SCOOP: House Democratic leadership is "very unhappy" with those who went beyond traditional protest tactics, such as outfit coordination and refusal to clap during Trump's speech to Congress.
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If this makes you as mad as it should, call/e-mail and yell at your electeds about it. Tell them that you expect them to EMULATE Green, not condemn him.
FFS. Get your shit together, & You're pissing your constituents off with your bullshit calls for going 'high' and civility. Seeing a bit of civil disobedience fires us up.
House Democratic leaders are very unhappy they are going to die; will cling to power in a horrific, destructive, and vindictive move against the God they lie about believing in.
Well, I'm very unhappy with them for not meeting the moment with the urgency it demands after telling me over and over they needed my donations and volunteered time because the election was a "threat to democracy". I acted with urgency, now it's your turn! Step up or get out of the way!
House Democrats leadership is weak and should be removed. They are playing by ineffectual rules that won't do anything to stop the complete destruction of the government.
He needs to be replaced as leader. We need someone who is ready to fight fire with fire. Call and let them know how unhappy you are with this leadership.
I used to think Jeffries was the right person to be leader of the DEMs but not anymore. He is spineless and afraid to adapt. Trying to adhere to the norms and rule of law is over. This is the time to push the boundaries because at least then you will push back against MAGA breaking them.
The only reason I won't unregister from the party is so I can support the primary opponent of every last establishment supported limp dicked AIPAC sponsored fascist collaborator.
The entire leadership needs to go period, end of story. Time to get younger more in touch candidates to primary every single on of them. Of course this means the same for the state dem party and leadership as well.
I know, that’s why you use them to recall governors and state lawmakers, then have the NEW representatives pass laws to recall congress. See how that works?
There's never been such a 180 in foreign policy in recent US history in such a public manner, they are frozen and don't know what to do in the face of such a major betrayal.
Would Congress have sat by if FDR had such an episode and said Hitler ain't so bad?
And if it's not Putin's payroll, its the wealthy that are poised to profit from a Trump admin. Conflict of interest no matter what, but the party doesnt care!
Birds of a feather…the silver lining in this mess is it should FINALLY be abundantly clear which Dems are owned by #Plutocrats and which ones are genuinely serving their constituents. Follow the money.
I saw the bit about her stock trading on Last Week Tonight when he was digging into Pelosi, I cant find the specific episode. But look no further than her open secrets page, her top donors are insurance orgs, pharma, foreign interests among other terrible sources
Katherine Clark is useless. She's my rep and I've contacted her multiple times, including about KOSA. She sent the most milquetoast, tepid form letter that aligned with GOP talking points, "What about the children?" I'm so done with these Vichy Dems.
I sent a letter to Kirsten Gillibrand about the SAVE Act. I got a letter back about healthcare. They ARE useless!!! I'm so over the entirety of Washington with a few Progressive and Warrior exceptions!
🇺🇸 📣Any Democrats telling us to Stand Down like Hakeem Jeffries Is doing r Outing Themselves as Fake Democrats!!
Republicans have been funding Fake Democrats for 100 yrs covertly creating a One Party System! It's a total RICO fraud on Americans!
We need Millions protesters in the streets!
Remember when he did that stupid ass sesame street alphabet speech and ppl were like this is the best speech since MLK? I remember because it was the only time in my life where I both laughed and threw up
Pretty tired of people looking at this as dems vs republicans and not “all of us” vs “those craven, lazy shitheads who are the government”. Next decade is gonna be wild, I hope we figure out unity quickly because the lack thereof is what’s causing all this shit.
DISUNITY!? How about all the Dems present acting in concert with Al Green (one after the other) then getting removed and censured IN UNITY! We have an administration breaking the law right and left and you want decorum? Unbelievable.
Why? They need to explain why they think that it isn’t appropriate to let go of decorum when the nation is basically on fire and democracy is about to go up in smoke
He will be the downfall of the Democratic party. Y'all need a workers party, because these guys only care about remaining institutionalist. They don't care about people.
I never say shit I here. I only follow. But these Pelosi-style Democrats that live in 2013 need put out to pasture. I’m so sick of the decorum and absolute pussyfooting around everything. There’s a reason Trump resonated so much over his rise - he’s loud and makes headlines. We need that from Dems.
They should be praising these lawmakers. Dem leadership has been asleep at the wheel, so these stars have had to step up. We should be elevating them to party leadership positions. Let them rally!
