Gonna have to do some googling, mine may already exist. (Lost Boys, and as long as the teenage boys were sufficiently hot it would probably be a success.)
I think there's a misunderstanding of B movies here. I mean, Beastmaster is even kinda high end. Roller Blade, where the budget didn't stretch to a real harmonica and they dubbed Southern Californians, is a B movie. (Hot tub full of nuns, I know, I know, it's really serious.)
we have a long-standing joke that you can make a bad musical out of anything because of the ads on the tube for all the bottom of the barrel new musicals: still expecting Blockchain, the musical
someday i hope i will get a musical based on my favorite shitty movie, the core. and with luck we can celebrate that being as delightfully bad as the original.
Unobtanium! 🎶
That's what we'll make our hull out of!
Unobtanium! 🎵
Yes, you can dig up to the core!
It's not the one with giant smurfs
Unobtanium, Unobtanium! 🎶
(apologies to the Village people and the witter of "In The Navy")
It's do good! Their was a lot of work and talent put into it, if it's not your cup of tea that's fine, it's not for you, buy let's others be happy and enjoy it, I'm a fan of the book too and I feel the musical captures the spirit very well
"I didn't get a good vibe" is not the same as "this thing was bad." One "did not see the appeal" from ten months ago is not an attack on something you loved, I promise.
I was thinking RAD! which is also kind of a musical and already has a BMX dance scene.
But yeah, tin that into Busbu Berkley freestyle extravaganza? I'm in!
They keep rebooting The Crow instead, dammit. But Streets of Fire music resurfaced in a wacky vampire musical and it's awesome. (Except the Broadway version because they didn't get the memo it works because it's earnest gothic.)
Steinman music grabs you by the guts, bypassing the brain entirely :) Check out Tanz der Vampire, Vámpírok Bálja, Taniec Wampirów or any other version of reworking a 60s B movie horror-comedy into turn-off-your-brain spectacle that's not the English one!
Act I
"Overthruster Overture" (Company)
"Greased Lightning" (Buckaroo)
"It's Whorfin Time" (Lord John Whorfin)
"Penny For Your Thoughts" (Buckaroo, Penny)
Act II
"Yoyodyne Blues" (Company)
"(Don't Ask About) The Watermelon" (Rawhide, New Jersey)
"Penny for your Thoughts (reprise)" (Buckaroo, Penny)
The beautiful rendition of "If I Don't Have You" was left off the soundtrack album for legal reasons, but frequently has audiences swaying back and forth, holding up lighters.
(ok, apparently the Labyrinth Broadway musical project got derailed by the pandemic.)
I have news...
That's what we'll make our hull out of!
Unobtanium! 🎵
Yes, you can dig up to the core!
It's not the one with giant smurfs
Unobtanium, Unobtanium! 🎶
(apologies to the Village people and the witter of "In The Navy")
To explode, of course.
*break beat *
I wouldn't say no to a 40-person chorus line choreographed extravaganza for "Dare to Be Stupid", though.
But yeah, tin that into Busbu Berkley freestyle extravaganza? I'm in!
... Honestly, this would be a BANGER.
"Overthruster Overture" (Company)
"Greased Lightning" (Buckaroo)
"It's Whorfin Time" (Lord John Whorfin)
"Penny For Your Thoughts" (Buckaroo, Penny)
Act II
"Yoyodyne Blues" (Company)
"(Don't Ask About) The Watermelon" (Rawhide, New Jersey)
"Penny for your Thoughts (reprise)" (Buckaroo, Penny)
"You Must be Pecos" (New Jersey)
"Say What?" (Blue Blaze Irregulars)
"Short Form" (President Widmark and Cabinet)
2. Hell Comes to Frogtown
3. Masters of the Universe
4. Mazes and Monsters
67 but playing 19.
Just a man with a man's courage practically writes itself.