one of the scariest and most uplifting facts i keep in mind as we stare into the abyss is that no one who has not been to war, and most people on both sides haven't, knows how they will react when and if they find themselves there.
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This is like "everyone has a plan until you get punched in the face" but the you is most of the country and the punch is not being able to find sources of fresh water
Not really war related, but I had an ex-coworker who was grabbed by two men off a trail while running and she said she always thought she'd fight, but she just froze instead. Thankfully a jogger showed up and the men ran off, but man, you just never know how you're gonna react.
I’m waiting till middle class parents , of their son named Duke, has to take the ASVAB in high school. They will be like what? Not OUR child, we have plans for him. What do you mean he won’t get his diploma? Blah, blah..
Also they didn't read 2025, surprise.
I think the hype that young men who went to France in early 1914 is reflected in the optimism of the chuds who think a civil war here is what they want. Even with a generation back from a 20 year war in the middle east, they are idealising as if they won't be ground to dust. Imagined invincibility.
As soon as Trump
organizes and groups together the maga in military either Greenland, Canada, Panama or Mexico are going to find out. I predict Canada and Greenland first, and simultaneously, given NATO having found itself protecting Europe
sans america.
that was true in every war, it's also true during peacetime operations as there are many jobs that present ongoing dangers - we don't park our gear and wait for the next crisis or manufactured enemy
so tell me you never served without saying so - or certainly not in a job that exposes you to constant danger - and unlucky WILL be the deciding difference.
but you go ahead and opine and unless you served in war or peace, you'll be wrong.
I saw some of that business and I'm like - I'll prefer my own danger suite, which is NOTHING like what seems can somewhat easily happen in a helicopter. Although we fucked with airdales endlessly - always had utter respect for the flight deck crews, too. And of course - any pilot - fixed wing or not
In the meantime, we’re gonna give this a shot. We’d love to have the BtB / ICHH team and listeners come to the camp. Maybe give some talks and share some wisdom?
Feel free to reach out to our organizer or email via the link tree. I'm just the BlueSky keeper but feel free to reach out on this account as well! We'd love to have you or one of your team join our next call so you can see where we're at and what our plans are. ✊
I don't know which war and abyss you're referring to but civil war in America is not an impossibility. How will people react? Read about our American civil war over slavery. Brother fought brother, family fought family, with unbridled savagery until one side simply could not fight any longer.
running is very often the best call when people start shooting. and basically every good response to combat involves running to some extent. running is a good way to train for bad times.
When I used to teach self defense, the “tough guy” types were aghast at the idea that the best way to avoid a fight is to apologize, no matter who’s wrong, and get out. Or that when faced with a knife, you run.
Again, people watch too many movies.
Me, I'd fight. My family I want out and far away. Untill they're safe thats my focus. After that im ready.
Im not a soldier I'm actually a pacifist, but when it comes to my family's safety, i will fight.
I cant believe this is even a discussion.
USA, wtf?????????
I’ve had guns pulled on me and been shot at before. Most Americans aren’t built for that shit (not that I am) but I can guarantee the party that thought wearing a mask was just like slavery really, really isn’t built for it.
what you're responding to is something we call "verbal irony," which is where you say the opposite of what you mean to humorous effect. hope this helps
The Canadian capital is 100km from the US border. If Trump is serious about his plans, I expect a violent resistance coming from that area. We will know what it’s like to have our neighbors shooting at us.
yeah - we had some family friends who had been in the Polish resistance. They are dead by 10-15 years now- somewhat older than my parents. My mom met Eva working at NIH. They retired to Whidbey Island.
My friend, I’ve been there, and this fact still scares me. Some people don’t not what they’re asking for. Others don’t know they’re heading towards the abyss. Either way, it’s a slow rolling eventuality that I don’t wish on anyone.
Truly. A civil war is devastating. For everybody. Nobody escapes unscathed. It’s a brutal reckoning. Americans, as with all things, will likely outdo their contemporaries in the worst of ways.
It’s the same kind of people who see themselves handling a fist fight with a cool head, or imagine themselves as the heroes saving people from a burning building.
