Trump’s economic plan is so bad Democrats can ramp up social services massively and still impact the national debt far less than he will lol
Our next home will almost definitely be 1-story with 0 entry shower -- these things would have been so valued after sports injuries and surgeries as otherwise able-bodied people, as well.
My mom worked in a nursing home...I don't want that scenario to be my final months/years. I welcome this!
Sucks that this is necessary, but holy moly is it necessary.
Also sucks that vc money is already worsening the “industry” and this is going to accelerate that.
Yeah, sorry, but the oligarchy is not going to allow us to break the systemic set-up of bankrupting us right before we die so that the list of people accumulating generational wealth to compete with them doesn't grow.
I like how you both complain that she doesn’t help American citizens but when she proposes to do exactly that, you call her what you called her.
People like you aren’t worth responding to, so I’m not sure why I am but I hope, in your hour of need, no one treats you like you deserve to be treated.
This could be huge. In my very limited experience, I found people very ignorant of what Medicare/trad insurance actually covers for long term care. Folks with aging Boomer parents are not prepared
As a side note, wow, HuffPo has really outdone themselves making their website ad-friendly and reader-hostile. 🤬🤮 They've always been bad, but sweet Jesus they're really shitty.
#SinglePayer #MedicareForAll
Prevents a death in USA every ten minutes.
Drastically reduces private property taxes 💰.
Lowers the cost of auto insurance 💰.
Creates jobs 💰.
Healthcare should not be tied to employment.
Provides the choice of any doctor or hospital in the United States.
I can understand why she isn't mentioning "M4A" though. The Right Wing Media Grieveance machine, in conjunction with the billionaire oligarch "mainstream" media have sucessfully messaged #M4A as the devil. (Luntzed)..
I contend that HHS should be empowered to take over ALL shutdown hospitals and run them as a National Hospital Network. Ensure that no one is about an hour away from trauma care.
If we still have student loans, use forgiveness as a way for doctors to staff the hosptials.
This is so huge. The trick, as always, is getting it funded by Congress. If it passed it would help so many people who currently have no idea that this does not exist.
Folks are discharged home from hospital or rehab.
Families are expected to provide care. Non medical care is not covered.
One example from my experience. Young husband contracted a wasting neurological disease that progressed for years. At the point I came in as a hospice nurse, he was completely paralyzed except eye blink. Wife worked full time to support them. Child was in school and day care.
He had feeding tube and required around the clock care. They had spent all resources and got 6 hours a day of paid caregiver from the state. Wife had to pay all bills, pay remaining caregiver hours, and do all care the remaining 18 hours a day. And take care of a child.
I encountered so many folks who spent their lives hearing about how much money was being spent (or “wasted”) on social services programs. Nearly all, including my parents, were convinced that housekeeping care for elders was covered by medicare or “somebody”.
The folks who know how little is covered by government funded programs? Folks who have been on government funded programs. They don’t have to be told that stuff isn’t paid for, they already know.
It's so hard on families to have no help and be dealing with long term care needs and final arrangements. We don't cover services or even basic food. But programs will give you this nice knee brace for $2k.
Once someone has “spent down” all their money and assets paying for caregivers, medicaid poverty care may approve them for some hours per day of caregiver coverage.
Folks have no idea, they are shocked when a family member comes home, even on hospice, and there is nobody to look after them, not even to come in and do cooking or cleaning.
Family must do it or hire someone to do it. And family leave in the US is unpaid.
We had to do it when my father came home from hospital and rehab. Were super-lucky to find two wonderful Filipino ladies who did 12-hour shifts so he was never alone, but even their modest $25 an hour adds up fast when the meter is running 24/7.
If you want to see this, vote Dem for Senate, House, and your state offices (the states will likely have to administer the program). Harris cannot implement this or anything else without both branches of Congress.
Again, so depressing that "I will help you take care of your family" vs. "Why can't we just murder your neighbors and claim women as property?!?" is at a 2 point split right now...
