Can't help but notice that obsessive campaign reporting about age concerns disappeared when Biden dropped out even though the Republican nominee is older than Biden was in 2020 and would be the oldest president ever?
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If you analyze the reasons why you’ll see that this was a Republican campaign which the media, in particular, took on whole heartedly. Ironically it’s a case of be careful what you wish for. As it may have just cost Republicans the election.
Sure, he's both. He's diminished compared to his younger self, but compared to Biden, we all saw Biden make him look coherent. That's what caused the shock. When he's compared to Kamala then his own impairments will be much more obvious.
Plus he has a historically extreme and unpopular vice presidential candidate who would be a heartbeat away from the presidency, funny how age stopped being an issue though
Not to mention old natterer Trump appears to be half off his rocker. When will pundits start talking about all that nonsense the way they would if Biden or Harris spouted a single line of tfg’s lies, accusations, and childish name-calling? Why are they helping him? Again.
Yes, but consider that the people saying those things wanted Biden to lose and Trump to win. It wouldn't make sense if they attacked Trump, because they want him to win.
right except, what also happened was that Democrats had a BRUTAL public intra-party fight over this question that resulted in the 81 year old sitting president stepping aside in unprecedented fashion! Meaning the "age matters" faction won!
You are part of the MSM problem. Nobody wants to hear your opinion. We want unadulterated news. Not your insipid regurgitation of your corporate master's political interests. We are done with you.
Because it was never about "age," it was about cognitive decline. It's absurd to ask why Trump isn't accused of forgetting what he's saying. He doesn't do that. It would be great if he started to, but so far no, he is able to remember his terrible thoughts and speak them.
Trump is also showing clear signs of cognitive decline. He rambles on and on and can't stay on message - even more than 4 years ago. He does forget what he was saying, except instead of freezing up, he goes into an unrelated tangent. He's more incoherent than ever.
So weird how the entire world colluded to pretend that Biden was obviously far more impaired and that's how Trump knew to mug for the camera, shaking his head and looking quizzically at Biden as if he can't believe his luck in having this guy as his opponent.
I'm sure Trump is only angry about Biden being replaced because of sincere concerns about his rights, and not because his impairment would have made him so easy to beat.
Arguments over who is more impaired are irrelevant now that Biden is out of the race. The point is that Trump is clearly impaired. When he says something incoherent the press tends to translate it into something coherent. I don't see a right-wing conspiracy but them trying to show no liberal bias.
Yes, this dispute is now moot, which is what makes it so irresponsible for Chris Hayes to use his platform to try to restart the vicious party infighting. Those of us who saw Biden's impairment and called for him to step down were right. Now we are winning. You're welcome.
Well, the unspoken context there was that you have a domain where you presumably/hopefully have some control and direction. And you could exercise that to elevate both stories.
This seems like a good segment. It would probably pair great with a supercut of Trump’s weird verbal flubs where he loses his place on the prompter and trails of into pleasantly sounding gibberish.
The NYT’s behavior this election has been reprehensible and directly counter to public interests, and Harris should continue the interview embargo against them for another four years.
only to be replaced by obsessive campaign reporting about who is more open to the mainstream media, which incidentally it looks like Trump is! i guess he's better prepared to be president
Obviously this is on the media for being terrible....but also, the Dems never work the refs and say the media sucks. Biden wouldn't come out and say that the NYT is a Trump rag, so they kept trying to sink him with no repercussions.
As much as he's painting himself into a corner with the base on the whole authoritarian posturing thing, he might have to do something about those journos he keeps calling enemies of the people if re-elected
The oldest nominee in history of the country and his mind is mush. He thinks windmills cause cancer & air superiority helped win American Revolution. A convicted felon who tried to end Democracy and led a violent insurrection that almost killed his own VP.
Too bad the media are owned by donors.
I think the owner part is key. There were some good analyses of oligarch-owned French media re pushing the Le Pen takeover & every time I read one I note it applies equally to U.S. oligarch-owned media. They imagine a dictatorship will somehow benefit them w/o regard to history that says otherwise
The most terrifying thing about Trump is that he's meant to be the circus he is. Cover for the vicious, greedy people behind him who want something. They don't care about USA, laws, rights. They don't care how much damage is done to get what they want.
I just wrote a commentary on this for the Journal of Neuropsychology including a little jab at George Clooney's ageism in the NYT. Invite me on your show and we can chat!
