It's also not the same thing as Dudek won't comply, which is what the headlines have been implying.
Dudek is pretending to be stupider than he really is, but he is complying. The actual SSA computer folks are still there, and Dudek has shut the DOGE kids out of the computers.
You want to hear something even more horrifying? You cannot rule out the possibility that Musk and members of Doge are so committed to ideological madness that they could very well turn off payments because they truly believe it is the right thing, and then sabotage it so it cant be fixed.
I started suspecting they already broke it 3 days ago, especially when thinking about how there’s probably a ton of elderly that don’t use online banking. My dad gets monthly paper statements and says Social Security deposits around the 15th every month, but not last month.
Agree. A bunch of 20 year-olds who have no idea how any of this works were just randomly ripping out wires and then said “you’ve got the manual for this? Right?….Right?”
We'll find out soon I guess?
I've got an in-person apt. Monday to document my name change, and hopefully, apply for early SS eligibilty at the end of the year. I was figuring it's better to get in the system before they break it.
Thank god my mother's already dead.
I got 6 letters today from SSI about my disabled son. They underpaid him and deposited a 3700.00 into an account that can't have over 2000.00. The remaining letters talk about how he is getting cut for having too much money in his account?
Yeah...that's how they are and that was even BEFORE orange hitler. I'm really sorry you have to go through that. My Aunt had something similar happen to her with her grandson. Idk why they have to make hard lives even harder.😡
Exactly. There has been no political will to provide real “cost of living” wages or “benefits” to citizens in this country in a long time. We are seeing the most extreme manifestation of the belief that none of us are worthy. Only the rich are worthy…
It's too late today but I am going to put it in writing and send copies of all the letters with explanations by insured mail on Monday. I will also remove the money from his account.
I think that even their cult is going to have a hard time swallowing that one given that half of their cult is on social security and didn't commit fraud to get it!
I'm 45. I've been paying for 29 years. $65,000+ as of 2 weeks ago but today was payday, guess I should see if it's still possible to download my statement. I am going to get that money back one way or another.
Too many folks think it’s mostly us oldsters who will be enraged. It’s also our adult children and grandchildren who will have to deal with us getting kicked out of our homes. My family loves me but they don’t want grandpa in the guest room!
I have to sit and look at an entire pile of old people that all voted for Trump and may find themselves unable to afford medical care or a place to live and wonder to myself what my capacity for familial piety is in the face of my desire to scream “FAFO MOTHERFUCKERS” at people I should love.
Fortunately my family and I (including my 96yo mom) are all lifelong libs. I am sorry you have FAFOs in your family to deal with. Talk about cognitive dissonance…
My partner’s family are all MAGA. Fortunately they live 2,000 miles from us and we rarely see them. Yeah, if you love them but they’re so self destructive, it’s really painful. Wishing you enormous reservoirs of patience and boundaries.
When I warned my Trumper mother that this was going to happen she started throwing shit at me & kicked me out of her house. She doesn't need the money, but her Healthcare will be all fucked up & she better not call me to help her
Man, I don’t fuckin’ know. I got thirty years before I should have had to think about that shit too hard. Now it’s my problem. Which means it’s fucking Trump’s problem.
My Social Security payment was received Friday and for the first time ever, had a one week hold in it. Most of the time if there is a deposit hold some funds, say $300 will be available until the full amount is posted. Not this time though. God damn you DOGE and double damn you MAGA!
Please don’t say things like this. I know it’s a fear, however, experience has taught me we make our own reality even at this level. It’s logically too late to shut down the payments that go out in April, checks have already been cut and direct deposits have already been initiated.
i think we're under estimating how much these fools are under immense pressure and stress and he probably just blurted out something because he was angry and stupid. which is still very bad.
Pretty sure we should be taking them at their word when they say things like this. It kind of feels like 'no, that could never happen' should never be said again.
Which guy?
Dudek was rambling because they plucked him from nowhere to be their patsy and the judge told him he was in charge and he cracked because the deal was he was supposed to sit in the corner and let the DOGE nazis destroy the place.
That thing where you reflexively blurt out your anxieties… I’d bet lunch money on “they already broke it and aren’t yet sure if they can fix it before anyone notices”
The problem is that this is just choosing between two different yet largely equal forms of being complete idiots, so there's no way to know which one it is.
You know the end of The Usual Suspects, when Detective Kujan is drinking his coffee, looking at the board then realizing he just let Keyser Soze walk out the front door when he had him in his grasp? Yeah, this is worse.
if they broke SS they should all be looking for plane flights to non-extraditing countries, because the streets will run with the blood of those ones who don't make it out.
american gothic becomes less grant wood & more (premaga) glenn danzig.
(or maybe 71 year old glenn danzig, not being able to afford kitty litter without his ssre deposit, finds his old punk spirit & fights the government.)
Can you imagine all those old entitled white MAGAs (but I repeat myself) *NOT* getting their government check that they totally deserve and worked hard for, not like those "other" people.
