AOC: One thing I love about Arizonans is that you all have shown that if a US Senator isn’t fighting hard enough for you, you’re not afraid to replace her with one who will.
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And everybody in every state needs to follow Arizona's example if you're elected official is not fighting for the people of that state then they must be replaced. There are ways to do that before in an election get a petition of removal get the amount of signatures and they are gone
Hope? For what? Seriously? Are you an AI bot? Hope for more debt and no jobs? Hope that the government will take care of us? Sweet baby Jesus that's not what the government is there for!
Hmmm....your daddy Trump added 7.1 trillion to the deficit in just 4 years-more than any other president. He's currently crashing the economy and want to add several more trillion to the deficit for tax breaks for the rich. WTF are you talking about?
You could say that. Except we're in Republican Naziland and they are creating unemployed thousands a day and economic shrinkage so no hope for new jobs either. And democrats did do the opposite.
I don't know what you are talking about? Seriously? Do you think the red hats are right? It sounds to me you got here by mistake this is for the people that believe in each other. Not to drag the liberals down more. Tell us without telling us your a red hat.
Not support us, which they don't, but if these two dummies running things do away with social security then that shit better stop coming out of my paycheck. I'm not here to support the government either!! They better figure out how to find themselves.
Sitting on their hands, making sure *their* status quo doesn't change because they know Dem primary voters won't vote them out in favor of more Bernies and AOCs. Because they know plenty of people like you "who are not fans" exist and keep them safe.
Very true. I like Bernie and AOC but as long as they play nice and advocate for the POS in their party, I don’t personally consider them allies to the left. It makes me really sad because I feel like at one point their message actually meant something.
Note that she is out there connecting with people while most of her peers are enjoying a recess and using that time to call their donors for money to keep them in office.
Totally shameful how the vast majority of democratic politicians have stayed invisible. They clearly never had democratic ideals in the first place, and were just there for the paycheck. Schumer, pelosi, Jeffries all need to go.
90% of the Democratic party and 75% of republicans are there for power and paychecks. By "giving" away future tax payer dollars to us now they are stealing our future. It's the biggest scam in history!
I've done my best to try and figure out what you are saying here and a couple other posts. I must be tired. The way I read this post looks upside down.
It's not just a oligarchy, it's a kleptocracy and with Trump and goons it is a Kakistocracy: "Government by the least qualified or most unprincipled citizens. Government by the worst men. Government under the control of a nation's worst or least-qualified citizens.
I’m so happy that there are democratic representatives who acknowledge their peers aren’t doing enough, just as the Republican Party mows over Americans. I understand the need for a unified front, but disagree when the people leading the front, aren’t voting in the interests of the public.
It’s interesting though that folks who might argue against echo chambers get upset when someone in the room speaks against an act or lack of action by their own party members.
Criticism where it’s due should be embraced. Otherwise, it’s just dissent crushing Fascism…like MAGA.
I love AOC. Some people think she is too young to be the President of this country. Bullshit, Obama served less than 4 years in the Senate before becoming President. AOC has been in the house over 5 years. The democrats need new and younger leadership.
AOC is all talk and no action. She is nowhere near POTUS material, just a charismatic talker, no sign of any real leadership to accomplish anything concrete.
lol JD JamesDonaldDavidBowmanHamelVanceThielTrumplicker was only in the House for less than a year and a half before he became the Vice Co-President-in-name-only, and Co-PINO Trump NEVER served (ANYONE. EVER. Except himself.) and Co-PINO Musk CAN'T serve. So ANY LEGITIMATE President is better!
She wants us to back democratic candidates when the last one couldn’t take a stand for the tens of thousands of children dying in Gaza. 💀🥲 That’s so disgusting. Blame the voters not the politicians, AM I RIGHHT??? 🤪
F off Fetterman (d)
It's hard not to blame mainly every GOP politician when they turn their constituents off by ignoring them and spend THEIR time kissing up to fat ass felon.
I completely agree with that too. And the GOP is very good at riling up the working class by co-opting leftist talking points only to then spin the entire concept on its head and then somehow still put the blame on minorities. I vehemently dislike both parties. ☹️
Hey guys- reminder as I read through these replies that the sock puppets from Twitter land have made it here to sow discourse. They are completely comfortable with the political climate we find ourselves in- best to block and move on. We have to save our energy for the bigger fight.
And Elizabeth Warren, who also is dedicating her every effort to supporting working families. She advocates constantly for us -- the little mice who make this world work.