Sad to say, Mr. Jeffries and company just don't get the dire urgency of this moment. "Outfit coordination" and little signs did indeed make many representatives the story -- the story was impotence. Those who left and Congressman Green spoke to power and evil with passion and purpose for all of us.
Watching her, I thought of a scene told by my children's ancestor, an Odawa war chief. The parallel was striking.
"My father, a woman took up the chikaquois and began to sing the song of war, and all the other Indians of Michilimackinac seeing the woman singing the war song, followed her example."
You can mock all you want but Nancy didn’t let the democrats finger wave at each other over the clothes they wore to the SOTU. She kept her focus and fight on Donald Trump and held 2 impeachment hearings against him. I would say she fought the good fight.
nancy pelosi campaigned over and over again for corporate, anti choice centrist male dems against progressive women in safe blue districts. she is not our friend.
Wait, someone is leading the House Democrats? Do they know this? Has someone told them? Does this "leader" have any plan, other than "scold people who do anything".
Also, terribly unclear headline: are outfit coordination/refusal to slap considered traditional protests, or are those the "beyond"?
Which is to say, House Democratic Leadership is apparently very happy to stand by without saying or doing anything as our country slides into dictatorship. Disgraceful.
We are DESPERATE for new Democratic Leadership
Jeffries and Schumer are empty suits not capable of rising to the moment in this unprecedented attack on our Democracy
I suggest
Put their heads together 🇺🇸
They explained why it was a losing strategy? Could they share their insight with the rest of us, because the current visible strategy sure looks a lot like losing in embarrassing fashion
Dems: stop calling us to tell us to do stuff, we're totally doing stuff
also Dems: it is a losing strategy to do stuff, we're sure of it, absolutely no stuff to do
there wouldn't be "public disunity" if you joined them like your constituents are asking you to its not only democratic voters who see you as weak but the whole world. For the sake of our country, step down & let someone who can stand up to Trump lead. Your lack of action has pushed away long time donors & volunteers. You’ve made a mockery of the party.
I got a text from Kamala this afternoon asking if there was anything she could do to make me donate to the DNC. I responded: fire Jeffries and Schumer and unify the party to resist Trump. She hasn't texted me back.
Is this for real? That pink was absurd,not because it was too much, but because it wasn’t enough. I’d have preferred if all the Dems walked out after the first lie.
PATHETIC! if House Dem leadership wants to see "very unhappy," they should come talk to their constituents re: their reaction today/their NON-reaction at the speech. I don't think they have a clue in the world how PISSED we are at THEM. We need leaders more than ever & these guys aren't cutting it.
Absolutely. House Democratic leadership better get his ass out front and lead or he will be out of a job. I've heard about the openly hostile town halls of Republicans. I'd like to think that most Democrats are getting the same reception but haven't heard anything about that yet.
I’ve been to town halls for two of my local Dem MOCs in the past month. one was on the phone & one was on FB live. No hostility towards them. Mostly people looking for some assurance. But that was when we still had some hope/before we were this frustrated and pissed off at the Dems.
Great job !!! Show those insurgents that the irreparable destruction of the nation itself and to the future of its population WILL NOT take precedence over DECORUM!!!! You may now return to brunch
I didn’t even know what Thune looked like until recently because whenever Trump/theGOP did harm, it was photos of Schumer and Jeffries that accompanied the article.
I've never seen a presidential election decided this fast in my life. Immediate capitulation even though there were already signs things looked ... off?
No recount. Nothing but crickets.
I was thinking the same thing. Something isn’t adding up.
Did you notice Harris’s body language w/Obama at Carter’s funeral?
My armchair take- They know Elon tipped the scales but were not willing to publicly announce it. Harris obv not happy with leadership’s decision to leave it
I agree! Before, I thought he was he was perfect! Now, I feel he needs to go! Make AOC, Jamie Raskin or even Jasmine Crockett minority leader. Jeffries is a disappointment!
🇺🇸 📣Any Democrats telling us to Stand Down like Hakeem Jeffries Is doing r Outing Themselves as Fake Democrats!!
Republicans have been funding Fake Democrats for 100 yrs covertly creating a One Party System! It's a total RICO fraud on Americans!
We need Millions protesters in the streets!