The lack of ANY experience allows their imagination to fill the gaps.
I’m not saying millennials are a monolith - however as someone on the tail end of GenX - my early work was working w/gen y +z. I saw the difference in my childhood vs theirs.
They’re on the receiving end of an economic upswing from the 90s.
Drinking out of garden hoses and being latch key children didn't make your generation hard, just neglected. And instead of channeling that introspection your judgement just ran downhill to the younger people.
The one cool thing you had was punk and those ideals died with income.
We're rapidly approaching the moment where some college educated officer is going to be ordered to open fire on protesters, and the fate of the planet might rest on what he decides to do.
I once went on a tandem skydive and when the parachute opened, it felt as if I was torn away from the rig. Thought I was going to die, but I didn't scream. I guess I just wanted to die with dignity before the big splat. No idea what that says about me. Guess I'll die quietly?
I, on the other hand, doing static line, could NOT let go of the wing strut. My skinny ass flapping in the breeze at 3800 feet hanging on a wing strut.
The parallels between now and WW2 are obvious, but I can't help but see parallels to your descriptions of WW1. Specifically, the way in which it was caused by a bunch of rich failsons wanting to try out their shiny new weapons without having any real sense of what war is
I can't imagine how we get to the other side of this without widespread violence. I'm trying to get ready, but I'm really worried that I won't pass the test when it comes.
Let's hope it stays that way but in the spirit of "hope for the best, plan for the worst" let's all do some Zizian thought experiments & take these hypotheticals to their most terrifyingly dissociated conclusions shall we?
I remember the first run of ICHH you talked about how in the UK after places got bombed out they were worried about their psych patients going insane just to find out they were doing surprisingly well, and that made so much about myself click lmao
like how I'm always a nervous wreck, constantly, but in the few life-threatening situations I've encountered it just fucking... flips. I'm suddenly the calmest person in the room every time.
It's second-hand anecdotal, but I heard from a Welsh morgue worker that in spring 2020 the pattern of incoming work departed from the usual. Lots of old folks, occasional s
After March 2020, the younger deaths stopped arriving.
And of course to many of us this makes sense: when the world is in chaos, sometimes that translates as "oh now the world makes sense", to those who feel disoriented or feel that they don't fit in when things are stable.
I'm like this. My theory is that anxiety is our body's systems that prepare us for threatening situations going into overdrive. This in turn prepares us super well for precarious situations.
it's a pretty well documented phenomenon afaict, I just figure I'm always wearing out my anxiety batteries so I don't have enough charge to actually freak out when shit hits the fan
It started to freak me out when I first noticed it. I was always preoccupied with the idea I wouldn't be READY in the moment despite consistently feeling calm as I survived another near fatal event. I've since let go of the idea I won't be ready (or as ready as is realistic) and a lot of anxiety.
I can and have run towards burning buildings (and a food truck with propane tanks) and ran into a busy freeway because someone totaled their car and couldn't get out. No hesitation. But ordering a pizza or calling the bank takes me an hour of pep talking myself. Limbic system all messed up.
I misread this and thought that having a knife pulled on you was the 10th scariest thing that had happened to you, and I thought, yep, that's about right for me too. I guess I have lived an "interesting" life.
In that war, only one side has something to lose and worth fighting for. And it is not the 'I love liberal tears' side. We'll drag them along when they run out of energy. But they cannot beat people who fight for something right.
Your average maga is a 60-70 something 250 to 300 lb. Diabetic with heart disease. Getting off the couch and going to the bathroom is the limit of their endurance. I was Army infantry for 6 years and it always cracks me up when the magas talk about civil war 😂🤣😂🤣.
The big question is when the rebellion happens what will the military, state National Guards and local law-enforcement will do. Will they be on the side of the people or the fascist government?
In the same vein, I find it uplifting how the vast majority of people who survive frontline combat come out of it going "Yeah we should REALLY not fucking do that again, for real."
Those lessons get lost in time, but they never stop being worthy of remembering.
My Uncle who was a combat veteran and a purple heart recipient very keen to impress upon me that you really don't want to see combat and that guy is a little more on the conservative side of things pretty much the reason I stayed out of the military
All the combat vets in my family have been very clear that any person that thinks they will not be scared, or mocks the emotion, is the fucker you do NOT want to be with in a firefight.