People in deep red areas are already shouting down Republicans in town halls because they lost funding for their businesses and farms or they or a loved one lost their job. God knows what will happen when people's elderly parents or disabled family members lose their only or main income.
A dark humor to this for the greybeards, what if they didn't break the programming - but the push to the mainframe (assuming they still have one as they can lock that up pretty tight)
In all seriousness I'm convinced that, despite the U.S. having the history it does and being very well-armed, a violent, large-scale revolt is very unlikely and would only happen for a few reasons. But I believe one of them would be Social Security getting completely shut down.
that's weird, and worrying. In theory, it should be, in your case, the 4th Wednesday each month (so the date will vary, but the day should not)
This is something that occurred to me about a shutdown, Musk's creatures could have shut down mandatory spending counting on the public not knowing the difference, blamed the Democrats, then justified what they're doing to the public by turning the money back on, or crippled SS and made excuses
I just got my very first Social Security payment last week after more than a year with no income following a layoff. I can't believe it's going to be taken away from me already, especially after working and paying into the system for 48 years. JFC.
Sorry for this gloomy portrait of what we are dealing with people. This thought has kept me awake for the last few nights. MANY innocent people will suffer as a result of this evil pair… and that is the point. They are drunk on the notion of retribution, regardless of who it affects. Prepare
It’s cruel beyond belief to stop payments and forcing people who are old and disabled to show up in person to the office when you fire most of the staff and close offices! The waiting line will be miles long!
💯(I am a recent retiree and cannot believe the bullshit about SSA and scared; it was already very difficult to get someone on the phone and email does not work; this will endanger 69 million of SSA recipients; good way to start a mass revolt though)
yes, but, also, remember, this is the dumbass who got the administration in trouble by pulling social security cards from maine because the maine governor said something mean about trump
I think getting windmill slammed by seniors at the townhalls is starting to take effect. I'm sure one or two is thinking what will happen if the checks don't go out on Wednesday, and finally realizing they don't have a mandate
Imagine you are repping a rural district, with farms, teetering health care, elderly population because the kids move off. Medicaid/Medicare, farm supports, Social security regular and disability keeping these communities afloat, then having to explain all this to your voters.
They’ll just eat another three or four cartloads of horse shit about it, but if Elon tells them to eat a fifth cartload? Well, they’ll do it, but they won’t like it!
When they do something I’ll take them seriously. It’s been 8 years of “someone who asked to keep their identity hidden afraid of repercussions” saying they’re tired of the party line.
These GOP members of Congress are going to have to take a step to demonstrate that their frustration outweighs what seems to be their collective humiliation kink.
1) Musk was never smart, he was just in the right place at the right time & a good salesman
2) He was once a reasonably smart guy, this is just what happens to your brain when you're gobbling up propaganda and Soviet deicing chemicals 24/7
I deal with SSI and SSDI recipients daily at work, we'll know 2 days before the 1st if something is up. Many of my customers get their direct deposit to Chime it's 2 days early. 1st, 3rd and the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Wednesday of each month.
Mmm hmm. I don’t know if they are just so out of touch that they don’t understand what the impact would be or if they don’t care because they believe the blowback won’t touch them.
The extreme lack of empathy doesn't just result in cruelty, it also means they literally can't understand what other people are thinking and feeling including "how people think and feel when they, the narcs, screw them over."
I think this is a spot on observation, I listen to #knowledgefight and they cover Alex Jones' ridiculous nonsense. He's already started laying the groundwork for why SS/Medicaid/Medicare are being taken away.
Lots of excuses from him about how we "have to stop the payments now before we're bankrupt" and bring them back "after we've saved the economy." Lavish promises about how we'll all be rich enough to vacation on the moon, if we can just get through some pain while they purge the "fraud." Scary stuff
We'll see if it works for him, but he's definitely priming them on who to blame and why this is happening to them.
It seems clear he expects all of these programs to be taken away soon, but he's also not the insider he pretends to be, so I don't think he knows more than the rest of us.
As a disabled senior living solely on SSA benefits, I'm literally terrified my deposit next week is in danger.
My SSA comes from 50+ years of working & is *** NOT *** an >entitlement
I worked for every single penny!
Without it I cannot eat, buy my meds or pay bills.😡
I'll lose everything. 💔
Thank you for this post.
I receive mine via Early Direct Deposit & is due this morning at my bank.
Have barely slept for days worrying about his.
And ... I think you are correct about future payments.
BTW - this happened in the past few hours.
You aren’t the only one living on pins and needles 😟!! Me and hubby’s 2 sisters live off our social security income. My retirement and his disability. We are a family of 5, all in our senior years. The youngest was just starting to apply for his retirement benefits this year, now he’s concerned.
Sending genuine 🙏 for all of you
May his application be approved quickly in spite of all that is transpiring around us to derail our lives & steal our peace of mind. 💙
I know.
I'm in the same boat.
After contracting E Coli & developing severe sepsis in Nov 2021, & followed by 6 mos. in hospital & 2 LTC rehab stays.
