I think we should encouraging “what did you enjoy about it in particular?” Because that question may even allow us to see it in a different light and then ; Also enjoy [THING].
Absolutely. Pass, move on, one should only add value in comments, even if your posts have little or none (and that includes me). Comments (attitude in) always say more about the commenter than their "content".
It seems like there are an inordinate number of posts on Bluesky lately from people who, unbidden, preemptively skeet that they don’t like something that is popular with many other folks, with little or no rationale.
Like “I don’t listen to audiobooks!”
A cry for attention?
I was kinda saying that in jest, but I have been doing that myself.... 🤔 Do I rly need my phone blowing up with crazy controversy over some silly opinion...? It's just more peaceful not to.
Was typing a sarcastic, "Wasted two minutes of your life to type this bs." at someone the other day and then realized what "I"was doing. Deleted it and had a much happier day without the snark.
I've been known to spend 20 minutes crafting a cogent reply -- then deleting it because it occurs to me to realize, "So what?"
Generally speaking, it helps preserve my equilibrium, to just recall that The World (or Audience) will most likely manage just fine without hearing _my_ personal opinion. 🧐
This! I have added “can enjoy others enjoying things they do not enjoy” to my list of attributes of a worthwhile person. Right next to pleasant to servers and returns the shopping cart.
it's a very important lesson in growing up that way too many people never learn. let people enjoy things that don't harm anyone, no matter its quality.
This thread has put me in an awkward, paradoxical position, because I agree, and would like to explain why to some people downthread, but that violates the principle of "yeah, you can, but you don't have to, so maybe don't" that I would like to support.
Gah! Yep, exactly. I used to see a lot of this sort of thing in the Elite:Dangerous community - people who *didn't* like Elite would sometimes try to persuade other people not to like it either. I've never understood that level of petty tribalism.
Ah, Adrian, that's where you're wrong, as I'll indicate via this thread bel-*gets yoink off-stage by a comically long stick with a hook-like curve at the end*
i mean, that sounds a little like it could get to toxic positivity. when people are trying to argue, that can get concerning. not everyone agrees on topics, and comments are not meant to just agree with one another. destroying a person's happiness for fun is awful for sure.
In my case, I was sharing a video game that I enjoy and said video game makes me feel happy on a Discord server and someone who used to be my friend just started insulting it. It happened every time I talked about the game to people in the server.
Now, I do believe you are incorrect. You see, as a white man on the internet it is my sacred duty to inform everybody of my obviously superior opinion that you will never have seen anywhere else. For example, The Last Jedi Bad. It would have been criminal not to share this in this not bird app essay
When an episode of a series I like didn't really work for me, but lots of other people are squeeing about it... TBH I like seeing their joy so much that I don't want to say I didn't like the episode.
I am not a fan of this weird “here’s why you’re wrong” culture. When I was young I did it all the time. I think I thought it made me appear smart. Instead it just made me look like a wanker.
I dig that. I really try not to just hate on stuff on the internet, and often if I don’t like something I try and think “I wasn’t the target audience” rather than just lay into it.
Also holy shit I love Duckman. It’s part of the reason I’m like this.
From the animation style, to the music, to the frenetic writing and sense of humour, I can’t think of a TV show that informed more of what I think is funny than Duckman. It’s an unfair world that it’s not regarded as the classic it is. If released now people would lose their minds.
When someone likes something I don’t, I immediately try asking (earnestly, not aggressively), what they like about it. Understanding their point of view is way more interesting to me than explaining why I didn’t like it or went I think they’re wrong!
yeah I got into way too many arguments when I was young along the lines of "why would like that band/movie/tv show whatever"- what a pointless waste of time. "Youth is wasted on the young" really applied there. Now it's like Taylor Swift or whoever doesn't interest me but glad you enjoy them.
It was good. It dovetailed into Fury Road perfectly. If someone needs exposition to understand then start with Furiosa followed by Fury Road. If someone is intuitive, start with Fury Road and then Furiosa.
If Person A is like "yeah, I love [controversial political opinion], what are you going to do about that" that's one thing, but I'd lay good money this is more about "Oh, I saw [media], it seemed fun".
Not everything is an invitation to debate, living like that would be exhausting.
Say you don't like it. Don't say or imply that it's objectively wrong or bad to like it.
Even at that point though, what is the aim? No one has ever been successfully logicked into liking something they didn't like at the start of the conversation. Not everyone you see is a conversation partner
Why do you consider yourself a victim of censorship in this circumstance? Who has physically restrained you from being able to show up in someone’s mentions and tell them how much you hate everything they like?
