My response to all conspiracy theorists is as follows is “as you are obtuse and thick as a stone but without a stone’s redeeming qualities. I shall finish this conversation and go teach the theory of relativity to a dog as that creature is far more intelligent than you. I say good day to you sir!”
Feel free to use the sentiment here wisely and well and remember the “good day” because if they try to reply you can say I SAID GOOD DAY which according to the UK is the most devastating remark in the English language.
As always, there is a tiny kernel of truth. It was only 160,000 soldiers crossing the four landing areas on the first day. The rest came over the following several days.
American troops were among the first wave of the invasion, landing on Omaha Beach and Utah Beach, alongside other Allied forces landing on different beaches:
British troops landed on Gold Beach and Sword Beach.
Canadian troops landed on Juno Beach. maybe this is the inevitable endpoint for a country which makes films showing Americans being the first to capture an Enigma machine...
I mean, I'm seeing a pattern here: Consider also Japan. It, too: a)Is a small island with effectively no coast (per the original claim re:Normandy)
b)Made a lot of boats.
c)Became a colonial empire.
Well actually small islands have much greater coast proportionally than larger land masses. This is why there were so many boats launched from Britain that they had to queue for a month to get onto tiny Normandy.
Motherfucker, I remember playing Call of Duty 3 and the Canadian Campaign is literally one of the four main story campaigns in that game (you join up with Poles at the end)!
Omg we were literally one of the three countries who took part in the D-Day landings, we literally were the bulk of the forces landing on Juno Beach, HOW?!?!?
Both of my grandfathers were a bit too young to get drafted (their older brothers did, though; the one who lived long enough for me to know him was in the merchant marine as a radio operator and became an engineer after the war), but yeah, so many stories just like yours.
Mine was legally to young and lied about his age!! Loads did, so many stories. He was awarded the French legione d’honour about 10 years back and we only lost him at 100 a few years back.
I have a feeling my maternal grandfather's mom talked him out of that if he was so inclined. His 18th birthday would have been in 1946, so it would have been a stretch to get that past the officials as well. My paternal grandfather was 2 years younger than that.
Good lord. I guess my Canadian grandfather just imagined he served as a priest on the front lines and imagined the shrapnel lodged in his back for the rest of his life. JFC.
Makes you wonder where all those Canadian young men found all those Dutch young women they married in the hundreds in 1945.
Must have been some kind of Tinder thing.
You're joking but in Idiocracy, all the crops die because no one understands why water is so important to life, so they all drink an energy drink called Brawndo & use it to water the plants.
When asked why they don't use water, the reply is: "Like from the toilet..? Eeuuurgh."
Not me over here wheeling out the memo to watch for dihydrogen monoxide coming out of your kitchen tap.
It might make you hydrated, but that's just a chance you'll have to take.
My grandfather missed D-Day but ferried German POWs back to England on an LST. He told me them seeing the vast armada of ships in the Channel bringing supplies made them realize the war was lost.
O for sure I've seen some of that. People who downplay the importance of the Normandy invasion or suggest ulterior motives for why the Allies invaded (and thus ignore the fact the Soviets were demanding a second front be opened ASAP). But this was a particularly weird version of that.
2025 please let's go back to before the internet when we didn't have dumb people spreading their opinions to the world.
Franken went back to his seat but later encountered her again. She said "I told you I was done with you!"
(I think this was in his Big Fat Liars book.)
There is no kernel of truth there.
She clearly says the US troops didn't turn up until a month after D Day.
And that is patently false.
And that's patently false.
So there's no kernel of truth involved whatsoever.
Weird semantic hill to die on...
American troops were among the first wave of the invasion, landing on Omaha Beach and Utah Beach, alongside other Allied forces landing on different beaches:
British troops landed on Gold Beach and Sword Beach.
Canadian troops landed on Juno Beach.
I follow nuke experts and they pop up constantly.
I’ve got a bad feeling about this
They lined the boats up so the marines could walk across them to Normandy.
Every day I learn there are more stupid people being stupid in ways I could not have even imagined the day before…like this D-Day denial.
*slaps roof of Florida coast*
“This bad boy can fit so many ships in it.”
b)Made a lot of boats.
c)Became a colonial empire.
What's German for "Docking Space"?
Time for me to get rich on YouTube!
Not sure exactly what the tell is though, what makes you so sure?
Must have been some kind of Tinder thing.
Number of landing craft on D-Day: 4000 approx
Landing ships per mile: approx 10
Doesn't seem crowded at they not teach maths?
(Yes I know the landing coastline was more like 50 miles.)
In Manhattan, 1.6 million people live there.
We can most certainly fit 4000 ships in that 50 mile coastal deployment zone.
When asked why they don't use water, the reply is: "Like from the toilet..? Eeuuurgh."
Rule nothing out...
Big fan.
Right...just nipping out to Starbucks for some Big Ass Fries & a hand-job.
See you all later.
It might make you hydrated, but that's just a chance you'll have to take.
The east coast of Florida is FUCKING HUGE. How big does this idiot think ships are?