Also the last draft we had was the Korean War…ordinary Americans have not been forced to go to war and I think that has made wars since that time seem like a far away alt reality
Oh no, please don't spend a bunch of time training me in how to effectively use weapons and then give me access to them. That would be so horrible for me.
Vietnam showed many Americans that the government is not to be 100% trusted.
Always search for what they aren’t saying, and the answer is usually found by following the money.
I mean a resisted invasion of Canada presumably wouldn't end well for - for instance - Detroit, which is literally on the border & would presumably end up looking like Kharkiv if not Mariupol.
because a lot of people who think they want this are going to find out no they don't. and a lot of people who think we'll I'll just be screwed if this happens will learn they they in fact are not. And I have some suspicions about which sides this will happen more on than others.
you're right. you are optimistic. I don't think we're "screwed", I do always say victory is always possible. But I would never hold my breath depending on the fallibility of human nature in this manner, especially in chaos.
I think I understand your point, but it isn’t quite clear to me if you are expecting this realIzation to occur at the same time for everyone and at what cost. It seems like it would be too high a price to pay regardless of the position.
There is a nontrivial part of the population that has no interest in violence who will turn out to be very good at it when their backs are against the wall.
You probably won't be surprised to learn that a group of people deeply dedicated to defending a belief system are more likely to fight harder than those simply wanting to conquer.
I, for one, have no illusion of my fate during any apocalyptic scenario.
For example, most of me would be nestled in whatever remains of a zombie's colon while my compatriots ride comfortably in the back of an evac helicopter toward the sunset.
That's not entirely accurate. Old people know. Once you get to a certain age you lose your fear of death. And I guarantee you we're not going out on our bellies.
training and preparation can make certain outcomes less likely. but fundamentally until you've heard a bullet whiz past your head or felt the concussive wave of artillery landing so near it shuts off your brain for a second, you know nothing.
The Nazis were convinced their love of war fantasy reenactment would make them invincible. They were smashed by Russian farmers who’d never held a gun until a few years earlier. The victory of the rural Vietnamese rice farmers over the American empire was an even more stark example.
take a stop the bleed course. get to know your neighbors. Organize in your community. learn about storing food and filtering or otherwise obtaining fresh water. explore radio / ham comms. learn about disaster preparedness. Volunteer.
While hands-on practice with an instructor is preferable, there is a virtual stop the bleed course available from the American College of Surgeons at no cost.
Just to be clear - if you CAN get to an in person class, do it. But if you're waiting at all because of timing/distance/whatever, just do the online course. Very much a "don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good" deal.
My advice: You don't need to take your cel phone everywhere, consider documenting things from a camera or gopro. Also, make sure you don't record anybody getting into good trouble, and for the love of all that is good, don't ever talk about it, ESPECIALLY on the internet. *This is NOT about clout.*
Any quick resources you could point us to RE:food storage/water filtering? Cursory glance is tough to weed out who is just trying to sell something vs who is giving genuine advice
OTOH, activated carbon filters typically work on an array of chemicals (not all) and not pathogens.
A still that creates distilled water removes certain chemicals and pathogens but not all, and legality varies, but can potentially be assembled from random spare parts.
low cost options for food storage for me have been fermenting and dehydrating in the oven (and freezing but this is less useful without a fridge). i don’t have links, it was really hard to find any info that didn’t require me to buy stuff. i just experimented til it worked, lmk if you want advice
^^^ cant ever have too much, ive heard folx come back from the dead after 8+ doses. a lot of these same organizations will also offer free fentanyl testing strips and free sharps containers which are just good to have on hand imo
If you ever need a sharps container and can't get your hands on one, gatorade bottles work great. I have actively tried to stab a brand-new needle into those and can't. (I recap my needles besides)
Liquid laundry soap containers are excellent too (same thing).
Yes, by law anything transmitted on HAM frequencies has to be open and public. You can't use encryption of any kind on those freqs. A useful skill to have, but there is zero expectation of privacy.
