Egg drop soup
Egg clumsy
Egg bad waiter
Egg fired again
Egg turn to life of crime
Egg clumsy
Egg bad waiter
Egg fired again
Egg turn to life of crime
Soup fight back
Kill soup
A love story.
Egg is yoked
Egg fried
Egg right color
Egg convice other white egg to scramble themselve and hate brown egg
Egg win
Egg say "no crime if saving egg farm"
Egg poops pants
Egg buy car and house
Egg feel happy
Egg get IRS letter
Egg flee country
Egg travel world
Egg start a new life totally legit
Egg former partner find egg, threaten to reveal egg past
Egg does what egg has to do
Egg family begin long road to forgiveness
egg is shell-fish
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the kings horses and all the kings men, banned Humpty from doing gymnastics again.
Egg become famous
The life of crime chose me
where's an egg?
Clearly, this what she yelled at the screen while watching Wheel of Fortune right before killing Mr. Jones in a fit of rage.
Egg get divorced
Egg quit job
Egg become wrestler
Egg wrestle ex-Egg wife
Egge get Egg on face
egg spits rapid indecipherable bars
Egg the money (and runny)
Egg sighting
Egg regious
Egg loo
*the badguy from Sonic the Hedgehog
Egg too fast
Egg off table
Egg splat
Egg now floor seasoning
Eggs cremate
Egg solve
Egg Zachary
Egg lines
Speaking of Dateline, I thought Blayne did an excellent report on Friday night. Heartbreaking and difficult case. I really like her ❤️
Egg cracks
Egg smell like sulfur
Egg going to Hell
Egg rise through ranks
Egg become pope
Egg Benedict
"EGG EGG EGG EGG EGG EGG DROP THE SOUP" and then the wubz go nutzo