Yes, it is infuriating that Biden believes the same propaganda so many of you do. It is infuriating that Biden misunderstands the role of SCOTUS and Congress in all this.
Reposted from
Murshed Zaheed
“In private, Biden has also said he should have picked someone other than Merrick Garland as attorney general, complaining about the Justice Department’s slowness under Garland in prosecuting Trump …” 🙄
Infuriating read tbh.
Infuriating read tbh.
It's happening people. Trump CAN be stopped. Please stand up and get out there to support!!!! Kamala can be the one. let's go. Share and join now.
The judicial system seems designed under: "For the wealthy, anything. For the rest, the law."
Do they genuinely not know who it was/is, and didn't bother looking (as with missing BIPOC women), or is it that they absolutely do know, and didn't bother prosecuting (as with all of the Jan. 6 ringleaders)?
Please tell me I am wrong.
That is how a discussion should be done.
Roberts starts his SCOTUS interference ironically by NOT taking the case then, instead waiting until March to take the case and then delaying further. But that’s Gardland’s fault???
No. It is an explanation for why things that people think should have happened instantly took time. We can literally explain what all those delays were.
You DO realize attorney-client reviews add time?
THIS VERY THREAD raises something Garland did before J6C even got formed. How did they force his hand in advance? Time machine?
You see, I'm not defending Garland, I'm raising facts that MGAnoners don't know, and can't even read in a thread.
You: Platitudes that suggest that ACTION--earlier than people know (bc of their own inaction)--was inaction.
The impact on voters of his disastrous literal & figurative embrace of Bibi keeps getting ignored by the press.
You're literally doing propaganda for John Roberts.
Do I believe if DOJ had NOT chased the $$ in 2021 they might have done other things? But they DID do other things.
Not accounting for that is one big error they made in impeachment.
But you know that DOJ did charge Trump, contrary to what you just claimed? They did. The reason there won't be a trial is 100% due to SCOTUS.
Which is my point.
That wouldn't have changed SCOTUS' delay or that SCOTUS had built in another long delay.
Yes, this is correct. By mostly avoiding any analysis of what was and wasn't official acts and instead remanding for further consideration, Roberts guaranteed at least one more round of interlocutory appeals. And they wouldn't be expedited.
Just saying
“everyone in the world” is saying is
the go to formulation for “truthy tellers” and bullshit sellers
Garland will surely go down in history as one of America's best AGs.
Garland-Wray-Biden are responsible for sending 250 years old democracy into the toilet, our freedom included.
Biden betrayed us.
We voted for him in 2020 to defend democracy/freedom, he failed miserably.
He is an arrogant, weak, small man.
Shame, shame.
"A is wrong" =/= "B is right"
I'm pointing out that there are facts, and a vast number of self-imagined leftists have chosen to ignore facts and instead cling to conspiracy theories, with the result that they can't even get their fucking villain correct.
Is that you?
Goddess forbid the actual legal record be consulted in this matter. Conspiracy theories are so much more fun.
- Upton Sinclair
1) You ascribe to Garland actions w/Hunter he didn't take.
2) You confess you're ignorant that the Hunter investigation took 2 years LONGER than the Trump one to get to indictment.
3) It also serves to confess general ignorance about what Garland/prosecutors did.
2) His job is to enforce the law. SCOTUS was SUPPOSED to protect democracy. They chose another route.
3) I didn't defend him. I insisted that the discussion adhere to actual facts. I apologize if actual facts hurt your feelings.
And again, I'm SORRY that hearing actual facts hurts you.
AG is a prosecutor and requires someone who thinks like a prosecutor.
Appointing Garland was a mistake.
I unstd reasons Biden appointed him and I unstd reasons you defend...
I just disagree based simply on "wrong person for the job".
Blaming Garland just keeps us in useless turmoil — failure to correctly diagnose structural problems (like SCOTUS) is an insult to our ancestors and their legacy
Obviously, Trump was fully aware of that fact
I personally have no time to worry about Garland
It’s a tragedy and we have to move on
Garland could have done plenty differently. Fani Willis did. How'd that work out?