Trump: starts huge trade war, threatens to deport Americans, plans to invade multiple countires, sides with Russia, NK and China, abandons all allies, gives gov't IT to 4Chan techbro ratfuckers & Musk.. 🙃
Jeffries: "why can't we all clap in unison for this clear Excellent POTUS?" 🫠
AOC and other like-minded Democrats need to start their own version of a DNC. The current one is corrupted with corporate donations. They are more beholden to the largest checks rather than the American people.
Scoop; So called Democratic leadership doesn’t know their ass from a hole in the ground. These spineless jellyfish are why Dems lost elections that put us on the brink of fascism. They’ve learned nothing - they need to be voted out
We should be more polite to Hitlerslatinmussolini Decorum!
Wtaf. Do they know we expect them to do something other than wear pink and hold up placards that only succeeded in being targets for ridicule and mocking? So weak, who follows weak leaders?
The Democratic Party’s failure to stand united against authoritarian overreach is why it keeps losing ground. Instead of fighting back with the same intensity as their opponents, they often choose “civility” over resistance.
What Jeffries and others in his camp are missing (or ignoring) is that people actively WANT Dems to be rude and uncivil. I want them to be ASSHOLES to the GOP, because civility in the face of fascists just allows them to walk all over you.
I'm done with this BS. I sincerely hope that, whatever is going on, there is a total annihilation of our two-party system once all of this shakes out. This equivocation is exactly what people hate about Democrats. Read the damn room, There are no rules.
Sadly, you're probably right, but it's not as though Democrats are doing us any good right now. It's almost as though they've already merged in everything but name.
House Dem leadership is wrong. They had every opportunity to put together a coordinated response and chose not to. The entire world order is at stake. When do they think might be the time to fight? Explains a lot
For decades billionaires have been bankrolling both sides, republicans officially and democrats with their subsidiaries. I've been telling people this for decades. With the SOTU, it's on public display that many of them are willing to kiss republican (oligarch) ass publicly.
They know they're insulated from most of the pain Americans will suffer. They the turd plans on being president permanently & they'd rather kiss his ass & still be immune than support the American people. They think it's better to be the right hand of the devil than to be in his path.
There was no “strength”
in the Dems presence. Dem leadership has to bring force against the opposition. This is NOT the time for dignity; it seems weak and as if they are complicit. Wake up Dems before it is too late!
NONE of them should have attended. Trump is not a legitimate leader. F*ck decorum! Spayed and neutered - the whole lot of them. If you don't speak up...
Taking the high road gets us nowhere. I won’t donate until I see a unified Dem Party fighting as hard as they can. Tweeting doesn’t count as fighting. We pay their salaries and deserve more.
Give me a break! Dems didn't do enough. The little signs and pink shirts meant nothing. Who even saw them? How about yelling, "Lie, Lie, Lie", every time he lied? That's all that would have been needed. This attitude doesn't make me very confident for the future.
He needs to go. He has no sense of leadership at all. In his mind, we're all back in the days of "bipartisanship" instead of facing down a fucking dictator.
House Democratic Leadership is an oxymoron. Let them be "unhappy." They're irrelevant and the fact that this is all that we're hearing about them is pathetic.
“Refusal to clap and coordinated clothing” is not what has Republicans so worried about holding town hall meetings. I’d love to see more of these leaders taking a cue from their constituents
Upend the Democratic Party now! Exclude the deadwood. Meet in secret. There will be nothing left for any of you if no one is willing to risk their livelihoods to stand, lead, and FIGHT.
I don’t believe this story is true! First of all, it’s simply NOT how Black people move. This is click bait at best. Trust that maybe Schumer or Pelosi may have TRIED to check some, but they didn’t “check” Al Green or Jasmine🤷🏾♀️It didn’t happen!
It's time to disband the democratic party. We need a green party. Or a socialist party. Or a humanist party. Or a freedom party. Or a DEMOCRACY party. This system is sick the way third-party voters essentially have no power and so are stuck with the "good" cop DemonRats and the bad cop RepubliCants.
I think Jeffries need his own “come to Jesus” with Democratic constituents, the majority of whom are demanding tougher outright action by him and the other leaders. The time for milquetoast responses and decorum is long past.
You aren't doing shit but standing back while he destroys everything you're not pelosi and we don't give a fuck about her tactics we want real voices doing something. EVERY TIME you cow two to these fools you degrade democracy. Stop it and strategize with your colleagues
You're too in bed with the rich dems and they're not liberal anymore you folks allowed the Overton window to be pulled so far right you look like center right candidate in comparison all of you, especially voting his cabinet. Don't wait for CR the fucking time is now!!!!
vote these cowards out! We need anger, action, and public displays of resistance. not this mamby pamby BS that and are giving us! They are failing, and we are the ones who will suffer. no more donations!!!!