I feel like watching their parents & friends die preventably without their meds, due to SSA disruption homelessness, etc. might sort that out fairly quickly. At least for some.
There's going to be a lot more if they go through with proposed FCC deregulations, too. The barrier to use being the various tests (which aren't too hard, just needing to be done).
Also noted deceased child slaver and terrorist Robert LaVoy Finacum.
Talked a huge game then when it came down to actually fighting law enforcement he kept bobbling between being a threat and surrendering and got blasted. Dude must've thought, "They would never."
to be clear i don't think war or mass violence is inevitable. this is part of why. but there will definitely be attempts to push this and i think these facts might lead to a positive conclusion.
I don’t think there will ever be full on civil war. If we see any violence I imagine it will be similar to the troubles in Ireland, just isolated incidents.
I would agree, but from what I understand the Troubles were more about a long history of oppression, rather than what they are now, a sharp right into fascism. I think this causes different kinds of violence. Also: we are essentially in a Troubles-like time of sporadic political violence already
Other possible scenario is the populace (341 million people) decide it is simply easier and more efficient to not to fight one another but to terminate the 8,500 officials (that's how few fill the top spots), hold elections for their replacements, and carry on as usual sans the source of the strife.
My ideal would be a Blue state NATO-secession, where we are supported by our allies in taking the economic and social centers out of the US, and aligning them with Canada, Mexico, EU, etc. Let the Red states suffer without our taxes, and make Trump divert the military to fight us instead of Ukraine
Optimistically I would agree with you, but I think that would rely on a level of political engagement Americans generally can't get their heads around. We're a very lazy and ignorant country. To do that without total support would cause civil war. 1/
Here's to hoping. Once rules and norms have been broken it's damn near impossible to fix them again. The emolument clause probably isn't ever coming back and violating separation of powers is likely always going to be something that has been done and could be done again. But long odds ain't no odds
This is part of my fear. My fear is that the war will be pushed so far away and done so diluted that by the time a bullet is aimed at me, I won't even hear it hit.
That we'll each be walked down a hall far enough that no one will hear.
Kinda worried if we get there again it’ll end in a lot of blood and dead activists then followed by even more general violence. This administration is unhinged enough to try ordering live ammo on protesters. There is no way that wouldn’t lead to something approaching civil war though.
Yeah but they can strap a bomb to a drone. Artillery isn’t obsolete yet but the age of some random yokel with a crop dusting drone strapping a big fertilizer bomb to it is now.
Who needs a 155mm artillery piece when you can just airmail it directly where you want it?
I worry about Flynn and his army of Christian nationists purportedly partnering with Tarrio. I heard it’s maybe 80,000? I don’t know if that is correct. And then there’s the Constitutional sherrifs. Too many crazy people with guns
Sir, this is a country where referring to something as military grade is meant as an insult, because civilian equipment is generally much better. Except for radios. And night vision.
But also, a well ventilated ghillie suit has been shown in Ukraine to be a surprisingly effective mitigation method against threats using thermal imaging, such as reconnaissance drones.
Yes, but those newer NVG's with the COTI that does image processing to just outline the hots without obscuring them as well as integrating AR elements including displaying external feeds, that level of performance has yet to be replicated at an accessible price point.
organized violence on an industrial scale should break people's minds who are directly participating.
drones make it a videogame to some extent that's hard for me to contemplate when it's a possible civil conflict.
My guess is that a lot of people who have spent a lot of money on guns will suddenly wish they’d spent more on first aid kits; that in fact war sucks, they don’t enjoy it and would much rather they hadn’t argued do loudly for it.
I think more and more every day that it IS becoming inevitable. The majority of the MAGA wannabes think war is like Counter Strike. Once they realize what you're saying, it'll be too late.
IMO, most of these magats without military training will think it's like a video game until their comrades' fall next to them, and then it will be too late for them. No game controllers or keyboards in live battle.
Serious question: What's a realistic resolution, other than an entirely successful fascist takeover, that *doesn't* involve at least some major outbursts of violence, whether that be lynching the junta or brutally suppressing protesters? I want to believe in one but can't think of any.
