"The first guest on Gavin Newsom's podcast was Charlie Kirk" is more than enough for me to say "absolutely not" to any suggestion Newsom play any role in the future of the Democratic Party. People like him are the past, the failures, the ones who got us here.
Reposted from
Kelsey Atherton
Gavin Newsom would have put down the Bell Riots with tanks and napalm I can tell you that much
It got us here.
That liberals like him would prefer to try and make inroads with people who don't want to vs talking to the VAST MAJORITY of the country that isn't far-right is telling.
And once toxic parties, politicians and agendas become part of the mainstream.
Charlie's audience are rabid wannabe domestic terrorists, none are open to anything Gavin says.
@gavinnewsom.bsky.social WTF? There are SO MANY other people you could have spoken to and you chose a fascist, racist, misogynist, bigoted, repulsive POS.
Ended. American vs American ≠ appeasement of Nazis. Stop cancelling people that are sick - help them
We’re in the most serious crisis of democracy and these idiots are playing footsie with the propagandists at the heart of it?
This is disqualifying. Utterly pathetic.
i mean what the fuck are we doing right now.
i continue to be baffled why these D’s don’t get it. It’s like they’ve never had any real action, ever.
can’t shake hands with them. can’t be friends.
bye forever.
WOOF. Tantamount to declaring a party flip. I'm kinda speechless. That's a big, big problem.
FOR THAT REASON, if he was 'good faith debating' sans ambush, I have a big problem with it. Don't run COVER for him
Kirk as an influncer, is vile & has no added value for the Governor or Dems... But I guess this is better than Newsome going on Kirk's show... Which is something People blamed Kamala Harris for not doing vis a vis Joe Rogan's.
Persuadable young men would be better informed if they listened to the governor's podcast rather than right-wing media Nazi propaganda.
More and more it is clear. WE are all we've got.
On the other hand . . . I got nothing. I’m thinking about how much I find Joe Rogan to be ick, but reaches the bros. So maybe Newsom is trying? IDK. IDK how we save this country anymore. It certainly isn’t by appealing to MAGAts’ inner ethical person because it ain’t there.
Gavin newsom is a fucking moron lol
At this most crucial time, this caught me by surprise. Tantamount to a stab in the rib cage and it’s not even
the ides of March.
Light him up, Cali
Either way, Newsome is dead to me.
For what? Take your pick.
- someone on his team will show him internal polling numbers that force him to retreat to a left-of-center position until 2028
- someone on his team shows him numbers that reinforce his belief that embracing white supremacy is a winning strategy
But you can see as a staunch neoliberal he has to follow the same path as Plouffe.
The @housedemocrats.bsky.social are even considering ensuring @algreen.house.gov
like that whole Trump-whisper thing he tried on and it went no where.
when we get to elect the next prez, please let's not waste it on this guy.
If this surprises you.. you don’t know Newsom.
They always turn right around and stab us in the back AND the chest.
Come on, Dems. Stop trying to make nice with Satan.
Now umpteen more people will look into Kirk who may not be aware of his existence before.
Some stupid shit sticks 🤷🏼♂️
Democrats will never win by wagging their fingers.
Everyone is sick of being told exactly how they should behave and who they can talk to.
I’m not a fan of Mr. Kirk but dems have to stop throwing people away because of purity tests.
Fuck that shit!
Hes a good guy he debated DeSantis and roasted him. Democrats need to change the media narrative.
How it ended: 10 lessons on how not to try to save your marriage. (they divorced in mere months)
He was married to whom in the past?
"People change", but they have a thirst to be close to power in common.
Walk us through your theory of how this works, step by step, please.
Genius plan!
He's quite literally a malicious anti-American neo-Nazi traitor.
Newsom is a cancer. He needs to be permanently purged from politics.
Who’s next? Andrew Tate?
I understand what Newsom is trying to do here but he’s seriously misread the room.
This was exactly the wrong move.
Kind of like marrying Kimberly Guilfoyle.
Once is an outlier, twice is a trend
2 strikes and you’re out Gavin.
He was a good mayor.
He's been right about most of the important issues over the years.
I'm just a Democrat who supports progressive and liberal policies.
I support the coalition with black voters the Democrats represent & that my family has been part of for a century and I wouldn't abandon them for the latest alt-cause celebre as you are advocating.
Regardless, I don’t understand democrats who think democrats should only talk to themselves.
Where has that gotten you all so far? Winning is about talking far and wide and converting people to your cause.
But that’s who Newsom chose to platform and introduce to a new audience who may not be aware of Kirk and his world before.
The struggle. So real.
Whatever positive thoughts I previously held of Gavin Newsom are GONE!! (And Gavin, grow a fucking pair, these people are bigots & gleefully laughed when the Felon called you ‘Newscum’.And there you are with your arm around 1 of the worst. JFC what the fucking fuck? 🤬).
For the fences