Fox and MAGA are creating a false universe where lies are ignored and norms are discarded. Bernie kept referring to it as the Big Lie. The lie repeated and regurgitated on every right wing platform. This is North Korea type stuff. I applaud getting liberal voices heard.
Are they aware that his 6 bankruptcies and myriad business failures are public record? I mean, I know MAGA are all morons and don't care but still... who is she lying to at this point?
He really has no idea how business works, how commerce works, how tariffs work
U won't get ANY $ back if WE don't buy, if countries don't buy American goods (BTW - They are NOT & not just Canada), if American companies shut down & don't produce
So be in a millionaire at the age of three is self made? And when your Dad gives you 400 million yourself made? He is a thief a liar a rapist and a convicted felon and you're a dumb bitch
trump put 6 casinos in “transition” and American banks said Mr. why don’t you “transition” your loan begging ass somewhere else so trump transitioned into a Russian ass-et. #trumptransition #trumpcession
Someone needs to tell her the brown stuff in it isn't pudding, and his diaper isn't a bread bowl.
Be it an asteroid, an uprising, the miracle of free and fair elections in 2028, or time finally doing what it was designed to do, I really look forward to all these gaslighting fuckshits going away.
Trump is a nepobaby with massive daddy issues.
He has no personality and constantly sucks up to the person who shows the tiniest bit of confidence, usially faked.
He lives in a world of falsehoods that he might as well be from a parallel and opposite dimension.
Elon Musk IS NOT a self-made billionaire. #AlinaHabba
“Elon Musk and his companies have received at least $38 billion in US taxpayer subsidies, including loans, contracts, tax credits, and grants. This aid has helped Musk become the world's richest person.”
“Self-made?” Also, the expression is “the proof of the pudding is in the eating.” There’s no proof in pudding, but the proof of Elon’s expertise is in the results: he keeps screwing up major things and his company is tanking.
World economists wrote articles in 2023-2024 in the WSJ , the economist, and touted the quiet and fastest post Covid recovery the Biden Admin did by June 2021 until fall 2024.
The stock market has had more negative days in 2025 than all those 4 years.
Habba oh Habba..... you little simple minded bobblehead.
1. Your man is NOT a self-made billionaire... - your Right Wing Cult may believe all your lies, but the rest of us use our brains and do research.
2. You are Right! He is running our country like he runs his company.... bankrupting both!
Self made by his dad giving him millions & ripping people off. Now these idiots (and us) voted to pay his bills again so he can golf for free on our dime. Awesome blood pudding vibe.
Trump is in debt to foreign investors after going $9 BILLION in debt in the 90's (his words). All his businesses were prosecuted for FRAUD. And if the election had not changed things, he would be facing prison now.
Right, he became a Russian asset in 1987. But it was the business failures that drove him unto the extreme debt, which he admitted in the 90's. That debt has only grown since. And keeps him under the influence of Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, etc. My main msg was that he was a business failure.
She reminds me of the devotees I watched on cult documentaries, where they talk a mile a minute and say things as if they’re self evident truths, and smiles and rarely blinks.
Um, the felon was found guilty of falsifying business records connected to a 15 year tax fraud. Don’t forget the trump university scam, six bankruptcies and multiple business failures. Truthfully the US is screwed!!!
Not self-made (inherited then lost all the money), not successful in business ( how many bankruptcies ?) and he isn’t “running” anything (Hitman Musty hired to slash and burn). He doesn’t read anything he signs (can’t read?). He cheats at everything because he sucks at everything. Total fraud.
"He ran an amazing company" 6 bankruptcies-"He will run the country that way "Dow falls 1000 points today, tariffs go into effect-"The proof is in the pudding" He doesn't eat pudding, only McDonald's cheeseburgers! Didn't she lose her law license? Why is she talking?
He's running it just like all the businesses he #bankrupted and left taxpayers to clean up. Where was the 4th Estate on that? BTW, where is the 4th Estate now? Athoritarians don't abide a #FreePres!
