Sorry, but every Capitalist state has ALWAYS ultimately been ruled by the rich. It's just that now they've decided to stop the "nice guy" act and are going to really let the peasants know where they stand.
Damn straight, Joy. I miss your show. That time slot is not the same without you. I always enjoy Michael Steele on the weekends but not in your slot. It's now so boring and dryer than a 90 year old woman's vagina.
uhm. Gondor rather famously did get a king. It was sort of a Big Deal that they got a king. They guy who said "Gondor needs no king" was very explicitly damned by the narrative.
Not quite the heroic reference I think you intended there lol. Boromir was corrupted by the One ring’s power and nearly destroyed the Fellowship. Jus’ sayin’! 😉.
But get your meaning.
Well, that doesn’t quite add up. A king does come to Gondor, but a rightful one. It could be that Denethor is now in the Oval Office, and that Aragon will never come. In any case, trump and Putin clearly share a palantir.
You should try to understand what she has said, I know their “ big words“ for such a small boy, however She is a Harvard graduate and tells it like it is, and snowflakes like yourself simply can’t handle the truth. At the end of the day, your on the wrong website this ain’t Twitter or propaganda
This quote is literally a man tilting against windmills because there *is* a hereditary lineage, but his family as wardens are quite keen to hold onto power, it's meant to be a moment of weakness/shame and a king very much does exist and Returns, as a quote it's entirely self-defeating here.
I'd argue the only way to find yourself using this quote in this context is if you googled "no kings quote" and took the first thing that came up with 0 further reading or comprehension, like, it's actually baffling. It would be like using Darth Vader as a good example of a present father.
Yeah, except she is wrong here. And attacking other people who point that out isn't doing you any favors.
In the books there is a king, his return is kinda important and fixes a lot of the problems they're having soooooo, this reference is really not appropriate for our current very recent climate
There is no other democracy with a head of state with as much power as U.S. President. USA is as close to a monarchy as you can get, without having an actual monarchy. Your so called checks and balances are not what you thought they were.
This is what we need more of, copy the exact kind of posts Elon makes. Just appear to be an illiterate moron. Random pop culture reference of a thing you clearly didn't understand, read, watch, or apparently even see the title of.
We all need to follow Starship Troopers' advice and do our part
Glad you got fired. The absolutely disgusting joke of a piece you did on "Bernie Sanders' posture" was proof you're as dumb and bad as any other outdated legacy media garbage.
I’d love to hear you on and shows. I will follow you to your next project. You are one of our heroes of democracy
Also, thank you, Joy, for being of the few anchors to do factual reporting on trump and his cronies and what they planned for our country, before and after his election. You didn't deserve what MSNBC did, and you'll always have supporters and fans who appreciate all you did to bring truth to light ♥️
Trump may style himself as a king, his followers may bow to him like he's a king, but he will NEVER be a king. They may be trying to dismantle our democracy as fast as possible, but with people like you who are unafraid to tell the truth & refuse to bow down, it will give others the will to fight.
Tells you everything you need to know about the intelligence of MAGA, that they see no contradiction at all between voting *Republican* and supporting a King.
8 of the top 10 countries with the highest quality of life are constitutional monarchies. So, correct, that definitely won't be happening here. It's a rule by decree dictatorship now with low scores in quality of life indexes.
Trump can align his personal business with Putin all he wants. Not America. This is our country, not his to do with as he pleases. We do not want to be aligned with weak countries like China, Russia and North Korea, and the rest of the dictator countries that align with them. Rise up America!
Please start speaking about the food not released to Sudan and Ethiopia bc of doge. People are starving to death and he froze the food. Please please please
Disgusted that King Charles invited Trump for an unprecedented 2. state visit. If this is to appease T. for diplomacy for UK, idk.
But we get ready for massive protests and a big unwelcome message to T.
Amen Joy amen. We already have a king God and Jesus. Jesus who paid the price with his blood to save mankind. Jesus is King of kings Lord of Lords. No one would have done what he did. Certainly not Dumpy Trump who only is for self.
A better scenario is that a True, morally upstanding Leader in Elessar renews the Glory & Splendor of Gondor after effectively bringing an end to the Stewardship by lesser men, lastly Denethor, who in seething jealousy uttered that line, but idly saw the Decline of the Realm, as these clowns do now.
