Why? Because Maine’s governor Janet Mills told him to his face she would obey federal and state law, not his bullying edict, and he snapped at her like he did at Zelenskyy and she said see you in court. So, being a thin-skinned hateful savage, he’s now collectively punishing/antagonizing Mainers.
Reposted from
Arthur Delaney
The Trump admin canceled contracts with Maine's CDC supporting "enumeration at birth" -- the way 99% of American babies get their Social Security Numbers.
Now Maine parents have to visit field offices in-person to get their newborn SSNs
No reason given.
Now Maine parents have to visit field offices in-person to get their newborn SSNs
No reason given.
I wish we could get another 4 years of her!
Make Canadians behave badly.
Make Mexicans mad.
Destroy USA's reputation.
Destroy the Federal Reserve.
Convert U$ to crypto.
Make sure it's reported far and wide in Maine
Make sure people understand that this is what Republican bullshit looks like
Make the Republican politicians in Maine own it
See if any of them wants to repudiate their orange felon
They won't
They're gutless cowards
"You better do it! Or you won't get money!"
He is only concerned about money!
That's the problem with fascism #Maine #MAGA. You're part of the society you voted to rip but you didn't read the fine print and side effects.
You will disagree with your overlord and/or suffer from their selfish decisions. But you threw away your means to dissent.
I hope one day he will rot in hell!
Is it time to wish a pox on all those who voted for him? Too close to home? Too measles-adjacent?
Place billboards in key spots explaining who the asshats were who did this:
President Elonia
Demented Don
Vapid Vance
It's actually kind of nice.
You're welcome.
One good thing, any republican in Maine might think twice about voting republican next time!
Full of bitter thoughts and revenge.
What a massive inconvenience for families.
The question is whether Trump thinks he’s ever going to have to face a Democratic election again.
Otherwise, they are bringing this upon themselves.
But then again the cheating can be deep!
Remember when she called the cops about some chalk drawings?
It is fascinating while also despicable and grotesques how people will behave
Not sure about the territory (Marianas), wouldn't be surprised if they ditched it completely because of brown people.
I guess that's good.