Need some hive mind ideas: we have a video game coming out soon in which you *run* a trust & safety team for a fast growing startup social media platform. And we can't think of a good name. It's a kind of trust & safety simulator, but that's... not a good name. Any thoughts?
Depending on whether there’s any social commentary about the trust-fund set, you could just do “Trust”. I mean, it works ébène without commentary, but it works better that way.
Or just come up with a good name for the fictional startup and call it that. Lots of room there.
That’s the thought, not a question.
(Signing off on decisions, signing off banned members)
S&M for short.
Safety Third (popular saying in some circles)
Mod Mania
also, since its difficult at scale...
"Trust But Verify"
"You Can't Say That In Public!"
"Avoid The Orange Suit"
"COPPA And You"
"Soc. Med. Isn't An Alcohol (Though You'll Want Some)"
"Robin Hood Social: VC Wealth Redistributor"
"Troll Whisperer"
"Guardians of the Socialverse"
"risk: twitter edition"
"twitter, cloudflare, stormfront, bsky"
"4chan: the game"
"abuse: a tower defense game"
or just 'crimsonland', if youve ever played that game, cuz its more or less the same :D
eX Trusted
Moderate This!
The Headache
Some Feedback
The Playerbase
The Vocal Minority
"Moderately difficult or difficult Moderation?"
" think YOU could run Twitter?!"
"Toxic Text Test"
End of Regulation Play
230 Ten-Four
Trust & Safety Simulator 2023 Professional Edition
Is it about how the executives are going to try and sabotage you in the name of engagement?
Enemies Both Foreign And Domestic
Inside Job
A Sincere Title.
Trust it or Bust it
Safety First
Trust Team
Trust Team 3000
Trust Tag
(Or Half-life 3)
Darkside Gardening Sim
Filter Friends in Whack-A-Mole Frenzy
SoMe SoMe Panic
Moral Combat
"Not today, sea lion"
Safety Harness
Assume Bad Faith
Big Trouble In Little Media
Guardians of the Timeline
Trust: The Process
"The Hand Of Mod"
The high stakes social media simulator!
(FTR: some people need canceling, it’s true. This would draw eyeballs.)
"Trust Us, it's Safe"
"Just Another Day at Work"
"I Can't Believe My Cushy Startup Job Is This Easy"
Whack a Troll?
Not great marketing, but...
Trust & Safety Tycoon? T&S Team Tycoon? Social Media Tycoon? Moderator Tycoon? Social Dev Tycoon?
The troll toll
Gatekeepers and gatecrashers
Sheepdogs and dogwhistles
(Referring to Eminem's line "FCC won't let me be")
(Burning dollar bills as you keep getting fined)
Poets, poems, and Poe's law
Conversations and consequences
No More Papers Please
One Site Fits All - a day as a mod
Cliques and crossfire