I really don’t know if there can be a true resistance to this that isn’t aligned with faith / spirituality and the community of organized religion.
Martin and Malcolm— both faith leaders.
Martin and Malcolm— both faith leaders.
Christians created this, Christians aren’t/won’t/can’t fix it
Because it’s a fundamental flaw of how American Christians *are*
It’s built in. It’s institutional. And until they want to fix their own mess, nothing will change
My issue is with organized religion having any sort of leadership role, or being a kind of litmus test. It truly doesn’t deserve it.
I’m literally a child of colonialism, where African religions were treated as demonic. I have my own traumas with the church and church people.
There’s a specific reason I didn’t specify Christianity alone. And I mentioned Malcom X because — Islam. Ghandi- Hindu.
Still, I'm committed to this fight. These idiots are breaking America and if we let them do it, this great country will be lost.
And the Christian-nationalist push of "Jesus would actually love it if you killed your neighbor actually " certainly isn't like... disavowing me of that mindset.
And idk what that something needs to be, religion maybe??
But people clearly need a better moral framework and place to build and sustain community.
We need to be lifting up present day leaders, including faith leaders. I don't agree that *only* faith communities are up to this moment, but we can't win by rejecting their contribution.
- Evangelical Doomsday Cult
- Patriarchal Sex Cult
- "Pass the collection plate" Churchianity
- "Just read the freaking manual" private practice
- Catholic, basically
The first 2 are a problem. The last 2 are neutral.
Faith has been the historic oppresor of transgender people.
“‘No God for Ireland!' he cried, 'We have had too much God in Ireland. Away with God!’”
During my examination of the Christian dogma I was taught, I wondered what we meant by “spirit.” I understood “body,” and “soul” had a decent definition of “mind, emotions, and will.” But “spirit“ was tougher.
I finally came up with my own definition, which is…
…”spirit” is that part of us that connects to another being. You can feel it when you make eye contact.
A community involves spiritual practice because that’s what connects our hearts & minds.
The great religions help develop that “muscle“ by giving us common language.
Just my two cents!
Just rapture all the Christians already.
The trust is not there and but if I’m being honest with myself, eventually it must be built or we will never survive the war
I don’t have to believe in / practice Christianity to ask this.
I’m thinking purely from an organizing perspective, not a religious one.
They need to turn the tables &
Telling them hope that someday they meet Jesus and get saved
In other words, the same shit those vile bigots have been throwing at people for decades.
Matthew 7:23 is my personal favorite to hurl in their faces
It does nothing if we stay silent while they proclaim their Christianity the sole one.
I don’t know how you fight this without enlisting the help of faith communities.
I’d be willing to bet there are a fair number of "Progressive Baptists" (to pick one group) who can spit Bible verses just as well, though👍
- go to church
- follow Jesus
- show love to neighbor
They call themselves Evangelical because they
- hate Muslims
- vote Trump/GOP
- fear immigrants
- like believing they are free to do as they please, with their get out of hell free card
Liberals make this same mistake about the Constitution and Nationalist loyalties - Conservatives all believe themselves to be the only true and faithful followers of the Constitution, "God", and the Nation.
Regular humans are in churches you know. Many of those people are active and many of their churches are active as a group. They just don't spew rhetoric to rationalize bad behavior so maybe you don't recognize them. Some of them even keep religion out of politics! 😱
My comment wasn't addressing religion. That's a different discussion. I don't appreciate you quoting me out of context. My comment regards mobilizing more Americans to fight fascist BS.
Besides that, not all churches in America are Christian. Your negative bias is glowing bright enough to blind.
It's way past time that you figured out that you need to call yourselves something else. Bcs at this point, I don't gaf about 'not all Christian's'.
I'm fighting Christians
I am also aware of Dominionist churches nearby.
I don't go to church but have been thinking of getting involved w/
Organizing means coming together, finding consensus and common ground with people who think differently, then taking positive action.
STOP saying “oh this doesn’t jibe with my POV on Christian so they’re not Christian.”
They ARE Christian. Just like Waco was and Oklahoma. They’re radicalized Christians, just like ISIS are radicalized Muslims.
Stop fucking dismissing their religious roots. Stop it.
And it matters because modern American Christianity is all *about* what you think and profess. Their worship services are singing and being lectured to! You can't say "you don't do what Christians do" because (1/2)
Call them bad, extremist, radicalized or any other adjective before you say Christian and I’ll agree. They’re evil.
But they are Christian.
Rev Reeb & Viola Liuzzo, were slain during the protests of the 60’s
UU’s organized in Phoenix against Joe Arpio. And for LGBTQ rights.
We are a liberal faith to live our values. No proselytize
I think he’s right, but I don’t actually know if it’s something that can hype anyone up into organizing a political movement around it.
I'm not sure (and that's part of the problem, right?), but for me appeals to faith are relevant now since this omnicrisis gets down to fundamental ethics for me, at least.
Those who are serious about their faith will join us. We can't worry about the others.
We don't have the time anymore to try and convince anyone of our humanity and right to exist equally and equitably.
That definitely should’ve been a big push by many Democrats to show Republicans are not true Christians and against freedom of speech.
Reducing suffering in ourselves, our neighbors, our world, can be an ethical foundation regardless of religion.
LD$ even gets briefings from our senators and they've closed their books so we don't know what insider trading they're doing.
Churches are the problem. Donate to the ACLU.
I'm mad at Mike Lee and took it out on you.
As someone raised Episcopalian, I have a need for ritual, but UUs' beliefs and calls to action are human rights affirming.
If you’re up for it, stick around and chat afterwards—everyone will be happy you’re there :)
We should be walking into right wing churches. Talking with folks at coffee hour.
I think this iteration of organization needs to be secular. Not only has religious demographics shifted and there are a lot more "nones" but this shift is going to continue. I think even a variation of Meacham's public religion is too religious.
I don't think it would take that long to build though. The time is ripe for it and the speed of social media could make it spread like wildfire.
I think creating a set of core values, similar to how creeds functioned in early Christianity would be particularly powerful. Broad, inclusive, but clear.
This resistance doesn't win without faith communities AND labor. Both support people in important ways when their jobs won't.
Also, racism hobbles union efforts. Seen this time and time again.
"New labor" like Starbuck's and Amazon are energized and diverse. I know both have affiliated with legacy Internationals, but I think this is where the energy is.
many share all your values, and for the ones who don’t, take their help stopping this existential threat and deal with differences later
if they want help stop this, come on board, we can go back to fighting after we save civil society
I would like to see it lead by faith leaders tho because most people look to their faith leaders for guidance
And there is clearly a vacuum in that currently being filled by awfulness
And of course, lived.
I'm a humanist, if that is any help, I believe in *us*.
I'm sick of the cults of religion. I don't need a god to make me a caring person and I think its a crutch for too many.
In the past, when there was tension in a parish, people would work together and resolve those issues.
Have you noticed this trend?
I'm not saying it's the cause, but I've noticed this change start around Trump announcing his run back in 2016. People started walking away from difficult conversations instead of working through them, and it's steadily increased since then.
Relationships are more disposable for too many.