Correction, Trump is a very ordinary man. He's 78 , wears bronzer, hairspray to make his thinning hair cover his bald spot. Wears a corset and shoe lifts. Lies about his weight and height. He's twice divorces, 5 kids with 3 different women. He's an insecure malignant narcissist.
Unless he’s made a Faustian immortality bargain, he’s gonna die (sooner than later)like the rest of us schlubs. But his afterlife may not be so glorious. Karma has no off ramps.
Trump is Napoleon the pig in his lust for power.
Indeed, as Orwell wrote,some animals are more equal than others and Trump shows this in his quest for totalitarianism by creating a false sense of equality while using
words that mean nothing while championing inequality and oppression.
see this is the kind of language/logic the NYT Pitchbot bases its whole schtick on. So ludicrously dumb & obsequious that it can't be real, but yet it is.
Lol, that's absolutely right! In fact, it's not just a phenomenon in the USA, I think it's the same in any country. People value money and power above all else, rather than justice
The law is one of their 4 pillars of repression. This, combined with poverty wages, no health care and pathetic education are all tools to keep the 99% poor, sick and dumb so they are compliant with whatever the white male ruling class 1% want.
Hell no! Make him pardon his own ass. He’s been tried and found guilty. He is guilty. Make him acknowledge his own guilty verdict by pardoning himself.
All the TikTok memes showing Renaissance European Jesus with his hand on Trump’s shoulder would suggest many believe otherwise. Similar TikTok memes argue Jesus was “tried and found guilty” (like our groping führer). Democrats must get a bigger share of these people somehow.
Did you fall and hurt your brain? If you cannot apply the law to your leaders why bother choosing them? Let them choose themselves... Actually wait, ayes that happened and you went with it.
Same editor who tried to paint the despicable Nazi, Elon Musk as a benign centrist.
Same author (Peters) seems to believe that Republicans don't do identity politics, despite many Republicans wearing religion on their sleeves and their public hatred of trans humans.
Nazi dictatorship v. US democracy, NY Times editor won't pick a side (he did try to say Biden had Parkinson's and helps the guy who plagiarized Reagan's "Make America Great Again").
The creatures outside looked from pig to Trump, and from Trump to pig, and from pig to Trump again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”
The axiom that "no man is above the law" has always been a lie. The US has never been governed by the rule of law. It has always been an oligarchy. Any Country that believes its elected leader is not subject to criminal prosecution while in office is on par with a third word banana republic.
No man includes weird orange felons capable of winning 50+% of vote in an election. No man means no man. There should never be a qualifier after that but the NYT has to NYT.
Perfect explanation. This is spineless and craven and authoritarian enough to be UNBELIEVABLE except in America I have seen people acting like this since Bush (and maybe they did before and I wasn’t old enough to see what it was). We should not have let people win who wanted to ‘move on’ from that
"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." - We were shown the movie in Middle School. Think it might have been 7th grade. There was not any explanation, it was assumed we would get the point. Ironically, I think the idea was it was depicting communism.
I just posted these words on my page:
One of my 6th grade students, a public schooler, told me he’s never taken a civics class. I asked him a few questions, and it does seem he knows absolutely nothing about how government works. We’ve created a fine pickle for ourselves. Hail hail Freedonia!
President Trump really isn't an ordinary man. He is a man with no virtues. At all. He is a person with no admirable qualities whatsoever. That is really very unusual.
He's a narcissistic sociopath and unfortunately there's more of them than you might think. He's just blatantly obvious because he doesn't have a filter on his mouth.
I don't know, by 6th grade they're already trying to get you to literally worship the Founding Fathers and other Authority Figures - emphasis on the capitalized letters there.
And as an adult, you realize that power will always make exceptions for itself, even if it pretends to "fight"
He most certainly is not an ordinary man. He stinks to high heaven, he has raped many women, he stole top-secret documents, he shared intelligence with Putin, he incited an insurrection, and none of this is ordinary. He needs to spend the rest of his life in jail. Arrest him, save America
I've spent way too much time thinking to myself and wondering if people have ever read Animal farm? Then I look around me and answer my own question. NOPE!
Yet here we go again, what you said is very true, however here we go again. NYC is filing their case.
There is nothing in the Constitution that says a President can't be jailed.
Nixon was fired, yes swept under the Republican rug, why is Trump given so many passes, he's gone past go
We either have laws that apply to every single one of us without exception or we don’t ! Laws are not meant to be broken without accountability no matter WHO broke them ! Period! Stop bending the law to suit some (one in particular unless you are prepared to do it equally for all of us !