I find it hard to believe that such a large portion of the country is so deeply racist, hateful and sadistic. I need to see Trump and other Republicans lose by epic numbers to restore my faith in humanity.
My mental model is that the "authoritarian followers" fraction of the population have poor coping mecanisms and go barbaric when traumatized. So a cheap strategy for authoritarian leaderd is to promote and exploit mass trauma, something the U.S. has had is surplus for 5+ years.
Poor coping mechanisms, coupled with intellectual laziness, inability to think critically, and insufficient education make them ripe pickings for the very guy who created most of their traumas in the first place.
I think a lot of them are running on an auto-pilot of "when I was a kid communism was a threat and Dems=commies, and also I know the government won't arrest the GOOD ones...", but knowing that doesn't help. We gotta clean this poison out of out government and our cultures.
Agree. I've heard too many Republicans say, "I've never voted for a Democrat," so they've voted for many shitty Republicans. Massive cleanup needed to deprogram, educate on civics, and teach critical thinking skills if we're ever going to get right. Also, prosecute sedition and insurrection.
To be fair, at least 10% of the population is fooled by NYT and similar media outlets sanewashing Trump, and would absolutely be against him if everything he said were reported verbatim, and with scrutiny on its veracity, but are instead on the fence, because. Well. We no longer have a free press.
Agree. I'm stunned when someone mentions some Trump tidbit they heard a snippet of that makes him sound not so bad, and they think he's an OK guy. I put out my flaming hair & try to enlighten them w/facts, but it's exhausting. There's SO MUCH Trump coddling that people swallow w/o question.
If white women get their heads on straight and support Kamala instead of doing the Stepford Wife thing, or whatever sick fucking rationale they think they have for their Trump votes, we should have the landslide we need.
If we could get rid of the Electoral College and fix the numbers in Congress and on the Supreme Court to reflect the actual population, these backward-thinking, ignorant population pockets would be reduced to their proper proportions and progress could proceed largely unimpeded by them.
She does propose how to pay for it, but I don't see how she proposes to staff it.
There's already a shortage of qualified personnel to provide this care. Substantial incentives and education funding will be needed to incentivize more (many more) people to join this workforce.
She's a bourgeoisie war criminal cop who enthusiastically funded the brutal slaughter of over 40,000 Palestinian children. The idea that she would lift a single finger to help the American people is laughable.
This helps multiple generations at the same time. Older folks who need care but can't afford it and younger folks who need decent pay for caregiver jobs. It would change the entire elder care sector with lots of social benefits. Multiplan.
I ended up taking care of my elderly parents in their home; thank god for Bayada hospice, but it was only 1 hour a day. My mom was wheelchair bound with advancing dementia and Dad had Parkinsons - a long-term care Medicare option would have saved us all a lot of stress/grief.
Two or more years ago my dad had my step-grandmother in assisted living and it cost $10,000 A MONTH.
I don't think it was anything fancy either.
I can't even imagine what it's going to cost when I'll need it.
I was recently in a skilled nursing facility, there were days where most of the staff were not employees, but called in from outside agency's, and were paid more than employees.
Some is deliberate, some is due to a lack of people wanting and certified to do the work. One huge problem is the for profit business structure of many care facilities.
Yes, I have been caregiving my disabled elderly mom in her home 6 1/2 years now. She was in a rehab for a week a few years ago & it was a disaster. The lovely CNAs I hire 2 days a week prefer home work because facilities are understaffed & stressful & they couldn’t do their work properly #caregiving
My young son is on Texas' only program 4 children/young adults w disabilities/med issues to keep them in their 🏡/not in group 🏡/nursing 🏡 (10+ yr wait)
Tx Republicans lied @ a vote referendum: ⬇️ taxes to help seniors/disabled NOT lose their 🏡 due to ⬆️ taxes
there’s also fatigue with taking care of a family member, not everybody’s equipped to and some face abuse. this would be a way for elderly to hopefully have quality care. hopefully. 🤞🏽
this would be a game changer for a lot of families, puerto rico’s aging population has it rough. just a few days ago a 93 year old lady died in a fire bc her generator malfunctioned at night. 93 and dealing with a generator and constant power outages :( our elderly need help
As someone who looked into the prices of LTC insurance, hoping it'd be cheaper if I bought one now, got a quote, and was "are you fucking kidding me why do you think I have that kind of cash" I find this news pretty great ☺️
No! It's my right as an American to die in an assisted living facility that resembles an abandoned Motel 6, staffed by a single 22 year old, while they take every last penny I have
almost as if “building on what works” like expanding and improving medicare to more people is a good idea! now to expand it and improve it and extend it to everyone! single payer medicare for all!
