Throwing trans people under the bus is morally wrong and it would not do a goddamn thing to help Democrats, it would just demoralize the base even more.
Precisely zero anti-trans bigots are ever going to vote Dem. None. Not a single one.
Precisely zero anti-trans bigots are ever going to vote Dem. None. Not a single one.
Reposted from
Josh Gondelman
I am seeing more and more opinions bubbling up about how throwing trans people to the wolves would be a winning strategy for Democrats, and I just want to quickly say: Fuck off with that absolute dog shit.
The Left lost its way and abandoned economic equality for illiberal identity politics. It backfired.
(B) quite a lot of semi-reliable dem blue collar mostly older voters in the Midwest—for bad reasons—seem to think that teachers are causing kids to turn trans
For example, my mom, and a lot of her second wave feminist friends
And I don’t have the answer, but older white voters in places like Michigan and Wisconsin are complicated. They have lots of problematic views on trans people and race and still value women’s rights and democracy.
But they did none of that and wouldn't even say the word "trans" on the trail, look how that turned out
Everything I believed about electoral strategy has gone out the fucking window.
When we fight, we win. And WE DIDN'T FUCKING FIGHT HARD ENOUGH
From what I've heard both dems and reps have a problem with this.
Where I live we have 10 parties with parlamentary representation and I still can't find one that fits me!
That doesn't mean that you guys don't need it and it wouldn't benefit the average voter.
Two parties are easier for lobbyists and gives more power for the few elites. I can see why those would like them.
This is not an argument for the Dems to abandon the trans community btw.
Our party would we better served if the folks actively trying to lose were kept far from electoral politics.
They want autocracy.
Sometimes it really is that simple.
Colin Allred threw trans people under the bus after Ted Cruz ran his first ad, and I remember thinking "way to de-energize the base, Colin".
"Hmm, how about our actual voter base?"
"No ... I've got it! We'll go after the people who are trained from birth to believe we're mentally ill demons from Hell!"
I’m no bigot, I just believe women’s sports should be for biological women only.
Describing him as gender critical would be much fairer.
I see many similarities between trans activism and the church I used to attend actually. Cultish similarities.
But also even if it weren't, that is a tiny portion of the electorate. NBC exit polls show a variety of issues going down to >5%. Trans people is not one of them.
Abandoning trans people will not help
How’s that working out for voter turnout and results? Mmmhmm.
I am a social democrat. I’m proudly a very boring straightforward social democrat. I’m not going to shit in my own bed by being racist or transphobic because what is the point of politics if you shit your bed?
Most progressives want bolder strategy.
I think you change minds after you draw your line in the sand. The strategy should be bold policies that resonate with people. Convincing people should be on the margins of that. Bc ppl are fickle.
Far better look someone in the eye and say yes, trans men are men, trans women are women, now can we talk about how to improve your working conditions.
People respect the attitude.
Instead they research what they think is marketable and choose that for policy. It’s weak and confused. 1/2
I think the issue is how sparse they are, and unfortunately how quiet their voices are. Most ppl hold more lefty views than the Democrats, but they get actively sidelined & marginalized. So it seems that way.
Focus groups told us people were mad about the economy.
Exit polls are telling us people were mad about the economy.
Trans rights are not the reason the Dems lost and if it is among the top issues for someone, they aren't gettable.
These dummies don’t get it you being wishy washy is why we lose.
Why are they forcing me to go with the first choice?!”
Why would anyone vote for a cowardly weaker half MAGA candidate when the other candidate is the real thing?
If Dems disavow trans folks, the right will make an issue of supporting gay people. Then black people. It will never end.
It’s a wedge issue used by people too strategic and chickenshit to say, “Only white men are humans”.
Also, hard agree on your main point.
Ain't any way to trust anyone who does that. It's only a matter of time till they turn on you for a vote
They're more likely to go furry. But I digress...
I would have gone furry back in the day... ;)
Rs meanwhile have a host of well-developed talking points they can draw on to create blowback when the topic is brought up.
Tacking to the right to court "moderate Republicans" didn't exactly work out so great.
How about we try something radically different and tack left. Get down right progressive. Show people what's really possible.
Jail Trump, but also the rest of the white collar criminals. Loosen immigration laws but enforce them too.
These people are unserious and they’ll get us President Vance in 2028.
Not sure the sweet water of wisdom is going to penetrate that hard-baked soil
That position pretty certainly gained not one vote, but it very likely made some people stay home.
See also: all her other appeals to moderate conservatives that clearly utterly failed to win any of them.
So, yes.
When I look up her stance on trans people, it’s mostly articles about how her platform did not mention them and she has offered nothing.
…….but honestly I kinda doubt it
Why do Dems not win? Whatever the combo is - be it more overt bigots or an effort to hedge - the issues are RACE and GENDER! Anti-trans hate IS the problem.
BIGOTRY. That is the loser. That is the problem. That is the ABSOLUTE CANCER. And when you cave to it, it eats you first!
She still won in a state Biden lost.
Hate was on the ballot. That's what they voted for.
They’re TERFs, no doubt about it, but they didn’t vote for Trump in particular because he’s a misogynistic pig and they’re still “feminists” (not really, hence in quotes)
Also so they could vote for a woman in 2016 and 2024.
No one who is a dyed in the wool TERF is voting Dem anyway. And the GOP obsession with the issue turns off a lot of other people.
But then one of these brilliant "consultants" told them to stop calling them weird and instead call up Liz Cheney to talk about how eager they are to work with her people.
I'm still debating on whether they intentionally threw this or not.