Better than the Republicans who are so afraid they only sing Trumps praises and ignore all the pleading in the audience you notice how all of them have been reduced to nothing but mouthpieces?
This week I watched our House Rep Kevin Kiley being interviewed. He deflected every question with praises of Trump and how he would help California forests. Ha!
Kevin couldn’t answer How many campgrounds will be closed in the Sierra Nevada? His area.
I so wish that she could be the leader of a new splintered-off party, fuck. She and Bernie are two of the last progressive voices even remotely representing their constituents’ needs and values. At least we have some democrats willing to fight. Fuckin’ ping pong paddles, god dude 🤦🏻
Warren is awesome. She did so much for us with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. She has a tremendous amount of commitment, energy, ethics and morality. She definitely is that democrat who will fight for citizen rights and progress. I believe in her, when others get wishy washy.
wtf has she ever done?? Six years and she’s never accomplished a gd thing!! The maga use all her bs like defund the police against dems. So fckn tired of this divisive bs.
#💙 must make sure the #Democrat candidates are true Democrats not a masked Republican, IMO, e.g. JoeManchin, Fetterman and/or accept donations from PAC, e.g. AIPAC. They must be willing to, again, sign posters & use the title Democrat in publicity. Just using💙 posters don’t work. GOP use them2
When all this is over, these people will be held in the highest esteem and given the highest awards. Children will learn of their bravery and courage for generations. Trump, Vance, and Musk will be remembered only with disgust and derision, if even at all.
There are more than that.
Chris Murphy (CT) comes to mind. Sheldon Whitehouse (RI) Pramila Jayapul (WA), Jeff Merkley (OR), Jon Ossoff (GA) & more.
However those three have really loud voices & bravo to them. Love all three of them..
He's a favorite of mine. He confronts Christian Nationalists on a Christian level and exposes their hypocrisy. He is highly intelligent and thoughtful, expressing himself in a confident, measured manner. He is not well known, but he has great potential.
Bernie & Alexandria’s tour is lighting everyone up! 🔥🇱🇷
THEY are the two leaders that are fighting for us the hardest. Just not in the way we wanted/expected. This is better because the only way to stop this madness is by massive numbers of Americans!
As Government workers are being forced to end work from home, thousands of families are faced with financial worries about paying more per month for gas, parking and childcare. Seniors are back to driving at night and bad weather. Where is the compassion for families in this new Trump world? None!
Sinema’s decision only came after her prospects of victory appeared dim if she ran. They did, in effect, replace her. They ran her the fuck off because she completely betrayed those who voted for her.
We have Jasmine Crockett in Texas
And Maxwell Frost in Florida
Keith, do the research. Waiting for the headlines to grab you won’t work anymore- trump has control of the media. There are more Democratic leaders who are showing up and showing out- check out for active protests happening across the country that the news isn’t showing
Just off the top of my head is doing serious work. Check out her page. Then revise your statement and stop spreading misinformation please.
Yesterday he was holding a rally for NOAA employees laid off. He hasd a town hall two days ago and at least another this week. He is also all over youtube explaining the legal cases against Trump.
He is still doing a lot but the media isn't covering it.
They use negatives to soften their speech. Instead of "sure" they say "Not unlikely" Instead of "lie" they say"untruths" instead of "criminal" it's "lost their way"- 54% of Americans can't grasp over 6th grade level. This talk just confuses them. They have to get their attention!! They can't focus!
they can't do it alone...
We need more collective and coordinated condemnation from all Democrats who represent US citizens!
..Think of it as Star Wars!
Fuck, just get on with it!!
Thank you, that is the words that I have been looking for in trying to understand the weak response from so many Democrats ... a lack of the sense of urgency.
You mean appeasing the far right of center “middle” right? Because that kind pandering is exactly what got us here. Bernie was polling ahead of Hillary the entire time against Drumpf and here we are. We’re basically a one-party state. The Dems add a veneer of credibility to make things seem “fair”.
I need to ask. Tell me one good thing that has come out of all Trump and Musks shenanigans. They have hurt the economy, people lives, farmers, our allies, poor people and children around the world, science and research...and I am just getting started. What positive things has he done. Not one
He has ubified Europe like nothing else on earth would have been able to. He brought the UK and Canada closer together, too.
Not sure about Japan, but they might be more appreciative of democracy, too.
I get what you are saying but it was negative feedback and is costing the reputation of the U.S. with allies. Europe expected this if he got elected and were prepared and organized before the election, according to reports.
