In other news, now that my car is past its third birthday, I've decided to give up babying the matte paint and have taken it through some tunnel car washes with brushes.
And the paint seems totally fine.
Which means now I'm just kinda mad.
And the paint seems totally fine.
Which means now I'm just kinda mad.
Glad to hear the car is holding up, and glad I did not go with the matte paint.
I either use the high-pressure tunnel washes, or the hand-washers. Once or twice a year I get a really good detailing.
So we can watch paint dry.
I have a 12-13 year old matte grey Veloster and I still hand wash but touchless are really uncommon here so not something I've tried
Of course, *****s who buy SUVs and never go offroading anywhere a thirty-year old sedan can't go are entirely another kettle
What is to you a murder tunnel is to me a convenient way to get salt off of the car, and since I plan to keep this car until it dies, that's my priority.
But I honestly just don't put any value at all in the finish of my car. It's a machine which takes me places and not a vanity project.
That will be what I do if the matte finish starts to look shabby, but to be honest the car's more obvious wear is on the silver plastic trim bits. The silver paint chips off easily.
I like to think I am Mr thrift on water as I can do it on one bucket and two watering cans 💦
In my view cars should be washed twice a year if they need it or not
Children in the past not liking baths.
Pre-dating the common use of showers here
In the UK men had BO in the 70s
I’m surprised MAGA haven’t brought that back in?
It's just a car. It's going to get dings and scratches. Simply driving it on a road.
People get so compulsive over their cars.
Clean it enough to prevent rust holes, beyond that, you're wasting time polishing future garbage. It's a depreciating asset.
I still am annoyed about the back window not actually getting cleaned while going through one too.
It's a transportation device that depreciates with use no matter what, it's gonna be worthless at the end either way, and nobody's gonna care about the paint, just mileage.
if you wanna spend $30,000+ on a decorative object buy Art.
I can enjoy a well kept object sometimes, in its place. For me, a car's top surface paint is the last object for that role.
And of course it's a butthurt car detailing enthusiast because who else is that thin skinned
But when you're that guy you're apt to get defensive about it.
often, delivery services, rideshare/taxis cost much less in the end for occasional use.
else. I hold that belief and would love not to.
The cost of transportation is a huge problem in rural parts.
Maintenance too, somewhat, as many items need done by time if not miles
And of course detailing the interior also keeps the materials from degrading and deteriorating thus making your car more comfortable for you and preserves its value.
I have no quarrel with people who enjoy caring for their own things as such, just the car jerks who go on social media to diss people who don't do likewise.
I think the sheet metal on the 1958 Cadillac was 1/8" thick...
I'll still be using the touch less one for winter washes cause it's just as close, but should that close...
Here, though, there basically aren't any. There's an old fashioned "car sits still while the sprayer boy spins around it" but otherwise touchless car washes have largely disappeared in my area.
From an operator perspective these seem to be favored for their smaller footprint where reduced throughput is less of a problem.
I use this almost every day for modeling, I'd be curious if it works on auto paint as it is durable lacquer.
Testor - Dullcote Clear Finish - 3oz 88.7mL Spray Can - 704-1260
I do know that the big fancy ones with the banks of free vacuums and the memberships and such springing up everywhere are not (typically) touchless, though.
Not like I’d care either way, I’d put my bmw in a car-sized washing machine if it worked.
I want an all electric next: It needs to be able to do at least 300 miles with heating and lights on, navigating steep (1 in 5 / 1 in 7) mountains for at least 30 miles of that.
my Volvo EX30 can have 14 kWh/100km if I drive at a constant 55 km/h on free road
but it will consume 20-24 kWh/100km in the same weather if I stuck in a start/stop traffic and average speed is like 10 km/h
(It's driving to & from Denver to Cheyenne, and I do that trip fairly regularly but not like often often)
Trying to go that distance without a charge might be possible with some of the latest offerings but in that cold it would be a nailbiter
I'd say the question to ask yourself is this:
Most the chargers on my route are slow. I'm considering a suitcase sized battery top up. (So I can pick my picnic spot and let the dog play)
If you can get charging set up at home, you will not think about or spend any time charging except when you make this trip. So if you're willing to pay for DC charging and options are available and reliable - there's your answer
This is true for *all cars* but EVs make it noticeable because they're so efficient.
