Most of my X-Men references come from the movies and cartoons, so I'm sure I'm missing a lot, but I think a game with Gambit, Rogue, and Storm would be fun as hell :-)
Mimic was the first one that popped into my head, probably because he'd be annoyingly multi-class. Also: Kitty, Kurt, Storm, Polaris and oddly (damn it, Gail, you're making me warm up to him), Gambit as the jock guy trying it out when nobody's looking. Torn because I want Kitty to play and DM.
Storm would play something more mundane like a thief because she knows a good pickpocket can do some interesting shit and people would assume she’d play something with raw fury.
Totally. Classic Beast very clearly plays a lot of role-playing games, and paints the miniatures with his feet. He got Angel and Iceman interested in the game, but is disappointed that they aren't quite as obsessed with the minutia as he is.
"Actually, the origins of the roleplay genre lie within miniature wargaming of the mid-20th century, itself derived from planning exercises used by real-life militaries. In a sense, painting this fleur-de-lis onto my 8th-level cavalier's shield is a connection to the martial traditions"
You just know he ropes Wonder Man into a game trying to pass it off as an acting exercise, things really take off when Bobby and Warren bring Hercules along
Oh, yeah, Hercules would totally be into rpgs too. He would make sure to play a character with the weakest strength possible, and think the whole thing utterly hilarious.
"A supreme jest! Behold, the prince of power is playing a wizard with merely 5 strength, too weak to properly swing a sword!"
There was a Marvel comic in which a group of children ask Hercules for help, and to show their respect, they give him a divine offering of the thing they most value - their rarest Pokemon cards. Herc is immediately taken with the game because he respects monsters, and the Pokemon ones look so cool.
Professor Xavier - he could create the fantasy world in his mind, and bring everyone’s consciousness into it. It would be AMAZING 🤩 and maybe also terrifying 😅
I want to say Magneto, but he's way too self-serious to even engage with the concept of role-playing no matter how funny the idea of him describing his character is.
Jamie Maddox is the actual answer because you never have to worry about having enough players.
Beast as the DM. Gambit as the designated snack bringer, Shadowcat because watching her get freaked out by a plot twist and phasing through her chair is always funny, and Longshot to bless our dice.
Phoenix. Which is really out of left field but perhaps if she was asked it would completely dumbfound her — to think she would be asked to play a game - and it might be interesting.
I feel like it has to go to the New Mutants. A gaming table with Doug, Xuan, Dani, Roberto, Sam, and Rahne would be a great mix of personalities. Plus Mirage would make a great GM, both personality/intellect wise and no need for a battle map!
Gambit because he probably already has a character sheet (I love that he's a nerd).
Cyclops because he'll insist on being the DM.
Rogue and she's only there to be close to Gambit.
Hank/The Beast for the same reason as Gambit.
Kitty and Nightcrawler are obvious and would be a blast. Rogue would be the one that derails the campaign in the most funnest way to spend several sessions shopping or questing for custom armor that isn’t any better than the armor she had but it looks ah-maze-ing.
Non-war criminal Beast, Nightcrawler, Kate Pryde, and Glob Herman, with Quentin Quire DMing. Quire held Wolverine and Armor in a video game he made in his head against their will, so a premade fantasy world with a group of consenting members should be no problem for him.
don’t know if you mean playing with them as another player or playing as their them. I choose playing with Cyclops at the table playing someone and I’m playing a version of Cyclops and constantly making him do super sexy things.
“Oh no, Cyclops got wet and now he’s doing dishes in his underwear”
All of them around a table, flashing back and forth between the DM spinning the yarn (pure sienkiewiczedelia); and angsty x-teens dungeon crawler their character.
Doug pitching this as a way to get Warlock more adjusted to social interaction, and Sam going along because he figures maybe he'll be less awkward being someone else.
Beast, Kitty and uuhh Nightcrawler. I love many others but to play D&D you need interest and attention span and while I love for example storm I hardly think she’d enjoy it.
Cerebella, Martha Johansen. She'd really understand the escapism of it all and would make a helluva psychic battle map / psychic playroom for everyone. Plus I think it would be healing for her.
Nightcrawler! He's got the best jokes and we're not gonna become murder hobos.
Or Storm she's gonna come up with the best stuff to say right before her spellcaster blows up the BBEG.
As a character or as a fellow player? Character would probably be Mimic, and Morph (both X-iles) as a player, but only if he DM’s so we get character voices.
Colossus. Because everyone else here said Kitty. He would be really wanting to impress her but sweet about it and the fact that he’s an artist would mean he’d put some earnest effort into it being interesting.
Jim Lees Blue Team
Cyclops-total rules lawyer
Gambit-has fun and a few drinks
Psylocke-her character is just her original body
Rogue-enjoys the company, has a few laughs
Beast-abusing the rules to irritate Scott
Wolves-initially hates, by session 3 so into it
Jubilee-comes for snacks stays for fun
Beast as the DM, but with Xavier's helmet thingee cuz Jean keeps spoiling thing reading his mind. Then Jubilee, Gambit, and Colossus. They just seem so fun to play with as a group. If X Force were also involved, Deadpool would obviously be a blast to play with as well.
