A Mississippi mother who spent 7 months searching for her son discovered that an off-duty officer ran him over less than an hour after he left the house.
Authorities then buried him without notifying his family
Authorities then buried him without notifying his family
Oh you sweet summer child. 😔
Sue everyone who helped.
That sure is..
It is horrific and needs to be investigated and there needs to be charges, and I hope the people involved in the coverup are imprisoned, but that still doesn’t mean it fits the definition of a premeditated murder.
Whatever. Okay.
Manslaughter, yes. First-degree murder? Highly unlikely. But think how you want.
Personally, I rather they charge what can be proved so justice can be served, rather than requiring the highest burden of proof and increasing the odds they beat the charges.
😡😡😡 Inhumane racism is alive & well and this nation HAS to reckon with the resulting racial disparity & injustice MUST be dealt with now!😡💙💙💙
Its 1840 in MS.
Take a few minutes and read about the Governor here, Tate Reeves. He is a real piece of work.
Conspiracies like this, burn them to the ground and leave their bodies for the birds and those that need the lesson l.
With a complete new set of standards they just cannot be trusted
Also anytime the camera is not on the automatically at fault
Also put a camera on the gun anytime. It's automatically recording video and audio when held
Being a police officer isn't supposed to be an easy job
Obviously not a perfect fix but at least a step in a good direction
Make at least a year of applicableschooling prior a requirement.
Keep commercial interests out of the authority.
No SCOTUS or revolving door-type loopholes allowed.
He's probably policing somewhere in Texas or Florida now.
He taught that the bad apples usually got jobs in other jurisdictions if they got fired.
There needs to be a way for cops to immediately never be able to be cops again in the US.
What should be happening is everyone involved immediately never gets to be a cop again anywhere in the country for the rest of their lives. Regardless of trial or conviction.
This is what pigs do, no amount of training will ever fix that.
Cops exist to be violent and unaccountable. It is a feature not a bug.
Jesus, I’m so very tired of being angry. But it doesn’t stop, does it? No matter how exhausted we are, people keep being terrible racists commenting atrocities.
I’m sorry.
They just lied.
This is typical cop behavior.
Trevor Noah was right. The social contract is broken.
$128 million
jackson pd budget 2022:
$36 million
Man's inhumanity to man🥺
I feel so bad for that poor mother. That's absolutely horrible.
And after all that the Jackson PD said f this we don't care.
this must end.
“The decision to call the police was difficult for Bettersten. She did not trust them. In 2019, her 62-year-old brother died after a Jackson officer slammed him to the ground. The officer was convicted of manslaughter but is appealing. “