Except the separation of pageantry from actual executive power turns out to be a useful bulwark against autocracy. There is no “respect for the office” of PM. The UK monarchy works because we chop off the King’s head if he defies Parliament.
Love you, Joy, but this is a misinterpretation of the work. The statement in the LOTR is a man's pride overwhelming his duty. Not a king or no debate as the stewards of Gondor were charged with protecting the kingdom until the rightful king could return.
Joy, I want to believe that. But lately, it’s obvious that republicans will not stand on the side of the law. He’s entertaining the idea of a third term and no one among them is saying anything to counter that.
And poor Zelenskyy! He’s caught up in Trump’s lunacy. He holds a grudge against him.
Should could've used a quote that actually had the intention she wanted, as Boromir's lust for power over Gondor ends up getting him killed and the guy he says this to becomes king of Gondor.
Russian people have been downtrodden for centuries. Czars the communist rule.
Chinese people have been downtrodden feudalism the communist rule.
It goes on and on.
That’s how dictators survive.
We’re not them.
This will end.
Okay I mean it is a little weird to quote Boromir in one of his most spiteful moments when the whole rest of the trilogy is about Aragorn reclaiming his rightful place on the throne of Gondor
When Mordor sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing palantirs. They’re bringing wolf-headed war rams. They’re Orcs. And some, I assume, are good people.
Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.
No, we will not be a monarchy. But it seems clear that New Nero is trying to bring back the worst of the ancient Roman empire. This is probably what that Utah senator meant when he tweeted we're not a democracy.
We've got too many Denethors in gov't right now and not enough Gandalfs. We need people that are clear about the threat and swift and decisive in trying to counter it.
Do some reading. Or at least watch a movie or three. The steward went nuts and Gondor got a king back, who turned out to be a lot better. Now go and read about Ankh-Morpork. Who will be your Sam Vines?
I was so angry for you being fired. It’s not right. Catering to Trump only makes him think he has more power. I hope a place like #mediastouch gives you a platform.
With the greatest of respect Joy, the USA does not have an impending 'monarchy' problem.
The US has a 'democratic?' Executive, Legislature and Judiciary problem, the same model as many other authoritarian governments.
The UK, Sweden, Spain etc Euro-monarchs are not facilitating fascism.
didn't really end well for the guy who said that tho lol
You kneel.
But get your meaning.
Eff it. It’s been a shit day for all of us
Hilariously bad post.
Times change and so do people. Tolkien was the man to first translate the Arthurian Epic Gawain and the Green knight...
He believed in the one true king stuff.
let’s find a different quote
This is an insanely bad example. JFC.
I hope you can now be unleashed, like Don L.
Plus, you're 100% here.
We need Frodo and Samwise to stand up to Sauron (and that damn Gollum)! No kings!!
The king returns and it’s a good thing in the third book lmao
In the books there is a king, his return is kinda important and fixes a lot of the problems they're having soooooo, this reference is really not appropriate for our current very recent climate
"Aragorn, once Strider, the duly elected Prime Minister of Gondor wearing the Crown of Votes"
There’s a follow
Let’s get in some good trouble. 😈
We all need to follow Starship Troopers' advice and do our part
Retire and be forgotten
Even if he was Aragorn, he was a king
* it’s a cricket bat, it fits in my backpack.
But we get ready for massive protests and a big unwelcome message to T.
Do you ever broadcast on YouTube or go live on Tiktok?
I can’t wait to see your next chapter !
But yes. No masters. No kings in the USA.
Agree with the politics. Movie didn’t sort out right for the metaphor. Line’s not in the books.
Literally. ❤️
I hope you are doing ok. And thank you 🩷
And poor Zelenskyy! He’s caught up in Trump’s lunacy. He holds a grudge against him.
I reject monarchy too, but respectfully, Ms. Reid, this isn’t it.
Chinese people have been downtrodden feudalism the communist rule.
It goes on and on.
That’s how dictators survive.
We’re not them.
This will end.
Is so embarrassing
Mind you, Aragon served in many Military engagements, something Cpl. Bonespur has never done.
BTW, did you make.that up?
Have you read any of his books?
The US has a 'democratic?' Executive, Legislature and Judiciary problem, the same model as many other authoritarian governments.
The UK, Sweden, Spain etc Euro-monarchs are not facilitating fascism.
Even if we’re smart enough to know what she meant, it’s cringe af