Well, could rip a few pages from the Civil Rights Era, and I don't mean the virtue signalling and performative bullshit. I mean targeted, disruptive gatherings at the homes & business of those who are part of or aligned with these ass hats.
I mean concerted efforts to primary the shit out of opposition members who seem to have forgotten what being the opposition means. That means gumming up everything that can be with legal challenges.
I could go on, but this is hardly the worst we've seen. Different, sure, uniquely scary. Ya. But they're just the latest in a legacy of nativists, segregationists, and fascists we've defeated before again, and again, and again.
Slowly going into hypovolemic shock with a sucking chest wound is an experience I don't care to repeat. I will say, somehow I was able to still carry out brief conversations with my trauma team despite the bullet in my lung. Adrenaline is a hell of a drug.
Yep saw plenty of hot shot LTs and CAPTs do amazing in training and completely break down the first time we hit an IED. No way to really predict how anyone will acts until you’re in it.
I know how I react in dangerous natural situations and when dealing with things like accident victims, but I have no idea what I would do if there were people actually trying to kill me.
I have played enough Arma to know it’s a coin toss for me. I can follow the four Fs when the stakes are sitting in spectator mode for an hour. But if I hear real whipcracks I am probably hiding behind a rock until the heat death of the universe.
And even in the “calm” the idea that people a football yard away are literally trying to take your life is not an easy thing to compartmentalize. And it’s going to be even more of a head fuck when the enemy looks and sounds just like you. Maybe you even have mutual acquaintances
You are correct. Everyone says they will do this or that in a crisis, but 80% of people freeze, 10% run away, about 10% are rational enough to act. War is levels beyond that.
I'm dying. I already don't want to live in peace time. What use am I in war? Disabled, angry, stupid?
No thanks. Once the violence breaks out in my community, I'm not letting the fascists get to me first. I'm not living long enough to give them the chance.
funny you mention that .... I think of it often and I don't think Americans can handle it - I can't handle it - I'm thinking of a safe country to emigrate to but my daughter is here.....
Yea, this is why I helped my family get out of the country. I've seen war, and I don't want my wife's kids to experience it. It was that, or teach them how to dig trenches.
Many are walking around w/PTSD bc they aren't male, white, or privileged. They've battled every day of their lives & wld meet bullets as bravely as they did the monsters lurking among us. Some ppl have raised more fighters. Govt issued fatigues aren't the only things that make one a warrior.
Closest I've got is a couple hurricanes knocking out power and flooding roads and coming together with my neighbors to form a mutual aid group organically. It's all I've got to cling to right now.
This is the one part every soldier's memoirs leave out. Like, dudes in the Civil War had to have been cranking away while sieging Vicksburg. What the fuck else are you going to do?
It's the only thing that gives me comfort US v Germany in the 20s is that there aren't hundreds of thousands of Freikorps veterans washing around the country
I've been thinking about this since you brought it up on one of your podcasts recently. It's very encouraging (only in the context of potential civil unrest) to see veterans getting screwed over by this regime and mobilizing against it
This is why I strongly support our vets. As a lifelong civilian I can never fully understand what it means to fight in a war. All I can do is support our veterans with my vote and my behavior.
2/3 of them voted to put us in this situation. Most of them were never in combat and were indoctrinated into a conservative cult. Not all of them are bad people, but not sure why you'd blindly support them as a whole.
If you're in Oregon you better get a move on, M114 is about to be enacted middle of next month and the state has published no plans for their required permitting process.
A childhood of being raised in and around embassies says otherwise. We're all taught to plan and keep an eye out for context clues and directions of where to go and what to do. Provided the latter is available, of course.
My FIL is 102 years old. He is a WWII combat veteran. He is horrified about how we have landed in a place where the right wing has aligned with our longstanding enemy. We have been fucked by Fox News and idiots like Joe Rogan and the Tate brothers.
Definitely one of the things I feel gives me a slight edge if things pop off. I still remember, in ‘04, when our replacements came, their first mortar attack, they all hit the deck and we were like “oh that one wasn’t even close.”