It’s no use, they think he is the messiah. He could shit his pants and barf his dentures on national tv and it would not make a difference. His brain is shot.
I know it’s not the man we’re discussing, but when JD Vance completely botched that Hulk Hogan joke at the Fire Fighter’s Union yesterday, I immediately thought to myself “this would be a five day news cycle if Biden had flubbed that and he legitimately has a stutter.”
Wow, it’s almost like the NYT and the rest of the MSM don’t actually care about age or mental acuity, despite the other guy showing obvious signs of mental decline!
Hey you, NYT, WSJ, CNN. Try some basic math. Take 2024 and subtract trump’s birth year. Google it. Not hard. Think about it. Then ask questions. Do your damn job. FOX is exempt. Too much higher math for them.
He's not just older than Biden was in 2020, he's still the same defect he was and all the missing brain cells! His cranial cavity is one big empty parking lot! 😁
I want to be careful with Michael Tae Sweeney's "because the media likes Trump and wants him to win" formulation because of how broad a brush it is, but I'm struggling to find a more plausible explanation
I really do believe it's a commitment to "both sides" and the maintenance of the status quo that's so entrenched they just instinctively keep trying to legitimize Trump and MAGA.
The Harris/Walz campaign has also been silent. "We're not old" could be their slogan. Maybe closer to the election, when it'll land harder & Mr. Tangerine Man will be older.
For all its faults, the Biden administration is pursuing anti-monopoly and anti-trust actions against massive corporations, something that would most certainly continue under Harris.
And the people who own the monopolies own the media.
Because there’s a very real hypocrisy where this guy is concerned. He’s gotten a pass at every single point in his life and has never faced the same scrutiny (other than by the courts) as every other candidate. And it’s time for that to stop. Dude’s old.
You take a look at bacon,and some of these products,and,some people dont eat bacon anymore,and we are going to get the energy crisis down,when we get energy down,you know this was caused by their horrible energy. Wind,they want wind all over the place,but when it doesnt blow we have a little problem
Tim Walz told his son that he had his nose when, in fact, he did not have his nose. He only put his thumb between his middle and index finger to create the appearance of having taken his son's nose! If he'll lie to his son, what else will he lie about?!?!?!
Well yeah, because America's Special Boy is running against someone else now and they have to fine-tune their fake-ass criticisms to that person instead, so America's Special Boy has the best chance to turn us into Indonesia.
Prior to Biden dropping out, when people worried Democrats and the left were unilaterally disarming if Biden removed himself from the picture were complaining people weren't talking about Trump I would point out we have a lot less control over him and the GOP. We can make a stink but would it work?
Campaign reporting that's not "Dems in disarray" makes for less drama. If Harris is surging, it's a bad sign for Harris. When trump tells people she blowjobbed her way to her career, also a bad sign for her.
That’s because Trump is in peak physical condition. Better condition than ever. He took an age test & it said that he was younger than a 20 year old. He’s the bestest physical in the world.
It's almost as if the mainstream media is owned and controlled by oligarchs who are desperate to get him back in office so he can cut their taxes and regulation even further...
What I don't understand is the media wanting Trump to win when "if" he does he will censor every one of them or shut them down. He calls most "Fake News" I don't get their coddling and dumbing down what Trump really is.
The has taken a side.
The wants Trump to win so they can sell more newspapers.
Remember it whenever you consider inviting anyone from the to your show.
it seems to be an issue
he’s old!
she’s not!
Thankfully he don't gotta. Ride out the term, my bruhthuh, you earned it.
Could it be that they generally coddle him and overlook his lunacy in an attempt to be “fair and balanced”?
Too bad the media are owned by donors.
“How do we show that Democrats are at a disadvantage?”
I’ve seen a lot of news outlets *cough*MSNBC*cough-cough* chase that question for way too many on-air segments.
It’s tiresome bullshit that will never stop. Not ever.
Such is the role of political journalism in a press system driven by profit. Democracy be damned.
Money grubbing c***s still want their stooge in the WH, and corporate media are among the c***iest of the c***s.
Funny thing, that 🤔
And the people who own the monopolies own the media.
Go figure.
The wants Trump to win so they can sell more newspapers.
Remember it whenever you consider inviting anyone from the to your show.
“People are concerned he’ll die in office” they said.
Just sayin'