Alina Habba is one of the stupidest people on TV, even next to Jesse Watters, the closet-case Ron Burgundy. No one will convince me otherwise.
She acts like we haven't already been through a Trump presidency. It was shockingly incompetent. And he wasn't self-made. His daddy gave him $400+ million.
$400 Million from daddy and 6 bankruptcies? 🤣🤣🤣 Hardly self made. Musk bought him the presidency so he could stay out of prison and the billionaires could strip us bare of our government supports.
His father, Fred Trump, was a slumlord so notorious he’s one of the main reasons for New York City’s tenant laws. He was also arrested at a KKK rally once. The man was a monster and the rotten apple didn’t fall far from the diseased tree.
I turned on Fox Business channel today to see how they were addressing the collapsing stock market. All I heard was it’s Biden’s fault, everything is fine, Trump is on way to rescue, blah blah. Ticker in plain sight just dropping and nary a mention. Propaganda As always from Fox
Yep. I'm especially aware of the ACN saga. I live in NC where they are headquartered. A lot of the local MAGA power brokers networked with the ACN crew during Trump's first term.
With sycophants like Habba who needs enemies. S.m.h.
We all knew this, but I guess part of me believed Trump thought he was in control.
He really did just not want to go to prison. Doesn't care about running the country.
He really has no idea how business works, how commerce works, how tariffs work
U won't get ANY $ back if WE don't buy, if countries don't buy American goods (BTW - They are NOT & not just Canada), if American companies shut down & don't produce
trump = fucking moron
He is bankrupting US
2. Wrong
3. Wrong
4. Yup!
BIG mistake!
other person, the headache.
Be it an asteroid, an uprising, the miracle of free and fair elections in 2028, or time finally doing what it was designed to do, I really look forward to all these gaslighting fuckshits going away.
He has no personality and constantly sucks up to the person who shows the tiniest bit of confidence, usially faked.
He lives in a world of falsehoods that he might as well be from a parallel and opposite dimension.
“Elon Musk and his companies have received at least $38 billion in US taxpayer subsidies, including loans, contracts, tax credits, and grants. This aid has helped Musk become the world's richest person.”
Have at it!
The stock market has had more negative days in 2025 than all those 4 years.
1. Your man is NOT a self-made billionaire... - your Right Wing Cult may believe all your lies, but the rest of us use our brains and do research.
2. You are Right! He is running our country like he runs his company.... bankrupting both!
She is on Fox, whose entire goal is to lie.
Fox settled a lawsuit with Dominion for $787 million for lying about the 2020 election
Smartmatic's lawsuit against Fox goes to trial in April.
tRUMP was first lured to Russia in 1987.
He was obviously in debt much more than 9b.
The American public is paying that debt.
His beyond damaged psyche causes him to destroy everything he touches.
Nice work Fred, you old nazi!
If any Trumpers are reading this:
- Rising unemployment
- Rising inflation
- Trump admitting his policies will end in a recession
Unprofessional, no governance, no integrity, no accountability, public subsidies and private Goverment contracts … all for him and a lucky few others.
And the results will be like this ….
Or does it mean "sell off the parts the declare bankruptcy?"
Either way, he's running things like a business.
If he was such a good businessman, why did he file for bankruptcy 6 different times? And why is our economy tanking?
He paid someone to write his book, that's how "self-made" he is.
She acts like we haven't already been through a Trump presidency. It was shockingly incompetent. And he wasn't self-made. His daddy gave him $400+ million.
Many people don’t know that word ..
she certainly overestimated her ability to fake being smart
Deutsche Bank- $22B in world fines for money laundering- Russian sanctioned goons
Was his go to…
Dots then connect to Justin Kennedy - DB private banker liaison to trump Org .. & son of oddly retired SCJ Anthony Kennedy…
Follow the $$$
Welp ❌❌
The company filed for bankruptcy in 2004, 2009 and 2014.
Trump Taj Mahal (1991)
Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino (1992)
What kind of dipshit bankrupts 5 times in a Casino 🎰 Money Making Business???
“Lucky Loser”
By Russ Buettner and Susanne Craig