That's ultimately the goal. It's what Harris ran on in her primary campaign in 2019. Clearly she still believes in it—witness this—and has learned that more targeted, specific, but still sweeping changes are a more realistic way to get there.
how do you know that this is the goal? we have just been through two election cycles where the “leader” of the party declared “single payer will never happen”(2016) and “public option would be better”(2020) both also lying that we don’t have the $ for it. i mean would be great if true!
I remember when Biden promised a public option during the 2020 campaign and proceeded to never even mention it ever again as soon as he was elected. I fully expect Kamala Harris to do the exact same thing.
Maybe she will. Maybe she can’t. Let’s see what is required. It’s not a pure binary. Lots of policy changes can be proposed, subjected to review, etc. before implementation.
My mom worked in a nursing home...I don't want that scenario to be my final months/years. I welcome this!
Also sucks that vc money is already worsening the “industry” and this is going to accelerate that.
We need this.
Now I need to figure out how to subtly mention this to my co-workers.
Policy matters local.
People like you aren’t worth responding to, so I’m not sure why I am but I hope, in your hour of need, no one treats you like you deserve to be treated.
We want more of this!
Some states have implemented versions of this.
Prevents a death in USA every ten minutes.
Drastically reduces private property taxes 💰.
Lowers the cost of auto insurance 💰.
Creates jobs 💰.
Healthcare should not be tied to employment.
Provides the choice of any doctor or hospital in the United States.
I can understand why she isn't mentioning "M4A" though. The Right Wing Media Grieveance machine, in conjunction with the billionaire oligarch "mainstream" media have sucessfully messaged #M4A as the devil. (Luntzed)..
If we still have student loans, use forgiveness as a way for doctors to staff the hosptials.
Be creative.
Folks are discharged home from hospital or rehab.
Families are expected to provide care. Non medical care is not covered.
It's so hard on families to have no help and be dealing with long term care needs and final arrangements. We don't cover services or even basic food. But programs will give you this nice knee brace for $2k.
Family must do it or hire someone to do it. And family leave in the US is unpaid.
1. Help families a lot.
2. Keep caregivers in the workforce.
3. Keep people from going into nursing homes when they don't yet need to.
We can fix this, but it's not easy or sexy.
There's already a shortage of qualified personnel to provide this care. Substantial incentives and education funding will be needed to incentivize more (many more) people to join this workforce.
I don't think it was anything fancy either.
I can't even imagine what it's going to cost when I'll need it.
But I have bitter words for this idea locked deep inside my soul due to moral injury.
My young son is on Texas' only program 4 children/young adults w disabilities/med issues to keep them in their 🏡/not in group 🏡/nursing 🏡 (10+ yr wait)
Tx Republicans lied @ a vote referendum: ⬇️ taxes to help seniors/disabled NOT lose their 🏡 due to ⬆️ taxes
So we are in the exact same boat as before
I'm a single mom w disabilities/med issues
How will his SSI/Medicaid pay high non exempt/⬇️ taxes & keep his PAID FOR 🏡
when I die?
Same problem for Harris‘s proposal
And ~will lose their 🏡~ because of it?!
If only there was a solution for us right now
This is what keeps me up at night among other things.
I think she was sincere then and I think she's sincere now. She just has learned to stagger the goals in order to get things actually done.