It's not state business to hate people. Even hating other states indicates unhealthiness (north korea, for example). Putin attacking europe soon is quite a real scenario, and nobody knows which side 80.000 US soldiers in EU will be on, when he does.
Tr*mps a problem, but to deal with, not to hate.
Oh, yeah, don't get me wrong, *I* do, too (as does any halfway sane person) - but countries don't - maybe countries are psychopaths.
Trump is a fact that countries need to accept and find a way to deal with, like food shortages or floodings.
That does not mean you must accept him, but deal with him
Dont remember a pow wow without a veterans dance. Amazing First Nations heroes, all know this truth; jealous & weak bonespurs knows cowardice, bows to Putin. Diversity is beauty & strength, always, in all things, all ways. Nature knows this undeniable truth. bonespurs is doomed to fail In short time
But how do we stop the country from going up in flames? How can trump be removed from office? Leaders can talk a good game, but if Congress sits back and does nothing, what's left?
Lisa grows up to be president in an episode, after Trump leaves office. I’m suggesting she could be our next president, which would be cool. It’s a Simpsons reference, kind of a deep cut. Funny episode you should check out
A lot of hard work, in these Blazing Hot Streets, goes into getting Democrats elected in Arizona. So, if a Democrat isn’t Fighting like Hell, for Arizonans, guarantee we will replace them ! it’s a Dry Heat, but it’s too Damned Hot to Play !
#TaxTheRich #EnoughIsEnough We The People can not give anymore we are being Taxed Out Of Existence. It is time to make the Rich shoulder the burden, but don't worry Rich money flows back up to the Top of the Economy and you the Rich will get back way more than your new Fair Taxes
#TaxTheRich #EnoughIsEnough We The People can not give anymore we are being Taxed Out Of Existence. It is time to make the Rich shoulder the burden, but don't worry Rich money flows back up to the Top of the Economy and you the Rich will get back way more than your new Fair Taxes
Unsaid but in that statement I hear, 'One thing I love about New Yorkers is that if a US Senator isn't fighting hard enough for you, you're not afraid to replace him with one who will."
If stood down and she took over, the Democratic Party would start a historic rise.
He must go.
It’s OK to be a very old man, it’s not OK to be wrong.
If they said "rich people influencing congress," would that tickle your fancy? Because those are the mfrs eroding individual rights in outsized proportions.
When a corporation runs shit, there is little you can do.
See Roaring 20s. Robber Barons and other historical context.
I don’t recall Gallego campaigning on getting in bed with crypto bros, selling out our Latino neighbors, or rubber stamping nominees! #SinemaWithABeard
The ceasefire had ceased.
We currently live under harsh and miserable conditions: starvation, no peace, ongoing bombs and facing death every single moment.
all this is very nice but before the Dems make an effort to clearly define their politics so voters know what they are voting for, this will not go well.
Why did 48% of US citizens think their economy was going badly when quite the opposite was the case?
They were told so!
I rest my case.
Sinema chose not to seek another term! Granted, she probably wouldn't have been re-elected if she had chosen to run for re-election, but AOC's comment is at best misleading.
Please stfu. Sinema burned every bridge she has and left the party that elected her. After that she was never better than 3rd in the polls. She had no chance of being elected as both sides hated her. She may have chosen not to run but Arizona chose to make it easy for her.
I have set a goal to email all the members of both houses. It's a little thing but it makes me feel like I'm doing something. I also enjoy tagging all the republican senators on speeches from veterans and more.
This is exactly the tone for Democrats in Arizona… We understand that liberal to moderate positions with a fierce stand for values wins. Totally gets it! 💙🌵🎉😎
How about this: countries that pay living wages, and regulate pollution work together and trade with each other? Just a thought
Less legal cost, more fairness, what’s not to like?👍
This man should not have access to O-Plans. There is an important question: Is there a need to know?
So what is his need to know? Oh wait, Trump left classified material in his golden shitter room, so classification rules no longer apply.
Tax the rich harder ….up for that
Yep it’s a great way to go
If you love being rich they you afford to pay more tax
Cough up and stop moaning
Nobody’s listening…
Yes, every post pretending Trump has more power than he actually has is called "surrendering in advance" and its bots and idiots spreading this disinformation.
To hurt the cause.
There will be elections. Organize votes for anti-Trump candidates.
My bet is on Fetterman running as the centre-right Democrat. He's positioning himself to claim he can agree with both sides, so only he can unite a divided country. In other words, he's another liar who sees nothing wrong with seizing power by any means.