The first civil war left cities bloody for weeks afterwards. The slaughter was inconceivable. Nobody is prepared for what a second one looks like. The average American has not seen war outside of stories and a lot of folks see a lot more glory than there would be.
🎶“When the only guts and brains that you've got
Are the ones that are stuck to your boot
And you're riding like hell through Virginny
Just to find somebody to shoot” -White Mansions
I can’t emphasize how much I don’t want to hurt anyone regardless of what they think. But if they want to come and look for a fight, that’s what they’ll get and it won’t be pretty.
As someone who has had bullets fly over their head, there’s a switch I had to flip where I accepted death as an outcome. If you don’t do that, you’ll go mad in the moment. I can’t see these billionaires and wannabes being able to do that.
I always think of the part in the first episode of band of brothers where the guy says "you have to accept you're already dead." Probably actually psychologically healthy
My brother in law did three tours in Vietnam in the Marine Corp. He is almost 80, as he volunteered to avoid the draft in his mid 20's. He does not talk about his experiences. However, in times of need, I would turn his way. He still walks 5 miles a day and lifts weights. He is prepared, a leader.
You can totally be the guy that poops/pisses/cries all while still doing brave shit. Pooping doesn't make you a coward, running from your problems makes you a coward. Never run.
most of the soldiers i know who survived heavy combat have a shitting themselves store. often just as a result of being sick and then getting ambushed and well shit happens
Truth. It's gotta be the worst of all possible situations to be in a combat zone,(which is fucked) while being ambushed, (more fuckery) while sick with diarrhea (god hates me/why did I eat that MRE).
And furthermore our First Sergeant insisted that half our company sit down and eat with the INPs at their dining area and share in their food for solidarity. Myself and the other medics said it was a bad idea. He didn't listen. I went through all my loperamide in two days.
First time I got shot at with super sonic rounds I just kind of stood there confused at the weird sounds passing by my head. It took my platoon sergeant grabbing me by my shoulder and telling me to run for cover to shake me out of it.
Which of us can imagine the horrors - physical &/or physiological? Read some WW1 literature & let it sink in. The rich get richer, & everyone else dies - in one way or another.
Colorado Governor Jared Polis needs to have a daily chat with Major General LAURA L. CLELLAN, the Adjutant General, Colorado National Guard. Is she on Colorado's side, or Musk's and Trump's side? There is no in between.
If we had a 'strike fund' and support structure so that when people lose their jobs and get blacklisted for protesting (even without the arrest and conviction) they know that they won't instantly be homeless and destitute, that could help.
I don't know how I would fare in a wartime scenario cuz the only thing I've ever shot at is random garbage, but I do have a fair feeling how the MAGA psychos would do in a war scenario and the answer isn't flattering
Also they didn't read 2025, surprise.
organizes and groups together the maga in military either Greenland, Canada, Panama or Mexico are going to find out. I predict Canada and Greenland first, and simultaneously, given NATO having found itself protecting Europe
sans america.
but you go ahead and opine and unless you served in war or peace, you'll be wrong.
and it was just his luck the mustard canister landed in the trench next to him
and it was just his luck that forward sentries could not get their warnings back to the encampment fast enough
I learned enough about it then to know it is not a good choice.
I could shoot a 1/2 animal though .. in a heartbeat.
I know I'd 110% be a freezer.
Again, people watch too many movies.
Im not a soldier I'm actually a pacifist, but when it comes to my family's safety, i will fight.
I cant believe this is even a discussion.
USA, wtf?????????
I guess we just need to figure out a B I G EMP shockwave device or something.
The most deadly were also the sweetest, most adorable old people I have ever met.
It turns out wine and autocorrect are not my closest friends.
It was the same thought about the Civil War and people picnicked and watched thinking it would be over in a day
The lack of ANY experience allows their imagination to fill the gaps.
we would fight.
American Millennials and younger have been given an easy life compared to most.
2025 we are being dragged into the dark ages.
I'm not a millennial, but all three of my adult children are.
I’m not saying millennials are a monolith - however as someone on the tail end of GenX - my early work was working w/gen y +z. I saw the difference in my childhood vs theirs.
They’re on the receiving end of an economic upswing from the 90s.
