Is he going to poop himself while he does it? Like audibly, louder than the concerned cries of the maggots, louder than the guffaws of the told-ya-so-ers. I want to see discomfort gtp, the medical team. I want "Dear lord I am gagging" to be the last words he hears.
I want to see him squirm and writhe, struggling to breathe through the pain; then when he finally sags and 'deflates' all the sycophants around him start screaming and vomiting because of the evil smell released from his putrid corpse.
The mere thought of JD becoming president makes me feel nauseous, so I can’t help but imagine engine failure involving all three of them: JD, Trump, and Mike Johnson.
So basically we need to get them all on AF1 and for the FAA to accidentally-on-purpose drop the ball... Shouldn't be too difficult all things considered.
Because I am a petty little child
Driving a golf cart ?
Jerking off to Fox ?
him dying anywhere.
and to paraphrase/misquote him:
"That would make GREAT television."
cause I'm a selfish bitch.
Or maybe the bear …🤔