Lost my ability to even sit up by myself.
Had to learn to do everything again even writing.
Now, working is not an option no matter my determination.😔
That’s what I’ve been thinking today. They’re just saying they’re going to shut it down because they’ve screwed something up in the payment system and don’t want to admit it.
I'm not on Social Security yet but if I was and my check didn't come, I'd camp out at the office of my congressman or senators every day until that check was deposited in my account.
They've def broken/deleted stuff they shouldn't but I think it's more likely they don't have the manpower to fix things given they have people elsewhere and almost certainly kicked a lot of people off incorrectly
it is the literal only stove-touching option realistically available to them that I think puts FL-06 just barely in play and all of a sudden they're messaging for it
I was thinking that they have set it up to fail on its own. Sort of like how they are setting up the recession to buy up land from farmers for cheap, buildings from closed businesses, and so on. Not that we the people would know the purchases nor the money. Follow the money.
I believe they’ve already broken SS so that they can shut it down at will. I also believe that if they do, the millions of old guys like me, with nothing to lose need to take care of it.
It’s probably both scenarios. Donny is giving DoJ orders to double down on ignoring the judiciary. Also, when you let hackers into any system, they’re going to break things because they only care about their own goals. In this case people’s SSNs, and financial information.
I explained to someone recently what happens at the end of the story about the goose who lays golden eggs, and they were like "that's horrible," and I said, "well of course it's horrible," and why am I bringing this up, oh, no reason
They already broke it. It was barely hanging on to begin with. I don't know how the rest of the government can let this happen, but believe me after this one, people are going to die, businesses are going to burn, buildings in washing are going to burn. These fools are going to experience real pain.
“May the Declaration of Independence be to the world what I believe it to be, a signal to arouse men. Calling them to burst from their chains under which monkish ignorance & superstition have persuaded them to bind themselves, & assume the blessings & security of self-government.” Thomas Jefferson
From MarketWatch this morning (the very last paragraph of the article):
"A Social Security spokesperson told MarketWatch that the agency would work to comply with the court order."
Dudek is pretending to be stupider than he really is, but he is complying. The actual SSA computer folks are still there, and Dudek has shut the DOGE kids out of the computers.
The judge's TRO has stopped them before they could learn enough to do damage.
It's twelve weeks of sustained insanity.
The script kiddies have only been on the job for seven:
I've got an in-person apt. Monday to document my name change, and hopefully, apply for early SS eligibilty at the end of the year. I was figuring it's better to get in the system before they break it.
Thank god my mother's already dead.
Not that anyone will pay attention to this because it's easier to get worked up over fact-free posts.
The asset limit also needs to go, too - $2k is obscene.
ON the other side of it, the lady who did call back really was kind and really was trying to help.
Sadly, she's probably going to get laid off in this bull they're doing.
I hope they fix it.
SS is just another example of how little they want to make America great again
"Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks." Luke 6:45
Blurting things out reveals what's inside -- things they usually hide.
Dudek was rambling because they plucked him from nowhere to be their patsy and the judge told him he was in charge and he cracked because the deal was he was supposed to sit in the corner and let the DOGE nazis destroy the place.
(or maybe 71 year old glenn danzig, not being able to afford kitty litter without his ssre deposit, finds his old punk spirit & fights the government.)
When they do something I’ll take them seriously. It’s been 8 years of “someone who asked to keep their identity hidden afraid of repercussions” saying they’re tired of the party line.
2) He was once a reasonably smart guy, this is just what happens to your brain when you're gobbling up propaganda and Soviet deicing chemicals 24/7
really curious which of these it is
He loves to buy a company and declare he invented it; he's great at giving people a Lone Genius story they want to believe.
malignant narcissism to the point of actual solipsism in Musk and Trump's cases.
"I've already forgotten it, who are you again?"
It seems clear he expects all of these programs to be taken away soon, but he's also not the insider he pretends to be, so I don't think he knows more than the rest of us.
My SSA comes from 50+ years of working & is *** NOT *** an >entitlement I worked for every single penny!
Without it I cannot eat, buy my meds or pay bills.😡
I'll lose everything. 💔
I receive mine via Early Direct Deposit & is due this morning at my bank.
Have barely slept for days worrying about his.
And ... I think you are correct about future payments.
BTW - this happened in the past few hours.
May his application be approved quickly in spite of all that is transpiring around us to derail our lives & steal our peace of mind. 💙
For clarity, you are entitled to the benefits because you worked to earn them. Unfortunately the word has two, stupidly opposing, definitions.
I'm in the same boat.
After contracting E Coli & developing severe sepsis in Nov 2021, & followed by 6 mos. in hospital & 2 LTC rehab stays.
Lost my ability to even sit up by myself.
Had to learn to do everything again even writing.
Now, working is not an option no matter my determination.😔
Go figure.
Now they have to fix it
( yeah right 😭)
Or some meme coin that’s tanked?
The answer is ALWAYS both.