Grow a spine, Democrats
When the moment came, they all bent the knee but Rep Green!!
Are they as concerned as Susan and Lisa?
And 10 Dems voted to censure Rep Green after that shitshow of an address?
They high?
Or, we could take the slightly more pragmatic approach and primary their asses next year?
Daddy Wall Street told lil Hakeem no interruptions!
Would Congress have sat by if FDR had such an episode and said Hitler ain't so bad?
She has done 771 trades. Nancy Pelosi has done only 180 lol
Republicans have been funding Fake Democrats for 100 yrs covertly creating a One Party System! It's a total RICO fraud on Americans!
We need Millions protesters in the streets!
Hook, line, sinker.
Shameful excuse for inaction from opposition who should be calling him out for destroying the country from the inside out.
All those elderly Democratics...
couldn't they have even hummed a protest song from their youth?
Someone needs to inform them:
Composure is not always cool. Sometimes it's just plain cold.
"My father, a woman took up the chikaquois and began to sing the song of war, and all the other Indians of Michilimackinac seeing the woman singing the war song, followed her example."
What is the ironic clap and speech rip not enough of a fight against the existential threat to democracy for you??
please stop living in your fantasy land, you're not the only one running out of time
"Would they have done that to [Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi]? You know the answer: Never," the lawmaker said. "So you've got to put the hammer down."
This is not about his gawd damn male ego.
We need new leaders. for example.
Also, terribly unclear headline: are outfit coordination/refusal to slap considered traditional protests, or are those the "beyond"?
Jeffries and Schumer are empty suits not capable of rising to the moment in this unprecedented attack on our Democracy
I suggest
Put their heads together 🇺🇸
also Dems: it is a losing strategy to do stuff, we're sure of it, absolutely no stuff to do
there wouldn't be "public disunity" if you joined them like your constituents are asking you to
They are now doing everything to sabotage certain victory in 2026.
Holy shit you're right
With Trump moving to take America into the "Axis of Evil" club with Russia and others, it's time for Dems to start swinging at all pitches.
Trump is destroying this country, and our allies now think we're the enemy. Congressional Dems, get in the damn ring and fight.
- Dem leadership
The entire they go low, we go high is why Democrats always lose.
At a certain point we need to start playing the same game.
Difference is facts and morals are on OUR side already, not theirs.
It’s endlessly frustrating.
No recount. Nothing but crickets.
Did you notice Harris’s body language w/Obama at Carter’s funeral?
My armchair take- They know Elon tipped the scales but were not willing to publicly announce it. Harris obv not happy with leadership’s decision to leave it
(by cowardly trying to avoid him)
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
- Benjamin Franklin
Republicans have been funding Fake Democrats for 100 yrs covertly creating a One Party System! It's a total RICO fraud on Americans!
We need Millions protesters in the streets!
Trump: starts huge trade war, threatens to deport Americans, plans to invade multiple countires, sides with Russia, NK and China, abandons all allies, gives gov't IT to 4Chan techbro ratfuckers & Musk.. 🙃
Jeffries: "why can't we all clap in unison for this clear Excellent POTUS?" 🫠
Please be polite. I wasn’t but that’s just me.
That’s how we got here, acting like everything is normal and not getting mad and addressing issues head on! I’m so over this garbage.
We will keep continually losing because the Democrats can’t ever seem to get on the same page!!!
Wtaf. Do they know we expect them to do something other than wear pink and hold up placards that only succeeded in being targets for ridicule and mocking? So weak, who follows weak leaders?
And they’ll ask for money to fight. 🤷🏻♀️
I think they wanted Trump in office.
in the Dems presence. Dem leadership has to bring force against the opposition. This is NOT the time for dignity; it seems weak and as if they are complicit. Wake up Dems before it is too late!
If I was one of these Reps being condescendingly lectured, I’d threaten to change party affiliation to Independent.
Someone had to say it.
Please, follow the $$
Well, guess what? I'm a constituent of YOURS and I incredibly unhappy with YOU.
I’m just afraid, it’ll be too late to do anything then.
"outfit coordination and refusal to clap"
He should step aside…let Raskin give it a shot.
If folks like AOC are looking to step up, now's a good time!