This isn't a reprieve. It's a new form of taxation in which the car makers must either pay in obeisance or in cash.
Exactly like his first impeachment.
Trump really believes if he puts tariffs on the car industry, it will make manufacturers come to build cars in the US.
& he's just delaying the tariffs because he thinks if he tries it later, people will eventually accept it.
Hubris and willful ignorance.
Destroy our economy in preparation of violent invasion/annexation.
He has said it himself over and over again. Americans not believing Trump is how we got here in the 1st place.
Exactly to NOT give him this much power, so it will not be abused as such.
I think he believes he can tax the middle class with them while cutting taxes on the wealthy.
Trump speaks with the arrogance of a Roman, dictating the terms of a relationship.
He sees no equals, only supplicants.
Trump: I want to annex Canada
Canadian Government: He is trying to annex us. His first step is weakening us economically, he has told us this
Americans: it's actually 5d chess to extort American businesses
Just an obsession with tariffs because he enjoys chaos and inflicting pain on others. A callous disregard for the truth.
But don't you worry. You just call me and I'll take care of it. I'll make sure that doesn't happen to you.
Be sure to see the cashier on your way out.
Trudeau: Your government is doing this to you.
SCOTUS: Put it back. Put it all back where you found it.
F47: I’m going to pause tariffs for 30 days. We’re going to focus on a matter of national security-transgenic mice!
This is Putin.
He's now 100% in control of Trump, and the economic destruction of the West has been his goal since the Berlin Wall came down.
This is the fulfillment of a 35-yr dream.
You cannot make sense of it any other way.
1. Cut gov depts, Medicare, Soc. Sec. = cut spending
2. Put 25% tariffs = increase gov income
RESULT: No deficit, but surplus he & his oligarchs will take for themselves.
The fact the economy doesn't work that way doesn't bother him one bit.
Things will get bad.
The tariffs do one simple thing: Take enormous amounts of new tax money from the bottom 90%, ie the consumers, and give it to Trump & his oligarchs in tax cuts.
thank you for making it all make sense now.
Because childcare is childcare right?
— Mafia Don Trump
Oh and most of the world's businesses run on SAP and are currently in the middle of a giant upgrade that is taking tech resources.
It's been six weeks, and even the Russian version of this looks more ... subtle.
It’s all hideously corrupt. I despair of my country. I want to fight back, but how?
And you aren’t responsible for “straight news” headlines
But “cost-cutting initiative” is at best a partial truth and should be dropped
Such a policy is a direct attack on the working class that pays the tariff tax, a regressive/unfair tax. Bonus for the rich is eliminating the federal income tax.
Taxes on some companies and not others is the very definition of government discrimination.
He's a (malicious, cruel and evil) idiot, stumbling from disaster to disaster, while his dumb-as-a-post voters, cheer him on.
In explaining his (stupid and self-destructive) behavior, I fall back on Occam's Razor.
To wit -- the simplest and most straight-forward explanation is,
"Donald Trump is an idiot, and so are his voters".
Thanks. 😉
Lock him up
Now tell us how the US is not an economic terrorist
2) trump is deporting the people needed to build them
3) the US doesn't have enough workers to staff those facilities
4) no one is going to buy cars that are 25% more expensive
designed to be paid for by consumers to help offset top 1-5% tax cuts, imposed by fiat and w/o Art 1 tax representation.