OP (and lots of others) are simply requesting that, hey, if you don’t like something someone else likes—and that thing is not a harmful thing—then maybe you should just post about it yourself instead of blowing up someone else’s mentions.
It’s a question, not a statement of victimhood. Bluesky exists in a way that creates engagement typically by conversation. If one disagrees and doesn’t say anything harmful, what’s the problem?
Your second line, verbatim: "why do we have to agree in order for me to speak?"
That’s you stating that, in your belief, someone asking you to maybe scroll on instead of explaining to a happy person why they should be sad, is preventing you from speaking.
And buddy, just because a place has other people in it doesn’t mean you should go around to everyone in the place to tell them why everything they like sucks.
You’re familiar with could v should, yes? Not every conversation needs your input, and you can actually make your own conversations instead.
That makes me a victim? Asking a question? This is hypothetical, I’m not actually making a happy person sad as you would say. I’m just proposing that perhaps not every person disagreeing with you is attacking you or making you sad. What’s wrong with disagreeing is nothing harmful is said?
Also, if you don’t like a thing & you’re not a paid critic you don’t need to go online and trash it everywhere you can think of. It might just be a thing _you_ don’t like & trying to prevent it being successful doesn’t do anyone any good.
Oh my goodness, yes! Gotta love honeypots like this.
It's also hilarious that this type of guy always thinks they have something insightful they need to add to every conversation, yet always wind up nearly cut-n-pasting the exact same opinion between them. It's exhausting.
I've added some to my block list already. I can't understand why it's so hard to just let people enjoy things even if it's something you don't like. It takes less energy to just not say anything than to talk about how much you hate something. And if you don't want to see it, block/mute.
Thank you for this microblog. I shall set out below exactly why this is a facetious example of positivorio, which is a concept going back to 3rd century Sparta. What it represents is
There's that line from Shrek 2... "You have the right to remain silent. What you lack is the capacity". My goodreads account proves that maybe it applies to me.
This is how I feel with the “Rings of Power” series.
The vitriol in a lot of fandoms these days, and the Tolkien ones in particular, has risen to the level where it almost increases my enjoyment that said toxic "fans" are refusing to watch and appreciate what is on offer.
Just today I, wisely, stopped myself from commenting on an NBA thread—as I absolutely do not have the bandwidth to comment on NBA teams/players/games. Why was I even considering jumping in?
Yes, what are these articles even FOR? I swear they’re just to make people argue about rubbish and not pay attention to the actual shit that’s going on in the world.
American tv ads are so bizarre. The way they just advertise prescription drugs incessantly. 😮And people say “oh but the uk has national healthcare so that’s why you don’t get those ads”, but I grew up in SA which has no NHS equivalent, and they don’t advertise prescription drugs either!
> re-reads contract <
Speaking of which, I'm about a third of the way through "Empire in Black and Gold" and I'm really enjoying it and looking forward to all the books that follow, thanks!
Like “I don’t listen to audiobooks!”
A cry for attention?
See, my emotional journey began at five years old… (1/493)
Generally speaking, it helps preserve my equilibrium, to just recall that The World (or Audience) will most likely manage just fine without hearing _my_ personal opinion. 🧐
Also holy shit I love Duckman. It’s part of the reason I’m like this.
I am doing the thing
I don’t like the thing
I am doing the thing more
Often, albeit not always, posts about "I love this" tend to be provocative.
Would add that the OP always has the options to restrict comments on a post.
Not everything is an invitation to debate, living like that would be exhausting.
Even at that point though, what is the aim? No one has ever been successfully logicked into liking something they didn't like at the start of the conversation. Not everyone you see is a conversation partner
That’s you stating that, in your belief, someone asking you to maybe scroll on instead of explaining to a happy person why they should be sad, is preventing you from speaking.
That is indeed victimhood, my friend.
You’re familiar with could v should, yes? Not every conversation needs your input, and you can actually make your own conversations instead.
It's also hilarious that this type of guy always thinks they have something insightful they need to add to every conversation, yet always wind up nearly cut-n-pasting the exact same opinion between them. It's exhausting.
You can just hang and, vent or offer/receive friendly chat
The vitriol in a lot of fandoms these days, and the Tolkien ones in particular, has risen to the level where it almost increases my enjoyment that said toxic "fans" are refusing to watch and appreciate what is on offer.
Here's an idiotic one from today.
Speaking of which, I'm about a third of the way through "Empire in Black and Gold" and I'm really enjoying it and looking forward to all the books that follow, thanks!