The most destructive act in politics or the legal sys. is DELAY.
Sinema & Manchin's delay tactics during Biden's admin, literally sunk his pres/ratings. Listen to Sam Seder outline exactly how it happened, pinpointing how these 2 obstructionists derailed JBs admin.
You’re wrong. Manchin, continually, warned everyone about inflation, but was ignored and vilified. Sinema, well, I have nothing kind to say about her. When they had the majority, both of them stood fast on keeping the filibuster, which turned out to be a blessing.
No. Follow the chronology. Post pandemic inflation was receding, but corporations used it as an excuse to price gouge (bragging abt it on calls). Manchin jumped on & used it as a shield for his obstruction
The JB admin needed to address it head on. JBs failure to address many issues, helped sink em
Inflation was inevitable. The entire world experienced it, not just the US, so it wasn't about Biden policies. Austerity wouldn't have prevented it, it would have led to economic calamity. Also, watch what happens to the filibuster if the Senate doesn't pass Trump's agenda.
No one, including me, was touting austerity. 🙄 Trump won the election bc of inflation and immigration. Biden took the blame on inflation not solely bc his stimulus plan was too big, and allowed those still employed to collect stimulus checks.
I actually consider this reaction as a positive for her. Look at Trump -- we've been collectively saying hell no to him for over 8 years now, yet there he is. Americans don't like a milqetoast candidate or president. A good one elicits strong reactions, positive or negative. It's a good sign.
Dem politicians suck at the game of politics, ie. look at the political stunts and the idiots holding up paddles. Also, Dem primary voters don’t think strategically. Everyone is on board with speaking out on the rising oligarchy, however AOC’s policies are too farleft for independents and moderates
You know what the Republican party has done that the Democratic party has so far failed to do? Evolve. It has failed to keep up with middle America's actual concerns, needs and desires. Trump enabled the GOP to change, and the DNC must do likewise. It begins with someone radical enough to lead.
I pay close attention to politics and who is in office. The only thing Dems don’t realize is that the middle America believes Biden made a mess of and did nothing about immigration. Dems actually did a lot and tried to do a lot more for middle America but were stopped by R’s in Congress.
We need AOC right where she is for now. Maybe give her a promotion to Senator. But we need to her show the rest of those dummies how its done, and thats not an overnight thing.
I'm all about her becoming POTUS when its her time.
A promotion, do you that literally? I’m sure you love an avowed socialist as a prez, but that’s never going to happen. Winning a natl election requires moderate and independent voters. Everyone is on board with quelling the oligarchy, and getting rid of Republicans, but picking her would be suicide
A good option, but not a firebrand, not the kind of candidate people could vote for to own the cons the way the cons keep voting Trump to own the libs, you know? Consider the film Idiocracy. We are basically there, electing loudmouths who can look and sound tough and deliver a powerful message.
Sinema chose not to seek reelection (good riddance to her or to anyone helping to fracture a Democratic coalition, such as endorsing a run as an Independent)
Right now, the strategy is to go do the town halls that the Republicans are refusing to do. Democrats are hitting red districts. I also read that the new DNC chair is going to be heavily involved in getting the Democrats out in middle America and the south.
What are you even talking about? Just because democrats express displeasure with the choices of their elected leaders and want different leaders doesn't mean they're all "putting their weight on the wrong side". And who are you to proclaim what's the right/wrong "side" of things anyway?
We’re trying to replace him and we’re MAGA for it? That’s a big giant stupid ass leap you made there. Especially because that decision has been protested since it happened. When leaders are ineffective, they are replaced. Are you ok?
Uhh, I was talking about Dem voters and ALL of them ran as progressive democrats in their districts except Bernie. Show your source for whatever claims you're making about what "they've said".
they are the only ones speaking out right now .
Where the fuck is everyone else ???
Not a dig. Just a point you should consider.
Only those who stand up when the nation falters are real democrats
Show the Republicans what a leader looks like!
It’s interesting though that folks who might argue against echo chambers get upset when someone in the room speaks against an act or lack of action by their own party members.
Criticism where it’s due should be embraced. Otherwise, it’s just dissent crushing Fascism…like MAGA.
It's hard not to blame mainly every GOP politician when they turn their constituents off by ignoring them and spend THEIR time kissing up to fat ass felon.
But like a friend, we have to be sure that they are responsible and trustworthy.
When are we replacing her?
Kevin couldn’t answer How many campgrounds will be closed in the Sierra Nevada? His area.
