I can understand this mistake in 2016, but we already had a whole term of Trump fuckuppery.
How on earth were people still thinking he’s some business genius who’ll make government better in 2024? How?
How on earth were people still thinking he’s some business genius who’ll make government better in 2024? How?
Reposted from
Amanda Terkel
Laid-off IRS employee said he had voted for Trump: "I thought that someone with his business acumen would have come in with a fine-tooth comb and actually found it instead of coming in with a wrecking ball and destroying people’s lives for no reason."
My son is eight years old. Sometimes, I'll offer him advice and he'll promptly shut it down. Even when the thing he's doing clearly isn't working, he'll continue doing it well past his level of frustration.
Trump supporters are like 8 year olds.
-Everything we do is exactly what we want to do. No exceptions
-We are what we do. If we say we’re doing something else we’re lying (allow context/patterns)
-Apply to all
-We must not ignore what’s happening right in front of us
And yet so many of us do
VOTERS: I like that he's a businessman
That's all it ever was.
People in the Fox/Breitbart bubble never heard WHAT WAS REALLY GOING ON.
And these are the same folk who think "unscripted reality TV" is truly unscripted real life.
They think the NBC image is real.
every damn day.
It never stops.
I mean neither of them know shit about anything but lying and self-promotion.
The two aren't always mutually exclusive.
There’s just no way you could think he’s not a sham ~ if not for WANTING to believe.
When you have never had any real consequences for bad decisions, you never think it is going to happen to you.
Pretty simple really.
Is it any surprise we're in this mess? Dems had a whole litany of chances to cut this off at the pass.
They didn't & now? We have Schummer and Jefferies imitating the Keystone Kops.
It's pure fan-fiction. They made it up in their own heads.
It's worse to tell yourself lies and believe them.
People also thought Obama was going to be much more liberal than he really was. It was all wish-casting and projection. But with Trump it's even less understandable.
Zero sympathy, he was told.
Government is not mandated to show a profit, government doesn't have to file quarterly reports with the SEC.
There is no board watching over margins.
Even if there were, 👑💩 wouldn't have a clue how to manage them profitably.
Truth is subjective and now we are in deep trouble as a society.
People are morons.
I had no words and it definitely changed my opinion of her.
Also he would have more money today if he just invested Daddy's money and sat on his ass then he does now with all of his genius on display.
To borrow from Clinton/Carville, "it's the disinformation, stu'pid!"
MAGA does not inhabit reality. It’s that clear.
There were Rs in Congress and the white house that kept him in check during the 1st term.
That's no longer the case.
The truth is that they liked the cruelty, and the hate, and the racism - because they thought it would be happening to other people.
And now they want to pretend it wasn't about their hate.
i didn’t think the leopard would eat MY face.
Trump is a lazy, moronic lout who would have been far wealthier if he wasn’t such a dipshit. We gotta stop idolizing rich assholes.
Everyone with half a brain knew he’s a POS con man since like…at least the 90s