Nefarious and criminal that a guy who famously doesn’t pay venues what he owes them wouldn’t pay for or consider logistical needs after the rally is over. This is like going to Taco Bell and then thinking it’s a conspiracy that you woke up at 4 a.m. with heartburn and gas.
What comforts me is that people this incompetent will be in charge of the immigrant pogrom and the execution of Project 2025. I hope that means they'll fuck up both of them.
These same people will say Trump is fighting for them. Meanwhile, he cares so little for them, he’s fine with his campaign leaving them stranded in the desert just so he can save some cash. How is that not obvious?!
But, this is critical to maintaining a cult. You have to treat them like shit and take no responsibility for it because it was all the non-followers fault
“We’re not paying any vendors, how many times do we have to tell you that? Also, we refuse to learn what a council-manager government is. Complain to the mayor.”
"nefarious and criminal" oh duckling. yes, Mayor McCheese is behind it because he said your Fearless Leader isn't welcome in a place full of people he wants to exterminate, effectively. sorry about your bunions and shit.
It'd be a hybrid. He's got the uptight priggishness of the Presbyterian cop in the original Wicker Man, but much more like the remake, he's a raging misogynist dickhead, loathsome AND ludicrous, and there is no other response to him being burned alive in a weird ritual sacrifice than "yaaay finally"
Silly question. But how did they get there in the first place? Trump shipped them out there then got rid of the buses to keep them there? I'm surprised he didn't give them all a lift on Trump Farce II for a lift home.. Strange.
If all he cares about is attendance, what happens afterwards is someone else's problem. I'm sure paying the buses to stick around for the return trip was considered an unnecessary expense.
this *is* normal for Trump rallies, Trump has screwed them over repeatedly for years and years and years now, with nonexistent buses and no facilities and every other such intentional failures of crowd control
but it's really, really important for these people to turn out to hate people with Trump
Not surprised. I had a similar experience at an Obama rally in 2012 in NH. Parking lot was 2 miles away, I was on the first bus to load, it still took at least an hour to get to parking lot due to pedestrian & vehicular traffic trying to get out. would’ve walked, but was with tired children.)
his campaign operatives only worry about photo angles favorable to their boss, they don’t give a crap about the attendees or the facilities . Or paying for the venues
No, no, this is for sure The Mayor of Coachella’s fault. Just like when Trump was signing unwitting donors up for monthly increasing contributions was the fault of the credit card companies.
It was unseasonably cold here for that, then unseasonably warm (~70 in November) weeks later when we came out to celebrate him losing. And they still think their God is on Trump's side. 😆
And here's the deal, this is nothing new for Trump rallies. He been doing this since 2015, folks. MAGA people, effin' wise up, he doesn't give a shite about you, just wants to make money and stay out of prison.
In a different town it was that he didn't pay for the promised transport, so they didn't show up. Probably the same again considering the habit of not paying people.
Why would anyone other than the Trump campaign be responsible for transporting people to and from his racism rally? 🙄
Nothing nefarious, dweebs, he’s just not that into you.
Hasn’t this happened before?? After other rallies? Seems like it’s a Trump thing and not a mayor thing. Trump only wants you there. He doesn’t care how you leave.
This is apparently a common occurrence at Trump rallies, that just doesn’t get much attention, & is rarely held up as an example of how unfit to lead he & his team are.
For the second election in a row, primary and now general, Trump’s team didn’t bother to submit a statement to the Oregon Voters Guide. It’s literally the bare minimum for a candidate to do after getting on the ballot. A simple vote for me statement.
It also remarkably honest. “If we write down what he believes, no one would ever vote for it. Also, it’s kind of impossible to know what he’s going to believe by Election Day.”
Oh snap, I was just filling out my ballot and using Ballotpedia for reference…I guess they didn’t send their questionnaire to presidential candidates, but somehow he has his covid response on his campaign website as a positive. So weird.
The towed cars were „too poor“ for TV? People are only passed out from exhaustion and cold because reporters keep counting them??? Asking for the lesson Trump wants to teach them is „pretty nasty“?
How do these people find the way into their clothes every morning?
00:00 : Buaah, where´s the government
"I was poor, unemployed, and on food stamps and welfare, the government never helped me!"
All screen shots are better with #AltText
I could swear I read the Fyre Fest guy was ACTUALLY part of putting the RNC together, no shit.
Shame -that- one didn't end somewhere in the middle of Black Rock Desert or something
MAYOR OF COACHELLA: Do you have any idea how... things... work?
has Elmo never gone? I can't believe he's never gone. Thiel, surely. ONE of those. oh-too late, pity, anyway.
so yeah, definitely Thiel
this is a fucking comedy sketch already
THAT IS EXACTLY WHO VANCE IS. The asshole protagonist of a Nick LaBute movie.
please oh please can someone shop Vance in this classic somehow:
but it's really, really important for these people to turn out to hate people with Trump
assuming facts not in evidence or even suggested
Womp womp.
Once the rally is over, everyone is left to fend for themselves
Tagging Vivek Ramaswamy for help is genuinely funny; tweeting out "@JDVance" is just pitiful.
MEANWHILE, IN SUBURBAN CINCINNATI: "We're getting an alert on the Vance-Computer… there's trouble in Coachella! Quick, to the Vancemobile!"
“This feels criminal”
Nothing nefarious, dweebs, he’s just not that into you.
His entire team is inept.
The towed cars were „too poor“ for TV? People are only passed out from exhaustion and cold because reporters keep counting them??? Asking for the lesson Trump wants to teach them is „pretty nasty“?
How do these people find the way into their clothes every morning?
Sounds like the Trump campaign has a new slogan!