If there was any proof required of the First Felon's loathsome disregard for basic Human Values....this is it. Even the war crimes indicted, Israeli PM took it like a drunken approbation of the worst of Hate Crimes of this century. Damn these people to hell.
Correction: my bad, the freakish Israeli genocidal maniac gave it to the freakish denigrator of the office of POTUS. (Clearly I'm not keeping up with this guided tour of the End of Empire).
Exhibit A for the genocide memorial museum, right next to the post they tied Adolf Netyenhau , Joe Robbinette-Himmler and Benito Trump to for the firing squad.
I’m too disgusted to fully appreciate the Bidenfreude—Sloppy Joe humiliated himself to placate this guy, sold his soul, and Netanyahu could not have respected him less
The great thing about that is that it’s clearly not the work of one person but a whole team of people over an extended period and not once did one stop and say 「 this is fucked, what we’re doing 」
People are saying olive, okay I'm no dendrologist (yes I looked that up), but is there a significance of olive trees to the pager terror attack, or am I trying to read too much into mass murderers' sculptures?
Perhaps your desire for things to "make sense" is leading you astray. The tree is of no significance. If you can't grok its meaning than there is no way Trump, its intended audience, could understand it.
Only thing I can think of is how Palestinians in the Gaza strip value olives and olive trees as a traditional staple/source of life there (hence why they are specifically targeted by the opposition to their occupation of the area)
I’m not sure, but in Roman culture the destruction of olive trees was seen as a way to destroy generations of work, it wouldn’t surprise me if this is a similar homage
ok just want to add based on comments, I'm aware of the significance/symbolism of olive trees in Palestine, but was curious re. specific relevance to the Lebanon attack. It's mind-boggling either way, just mystified at it all. Symbol of terrorist murder atop a symbol of life/nature, cut down. Sick!
It’s just a general symbol of bloody domination, and I think also a statement that they don’t recognize Lebanon and Palestine as being different countries— just part of generic Arab lands to be turned into Greater Israel
olive trees are one of the most popular crop trees of palestine and the other neighboring countries, to slice one and mount a memorial to the murder of its denizens is just a petty show of dominance
If it's in olive tree I think they're mocking the very concept of peace.
noun: olive branch
the branch of an olive tree, traditionally regarded as a symbol of peace (in allusion to the story of Noah in Gen. 8:1, in which a dove returns with an olive branch after the Flood).
In the local culture, an invader cutting down an olive tree is specifically an ancient war crime. Olive trees take 10-15 years of growth to become productive, so destroying an olive grove is saying, "I don't want this land for its resources; I want the people living here to starve for a generation."
When someone becomes dependent on death and misery as their source of power, I believe that makes them the devil. This gift is perfect from one demon to another.
thanks bibi, let me put that thoughtful gift right here on the mantel
Maybe it's so Trump can request a Golden Shower from Bibi 24/7.
It is just a tree.
noun: olive branch
the branch of an olive tree, traditionally regarded as a symbol of peace (in allusion to the story of Noah in Gen. 8:1, in which a dove returns with an olive branch after the Flood).
Just a little Mossad joke.
Report: Netanyahu gifted Trump a golden pager