Counter point. In American democracy, a criminal or even ex-con cannot vote in most states. But at least they can become President if they try hard enough, one of the few jobs they are able to get with a criminal record.
They are right ... he is NOT ordinary. He is the epitomy of narcissism, racism, misogyny, hate speech, and is a 34-count convicted felon - to name a very small number of his documented ways. He is not ordinary ... he is evil, mean, disgusting in every way.
I read this opinion piece and almost lost it. The quote you may be referencing is: "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." The "No man is above the law, not even the president" principle is no longer operative.
The wealthy are not like us "ordinary men". They are obliged to ignore the legal parameters of inferior humans in order to "disrupt" wealth from the common street rable to their own pocket as God intended.
I know for sure everyone in my 5th/6th grade class could, because we talked about 1) Iran-Contra and 2) Watergate. Not like intensively, just as an "OK so Henry VIII could do anything he wanted basically, but that's not how it works in America now" thing. 6th grade was also the 1992 election.
And while we didn't cover the actual allegations, the Clarence Thomas hearings definitely came up - the idea that presidents aren't kings and need the permission of Congress and the Supreme Court to do most things was an ongoing theme. Very important to our teacher.
So glad I canceled my subscription. I believe we all have the right to our opinion, but when publications print this kind of material they are announcing that they do not have a problem with the message. I do have a problem with this kind of content.
we will long study the horrific and purulent lapses in our system that allowed Trump to simply commit crime after crime in broad daylight - not even hiding his tracks like other rich people - with no consequences whatsoever. That's what we're trying to say here:
I know this is a well-worn thing to say in the 37 years (2 weeks) since the election but this doesn't feel real this feels like a literal nightmare. How does someone actually write that??
people will agree on this then say some shit like “america is the greatest democracy that ever existed!” and believe the truth value of both statements to be equivalent
The Dear Leader was no ordinary man. Throught combination of divine blessing and super intelligence and moral fortitude, he blazed a path forward for All Peoples and he guides us In His Infinite Wisdom to The Future We All Want
No matter what, he'll never be held accountable, because the white man is using him as retribution for being told they've been horrible to women and minorities.
That reminded me of this quote "there is no point in claiming that the purpose of a system is to do what it constantly fails to do", in this case is the judiciary capacity of making these people NOT face the consequences of their actions
By the time Trump is done not one pillar - of faith, of the Amerian constitution, or the five pillars of society - economy, education, healthcare, the justice system, & culture/arts will be left standing. He & his thugs will jackhammer it all.
So what happens when the rule of law gets overturned? Do we riot, or go to brunch?
A narcissistic psychopath.
Convicted felon.
Indeed, as Orwell wrote,some animals are more equal than others and Trump shows this in his quest for totalitarianism by creating a false sense of equality while using
words that mean nothing while championing inequality and oppression.
He is instead a Nevada-incorporated limited liability corporation.
Under "San Mateo County v. Southern Pacific Rail Road," one of the authors of the 14th Amendment argued that the amendmen
In America. Really?
Money is the central pillar of USA.
The law is for the working class only.
“Four legs good, two legs bad.”
"Four legs good, two legs better!"
“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”
Zombie Fourth Estate has gone from a project to speak truth to power to one that attempts to wield it.
Same author (Peters) seems to believe that Republicans don't do identity politics, despite many Republicans wearing religion on their sleeves and their public hatred of trans humans.
Without anything else to rein him in, that's what they'll fall back on when they turn against him.
I'd take some comfort in that, but by that point a lot of people are dead who DIDN'T deserve retribution.
No man is above the law. Period.
So this tracks.
One of my 6th grade students, a public schooler, told me he’s never taken a civics class. I asked him a few questions, and it does seem he knows absolutely nothing about how government works. We’ve created a fine pickle for ourselves. Hail hail Freedonia!
And as an adult, you realize that power will always make exceptions for itself, even if it pretends to "fight"
There is nothing in the Constitution that says a President can't be jailed.
Nixon was fired, yes swept under the Republican rug, why is Trump given so many passes, he's gone past go
Open your eyes world!
Divine right of wealthy to rule.
Cheap Roman finery be damned.
He's an extraordinarily awful man
you could spin 100 scenarios like this
If criminals were "ordinary," life would be hell. 🙃😖
And you may elect a monarch every few years, but you still have an 18th century king...
He's not the Messiah, he's a Very Naughty Boy. &c &c
He's a convicted felon and a total asshole! Hard to call as a man at all?
and it's for nothing
Praise Him
Praise Him
Praise Him
No matter what, he'll never be held accountable, because the white man is using him as retribution for being told they've been horrible to women and minorities.
John Wayne Gacy