GAIL! I adore that film :) this is also a beloved piece of my memorabilia collection. It was a gift from a friend because he knows of my love for that movie, Duvall herself especially her work on Faerie Tale Theatre.
This was my first thought when you asked the question. What a shambles, but I love it. The way they cut between Olive Oyl singing “He’s Large” to Bluto randomly walking around, I mean the song completely stops then starts back up when they cut back to her getting ready? What a glorious mess
I read an interview with Jules Feiffer that explained a lot about that movie. The biggest surprise for me was that he did not already know all about the characters and had to research them.
He's a charmer in it. Filmed it right before Captain America The First Avenger.
What drove me crazy about it was when the female character supposedly took the train home, without her purse, her stuff, just walked upstairs in that red dress.
Did she leave all her belongings behind in that DC hotel???
Then later she stole the most hoopty car at a wedding to chase after the guy she wants. All I kept thinking was whoever had that car didn't have much money. She abandoned it - to get towed most likely.
Congo (1995), with Ernie Hudson as a British mercenary, Laura Linney as a CIA agent that went to work for the world's worst dad, Dylan Walsh in a completely different movie with his talking ape named Amy, and Tim Curry as a Romanian philanthropist free from the chains of Ceauşescu.
My older brother and I still yell "wait for the facking signal!' at eachother in our very best (read: worst) English accents ever since we saw Alien 3 as kids.
It's a terrible movie in many ways, but a guilty pleasure. Absolutely loved Charles S. Dutton in it.
A ha! Finally found another somebody who posted this one! Why do people want to argue about whether it’s messy, I wonder? On my post, too! It’s so messy that the studio couldn’t figure out how to market it.. so they didn’t. And it tanked at the box office even though it’s perfectly awesome.
I'll say the 1986 film of Biggles - Peter Cushing's last film.
Which I haven't seen since I was ten, but still!
Mine is
Jam packed with twists and turns
Come on, now.
I love this movie so hard.
What drove me crazy about it was when the female character supposedly took the train home, without her purse, her stuff, just walked upstairs in that red dress.
Then later she stole the most hoopty car at a wedding to chase after the guy she wants. All I kept thinking was whoever had that car didn't have much money. She abandoned it - to get towed most likely.
It's a terrible movie in many ways, but a guilty pleasure. Absolutely loved Charles S. Dutton in it.
That movie is not messy but perfect.
Every time I saw that as a kid it was because I had stayed home from school and it was on some obscure TV channel.
It always felt like a fever dream in the best way possible.