The one cool thing you had was punk and those ideals died with income.
“Ugh, now I have to deal with THIS today, thanks guys,” I think as I plummet to my death
This administration (actually it is a regime!) has illegally arrested, detained and/or deported so many people without due process, one of these cases will get through. Then they will deport ANYONE THEY WANT.
Me needing to draft a ten page legal argument and present it to an arbitrator in three days = pure zen
Pills are my best friend now.
--That's my secret, I'm always anxious.--
Emergencies are just another day
the next couple of days I'm bedridden please don't ask anything of me
... it wells up from within, if you do. It's not truly a conscious decision when first facing actual peril, it just kinda happens.
Some do fail.
If you pay close attention, it becomes clear that their fantasies aren't about being liberators. They're about being the boot.
Sounds like a great idea!
Because I'd be shot in the head immediately... That's been my paintball experience anyway... 🤣
Those lessons get lost in time, but they never stop being worthy of remembering.
Fear keeps you alive.
Always search for what they aren’t saying, and the answer is usually found by following the money.
There is a nontrivial part of the population that has no interest in violence who will turn out to be very good at it when their backs are against the wall.
For example, most of me would be nestled in whatever remains of a zombie's colon while my compatriots ride comfortably in the back of an evac helicopter toward the sunset.
on balance this makes me optimistic
Too many have false confidence in their abilities
you can only do so much yourself and you can offer so much more than you know.
the more people you have the greater your chances are of surviving.
but with other people you can let others pick up what you are bad at and provide what you are good at.
Beyond that, it kind of depends on what the conditions are: many camping filters are inexpensive and work against pathogens, but not chemicals.
A still that creates distilled water removes certain chemicals and pathogens but not all, and legality varies, but can potentially be assembled from random spare parts.
Liquid laundry soap containers are excellent too (same thing).
Not celebrating the woman's death, but what was a bloodthirsty mob turned into a careful retreat.
Yes. They're going to try to kill you if you cross the line.
That threw some exceptions.
Talked a huge game then when it came down to actually fighting law enforcement he kept bobbling between being a threat and surrendering and got blasted. Dude must've thought, "They would never."
That we'll each be walked down a hall far enough that no one will hear.
Who needs a 155mm artillery piece when you can just airmail it directly where you want it?
Everyone thinks they are an operator with an AR
Arty is what does the work and all you can do is hide
drones make it a videogame to some extent that's hard for me to contemplate when it's a possible civil conflict.
Eagerness to fuck around > Eagerness to find out.
We could get lucky and save ourselves when folks get cold feet early in the finding out phase.
I always had to run the jackhammer because it reminded him of war and he never wanted to be back there.
I think about that shit all the time.
Property owners on both sides will vehemently object to open warfare. No one wants their businesses turned into a battlefield.
Concentration camps are fine but you do your killing quietly.
No thanks. Once the violence breaks out in my community, I'm not letting the fascists get to me first. I'm not living long enough to give them the chance.
Been in it before, know I can do it again
Are the ones that are stuck to your boot
And you're riding like hell through Virginny
Just to find somebody to shoot” -White Mansions
Mayo mafia?
So if I don't pay the vig they'll.. come tear out the implant they put in?
But one can never KNOW.
And a bad week at work is usually a lot better than a good week at war.
It may look like I'm brave, but I've done the math, and I like my odds against the nazis more than the stairs.
Hitler bombed our house! We were under a huge oak table, my mum and brother,and survived(dad was in the Air Force fighting against Nazis)
I live in Canada now,and will fight with every breath in my body to stop Herr Trump!
If we had a 'strike fund' and support structure so that when people lose their jobs and get blacklisted for protesting (even without the arrest and conviction) they know that they won't instantly be homeless and destitute, that could help.
And I desperately hope I never learn the answer to that.
It makes it a huge slap in the face from the government to all of us who have fought, so that others wouldn't have to.
As a warfighter of 16 years, I can tell you from experience in countries where this has happened, we're next.
We discover the real talent and beauty of humankind too.
Look at the ugly barbarism of the Israelis compared to the stoic Palestinians. Real example: No hypothesis.