You can't know that different would be better.
What you CAN say w/100% certainty is it was Roberts' fault there was no trial. So if you look elsewhere for blame, you ARE doing propaganda for Roberts.
"Really", as in I'd appreciate it if you don't use obscene imagery in your responses. I don't know where that kind of vitriol is coming from; it's uncalled for.
As time went on and Trump slipped out of every trap he literally laid for himself, it was too late for other courses of action.
It's just been crazy to watch all t his unfold.
Which of us likely knows more abt the investigation?
I think the crazy decision in Trump v. US is proof that the Trump Protection Squad is in charge. The BM treated it as mostly normal. It isn't.
SO you were never going to DQ him before the election. Only the Senate could do that.
So now we're stuck with Orange Hitler forever B/C same DOJ apparently refuses to investigate if there may have been some type of voting fraud.
Biden could have been the greatest POTUS since FDR & Lincoln, but lacked the same thing Kamala does: COURAGE & DETERMINATION to do the right, controversial thing.
(Senators, notably Manchin and Sinema do.)
He was a bureaucrat. Not a leader.
Should he have shat a rainbow pegasus that talks while he was at it?
And now we see what inaction has done.
It is undemocratic.
It's (past) time we go back to simple principles.
Allowing ourselves to overcomplicate everything is part of why Dems can't win elections anymore, even against the devil.
I call BS
Leftists: Biden fucked up.
Biden Defenders: No he didn’t!
Liberals: Biden fucked up.
Biden Defenders: No he didn’t!
The electorate: Biden fucked up.
Biden Defenders: No he didn’t!
Biden: I fucked up
Biden Defenders: No he um wait no you didn’t!
Fuck, you people are civically illiterate.
Are you one of the people who believes nothing happened until Jack Smith was appointed or just who believes there was a 2 year delay?
The third type of MGAnoner.
But only someone who has willfully ignored the investigation can claim it was not treated as urgent. What you seem to WANT was an investigation that was reckless. Like Fani Willis, maybe?
If messaging was the problem, what did MG do to address it?
What if, INSTEAD, a bunch of lawyers spewing conspiracy theories WEREN'T invited on TV?
Leveling with the American people or at least explaining his thinking or framework would have been nice rather than expecting non-lawyer journalists to do that work for him.
Trial, punishment, prison. Too many got away to run for office another day.
You'll be grateful that DOJ didn't eliminate the 4th Amendment or attorney-client privilege.
According to Tyler Pager: “The White House declined to make Biden available for an interview for this series.”
And IIRC, none of the Biden family have granted interviews to Josh Dawsey, Ashley Parker, Tyler Pager or Michael Scherer. Chismosos
NYT said DOJ chased the $$ from the start and put together group focused on Rudy et al by summer 2021 (it didn't account for Rudy's phone).
How does WaPo miss WaPo's own reporting?
WTF is it anyway?
Clearly it’s NOT a news organization.
Propaganda & bootlicking. Like Fox.
So they should start blaming SCOTUS.
WTAF good does it do to know for sure our guy is a dummy? Not 1 person was sober? Not 1 person could say hey hear me out Joe?
Jesus Christ. We work so fucking hard to lose & then, if losing wasn’t enough, they poop in our mouths?
(Biden didn't and there never was a plan)
Have you ever heard of them
Have *any* of you ever heard of them
I know a bunch of facts that virtually everyone complaining about Garland do not know, and insist on those facts being part of the discussion. It turns out the people complaining about Garland get really angry when you raise facts.
After the debate my coworker turned to me and said “Trump is right Biden hasn’t done anything his whole term for us!” My jaw dropped. No one knows
There is also plenty of (public!) reason to believe prosecutors were trying to find a way to get to Trump no later than March 2021, which golly, is when Garland was confirmed.
But yeah, your complaint is STILL with SCOTUS, bc they're the one who made that rule.
Is there anything, anyone can/will do re Jessica Denson movement to not 'do nothing'? She's heading a March in D.C. on Jan. 3rd-5th?