Whenever the question is "Which X-man would you X with?" the answer is always Kitty Pryde. From talking shit about Cyclops to sneaking some whisky from Wolverine's liquor cabinet to staging the annual Purim play, the answer is ALWAYS Kitty Pryde.
Doug runs a weekly game with Kitty, Nightcrawler, Magik, Sunspot (bard), Cannonball & Smasher. He’s trying to get Bei into it but she’s more Roll than Role playing.
I want to play D&D w Domino. We'd have the best rolls. Those dragons and dungeons would be toast! Also Jean Grey and Emma Frost because I'd want to see them one-up each other into a spicy romantic relationship somehow & then get hate married. Deadpool too cos he's super creative.
Cyclops will show up on time, every time. He’ll also know the rules, consistently bring store-brand snacks, and always play the healer so you don’t have to.
Mystique. She’d be a top tier roleplayer
Can Dazzler come along too? I just have this *feeling* about her...
“I worked all week on this campaign, guys.”
“Guess you wasted your time, bub.”
Assume Cyclops is a forever DM
Other players: Kamala Khan, Strong Guy, Gambit and Boom-Boom
Longshot and Domino are NOT allowed to play, OR, DM any games for obvious reasons.
Beast as the DM, of course.
Cyclops (the DM): Jean, how did you know any of that was there? Did you read my mind?
Jean Grey: *long pause* ... No?
Logan: I rage.
Cyclops: Logan, you're not even playing a Barbarian this--.
Logan: Yer point, bub?
Nightcrawler: I ave alignment problemz wit diz.
Deadpool: Hey, Nightie. Could you bamf over to the kitchen and get my another beer?
Nightcrawler: Ov courz.
Deadpool (before Nightcrawler leaves) We torture the goblin cleric for information.
Plus none of their abilities could cheat the game, so there’s that.
Hank can DM, because reasons 🤓
Storm would play something more mundane like a thief because she knows a good pickpocket can do some interesting shit and people would assume she’d play something with raw fury.
Doug, because he is the ultimate forever DM.
I'll DM
I would play D&D with X-Men.
"A supreme jest! Behold, the prince of power is playing a wizard with merely 5 strength, too weak to properly swing a sword!"
Also, I would read the hell out of a comic that was nothing but X-Men playing D&D.
Jamie Maddox is the actual answer because you never have to worry about having enough players.
We can't always be having strife in the x verse c'mon.
I just love reality warpers.
I've got a 12-sided die
I've got Kitty Pryde and Nightcrawler too
Waiting there for me, yes, I do
-- "In The Garage" by Weezer, 1994
I'd love to play with Morph and Storm
Ilyana, to complain about “that’s not how devils work”.
Doug as DM,to do the different languages of the NPCs
David Alleyne, to make the plans.
Remy, to smirk at David when the group inevitably fucks up the plan.
Cyclops because he'll insist on being the DM.
Rogue and she's only there to be close to Gambit.
Hank/The Beast for the same reason as Gambit.
He's seen actual horror; a TTRPG would be relaxing for him I think 😁
I'd stock beer and jerky to sweeten the deal
Other players: Rogue, Gambit, Shadowcat,Iceman.
Funny enough I think Logan would be a great player but he would chose a caster class.
Mystique could change appears per NPC would be awesome for immersion.
Prof X could create intricate mind illusions to really put you in the scene.
I'd want Phoenix to DM.
“Oh no, Cyclops got wet and now he’s doing dishes in his underwear”
Maybe iceman? Idk if he would dig it.
Or Storm she's gonna come up with the best stuff to say right before her spellcaster blows up the BBEG.
By the way, what's D&D? Sounds Fakey
(Can I have a trans femme non-binary Gambit as a GM? Wait maybe that's too self insert.)
Cyclops-total rules lawyer
Gambit-has fun and a few drinks
Psylocke-her character is just her original body
Rogue-enjoys the company, has a few laughs
Beast-abusing the rules to irritate Scott
Wolves-initially hates, by session 3 so into it
Jubilee-comes for snacks stays for fun
But honestly...I'd just like to hang out with Storm for any reason.
Hank: the role player
Kitty: the real man
Kurt: the loonie
Remy: the munchkin
Jubilee DMing
Whenever the question is "Which X-man would you X with?" the answer is always Kitty Pryde. From talking shit about Cyclops to sneaking some whisky from Wolverine's liquor cabinet to staging the annual Purim play, the answer is ALWAYS Kitty Pryde.
Gambit - he's probably fun at it
They would be so into the setting and it would be so much fun.
I think Rogue would run the most fun, open game of D&D ever.
Nightcrawler would also run a killer heartfelt game and would probably make everyone at the table cry at some point.
Honorable mentions to Logan and Scott who would run AIRTIGHT combat encounters.
Now all we need is a dungeon…