonight was *incredible*. Important for everyone to be spending time with each other right how. It may not feel like it right now, but we’re gonna win.
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He wants to be Mussolini so bad he can taste it
The global boycott of US goods continues to grow. #3E “The United States is a country closing in on itself” Anger over threats and “the gangster-like behavior towards the Ukrainian president in the White House”
People need to be crystal clear about something: The requirement that the government ANSWER to a court on the legal basis for detaining someone is literally the core liberty right (habeas corpus). If the government says they don’t have to do that bc “national security,” YOU can be disappeared.
Israel just killed hundreds of Palestinians, including kids. The US just killed dozens of Yemenis, including kids. "Why do they hate us?" asks the American public, blissfully ignorant of what's being done in its name in the Middle East by the US and its ally Israel. Sigh.
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I met Donny Osmond. That is all.
Stephen Miller is on TV all day every day trying to explain how district court judges have no authority over POTUS. Stephen Miller also spent the last four years suing Biden in district court. I’m starting to think Stephen Miller isn’t arguing in good faith here. 🙄
Did the word get overused or has there just been a lot of fascism going on
A great deal of trouble we face now is that those in power assume everyone working for the public good has to be part of a grift because *they literally cannot conceive of a public good*. They are broken, deranged people, almost to a one. I'm struggling with the response to this.
PSAKI TO DEMS: “Schumer’s party is so mad at him he had to cancel his book tour — maybe it’s time to start thinking about new messengers.”