My mom subscribes to a food magazine we both like, because it has lots of lesser-known recipes from already lesser-known cuisines, but frequently calls for difficult to find ingredients. So I often say "This is a milk street recipe, but I couldn't find the sanctioned Iranian yogurt it called for"
“The Iranian yoghurt is not the issue here” becoming Reddit advice slang for “you have problems that are not the ones you’re asking about” is this post’s greatest legacy imo
My favorite more recent AITA I saw was from a girl whose boyfriend would go on work trips to Utah or something and cheat on her with men and he said the altitude made him gay.
I don't feel like I need to read anymore to know that not only are the both the assholes in this scenario but likely in every other scenario they find themselves in with any other people.
Iranian here. We take yogurt VERY seriously. Once, pre-liquids ban, my very kind aunt schlepped a vat of my grandmas homemade yogurt on a plane from Texas just so I could satisfy my addiction. It was so illegal it was fizzy. Miss it so much.
I remember seeing this on an AITA post back on Twitter, a true classic! I still say THE IRANIAN YOGURT IS NOT THE ISSUE HERE to my spouse periodically, and I assume he pretends with equal periodicity that he’s nor married to such an extremely online person.
By my shoddy math, 2100 (small) cups of yogurt aren't even a cubic meter (~35 cubic feet?).
If you laid them all out in a single layer, you'd barely fill 14 square meters (~150 square feet?)
Egg $400
Data $150
Rent $800
Rare Sanctioned Yogurts $10,000
Utility $150
someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my family is lactose intolerant
He was collecting yogurts that occasionally burst.
in any other situation, it is NOT ok to throw out your partner’s stuff. But when it edges into biohazard territory, removal is called for.
“he said he didn't want to walk to the fridge at night, but it was obviously a ruse to get more yogurt space”
Made me cackle.
AITA is still alive and well on Reddit!
Honestly doesn't have the same ring to it though, eh?
If you laid them all out in a single layer, you'd barely fill 14 square meters (~150 square feet?)
Data $150
Rent $800
Rare Sanctioned Yogurts $10,000
Utility $150
someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my family is lactose intolerant