Chris Murphy (CT) comes to mind. Sheldon Whitehouse (RI) Pramila Jayapul (WA), Jeff Merkley (OR), Jon Ossoff (GA) & more.
However those three have really loud voices & bravo to them. Love all three of them..
I don't think Angus King is bought despite some votes I disagree with
Or Patty Murray
Or Wyden
Or several House members
Chris Murphy (CT) comes to mind. Sheldon Whitehouse (RI) Pramila Jayapul (WA), Jeff Merkley (OR), Jon Ossoff (GA)
THEY are the two leaders that are fighting for us the hardest. Just not in the way we wanted/expected. This is better because the only way to stop this madness is by massive numbers of Americans!
And Maxwell Frost in Florida
They’re just not getting the press! We absolutely CAN👏🏻NOT👏🏻rely on the mainstream media, anymore!
He is still doing a lot but the media isn't covering it.
add him to the list
We need more collective and coordinated condemnation from all Democrats who represent US citizens!
..Think of it as Star Wars!
Fuck, just get on with it!!
Wow! Will you look at that?
It’s aggressive Democrats.
Once everywhere, now rare.
Clap, so they know we care!
Thank you, that is the words that I have been looking for in trying to understand the weak response from so many Democrats ... a lack of the sense of urgency.
Not sure about Japan, but they might be more appreciative of democracy, too.
Tr*mps a problem, but to deal with, not to hate.
Trump is a fact that countries need to accept and find a way to deal with, like food shortages or floodings.
That does not mean you must accept him, but deal with him
Please replace the Black Lives Matter plaza slogan with: Stability, Honesty and Sanity (in our president) Matter!!
Dump Schumer, these are the leaders we need.
Revolution is now!
I volunteer there in the winter. Lovely libraries have free speech boxes.
Alejandra Ocasio-Cortez!
He must go.
It’s OK to be a very old man, it’s not OK to be wrong.
When a corporation runs shit, there is little you can do.
See Roaring 20s. Robber Barons and other historical context.
Not enough, but definitely more than two
There’s a good mix in this list,
Heres some great fighters to follow
Moore (MD governor)
We currently live under harsh and miserable conditions: starvation, no peace, ongoing bombs and facing death every single moment.
I kindly ask you to he/lp us:
Why did 48% of US citizens think their economy was going badly when quite the opposite was the case?
They were told so!
I rest my case.
#Resist Totally gets it! 💙🌵🎉😎
Less legal cost, more fairness, what’s not to like?👍
So what is his need to know? Oh wait, Trump left classified material in his golden shitter room, so classification rules no longer apply.
Yep it’s a great way to go
If you love being rich they you afford to pay more tax
Cough up and stop moaning
Nobody’s listening…
This is what controlled opposition says to discourage action.
This is designed to spread a defeatist attitude.
Please. Stop saying this.
Same with Bannon talking about a third term. It's bullshit meant to waste our energy and distract us from the real battle at hand.
To hurt the cause.
There will be elections. Organize votes for anti-Trump candidates.
Stop suggesting there won't.
Sinema & Manchin's delay tactics during Biden's admin, literally sunk his pres/ratings. Listen to Sam Seder outline exactly how it happened, pinpointing how these 2 obstructionists derailed JBs admin.
The JB admin needed to address it head on. JBs failure to address many issues, helped sink em
The US is large/powerful enough to adjust.
Austerity would've made it worse.
There was nothing wrong w/JBs base policies, it's how they messaged, how they addressed the problems that arose during the admin.
I'm all about her becoming POTUS when its her time.
Sinema chose not to seek reelection (good riddance to her or to anyone helping to fracture a Democratic coalition, such as endorsing a run as an Independent)
Sacrificing party members because you’re too lazy or dumb to unify is not a great place to start from.
Like they are trying to become MAGA where everyone is in lockstep.
That's dumb!
Kids on the bus seeing if they can tip it over are dangerous from one party. Sad and ignorant from both.
AOC is too young, susceptible to these mind games.
If Schumer hadn’t thrown his career on that grenade it would have gone off in his party’s face.
We’re trying to replace him and we’re MAGA for it? That’s a big giant stupid ass leap you made there. Especially because that decision has been protested since it happened. When leaders are ineffective, they are replaced. Are you ok?
They’ve said so.
They see the Democratic Party as just a vehicle to power, their goal: to “dismantle it from within.”
As Summer Lee put it, “Access to the yea and nay button.”