(Only for the science... I don't reccomend this in practice)
I definitely dont do this and i definitely dont notice a ~10-20% difference at highway speeds on the closest cruise following distance
Not really because they are far better drivers than most of the tourist who drive instead of taking a bus. They want to see Loch Lomond, but don't stop....
I'll need to figure out the best way to do that. And then of course, to be able to afford it on a UK state pension...
Charging at home and at your destination is the best experience, but occasional quick charges mean a huge range isn't necessary.
There's a dramatic difference between "raining lightly" and "raining enough tires have to push water out of the way"
... But they won't, because it's a secret. Shhh!
😁 Seriously, anybody who pays attention will notice their car slowing abruptly.
... And I'm sure you know this, I'm just pointing out that it's easily demonstrable.
Coming back, it turned to extremely heavy rain, and I barely made it home.
Then the next year they said "we're really proud of this matte paint, it can go through tunnel car washes"
I thought they might not have changed anything, and I think I was right.
They take advantage of people at the dealership. "Undercarriage rust proofing" and "interior stain protection" comes to mind.
But back to car washes I go!
I made this mistake myself!
It's a scratch/blemish that merely looks like bird poop residue
But as far as I know all the rest of the colors are standard glossy.
The one the other day was the first gloss white I've seen and it looked so...normal, but it a good way.
It really drove home the "it's a car"-ness.
Environmental effects do worry me, though.
It also doesn't help that Hyundai thinks their engineering without a rear windshield wiper is superior to any with one. I'm probably going to in 1-2x per week just for that.
Whenever this argument happens, it really reveals what people think about their cars. To me it's an appliance which I know depreciates in value. Keeping the paint finish looking perfect will never take priority to me over "get the salt off the suspension bits ASAP"
My father doesn’t understand how it doesn’t bother me.
it's like a free car
you paid it off 12 years ago and now it breaks the mechanic gets a big monthly payment and you have a new part on the old car
it's like your rebuilding it to new one part at a time
maybe IDK
it's nice to have reliable and new
A coworker was going to get his car repainted matte, but I convinced him to do a vinyl wrap instead. Two years later he pulled it off and was so much happier to have gloss again.
Fortunately, I like organically-applied blemishes on my artisanal matte finish Caparison.
"There, now that that's happened, I can see you as a tool."
Or worrying that your new shoes are going to get dirty. While you wear them on your feet and walk on dirty floors, sidewalks and lawns.
He had to buy a new car every 3 years because of all the mileage he put on them for work. Like clockwork, he would pull into the driveway, and immediately take a hammer to the inside wheel well on the driver’s side, giving the sheet metal a solid whack.
A few flaws helps so you don’t have to wonder if a scratch is new, it doesn’t matter. It’s just another scratch.
Photo by Fisher. PM newspaper 1941...
Photo by Fisher 1939
even my light cast iron from Imusa takes a licking and keeps on ticking
So I'm supposed to just... wear dirty pants?
Related: I separate clothes by fabric weight, not color. I still expect clothes to live and die by machine wash at home. Dry clean should only be for wedding attire and stuff.
Just seems odd to me as utility and display are mutually exclusive. I'd rather eat my cake than look at it.
Says without words "please crash into me, I would love for you to pay for the repairs I needed anyway."
of course it also sometimes implies "i hope you've got good insurance because i've got none"
Have you noticed any degradation on you car after 3 years? How many charge cycles have you gone through?
*Maybe make an update video on your experience after 3 years. The good, the bad and the awful... 🤔
That's really not too bad all come to think on it.
I've no idea how this all compares to the Ioniq though.