Trump: "You're going to charge Americans more for your electricity to retaliate for my stupid tariffs that charge Americans more for your goods??? Well, then I'M going to charge Americans EVEN MORE to punish you for charging Americans more! HAHAHAHA! I'm a genius!"
It’s being done to isolate and devalue the dollar so Donnie and his crew can replace it with something else in all government transactions. We will be blackmailed to go along with their flip at a loss or lose everything. It will be the biggest heist in history if we let it happen.
Maybe I’m missing something but if Trump puts huge tariffs on raw materials like aluminum and steel imported from Canada, wouldn’t it be cheaper for American manufacturers to open plants in Canada?
Good luck. We're done with Americans exploitation of our workforce and resources. We'll find new markets and new trade partners. Screw me once shame on you, screw me twice shame on me. We're not America's punching bag. That's been going for two long, abuser needs to move out
Gee, how should we solve the housing crisis, Donny? Gee, I don’t know Elon. Let’s try doubling the cost of building materials. That should do the trick.
"recent trade tensions" makes it sound like this is not 100% Trump's fault. In the future I suggest you call it "Trump's Trade War" which is more honest and informative and also shorter.
It’s time to take action in those Republican districts where voters regret their Trump vote. Let’s push for recall petitions to remove leaders who continue to enable his dangerous agenda. It's time to demand accountability. The people deserve better leadership. 🗳️ #RecallForChange #Accountability
Oh yeah, this is the greatest wealth transfer in the history of the planet. You are getting fucked upside down and sideways, without the courtesy of a kiss. Billions being stolen from working people everyday. Your government was purchased years ago
Biden handed Trump a strong economy & inflation that was finally decreasing. Not even in office two months Trump has dismantled crucial federal organizations, began destroying our relationship with allies worldwide.
completely destroying our strong economy with tariffs, raising inflation & driving us into a man made recession. Bought & paid for by the GOP and TRUMP. doing it's job to normalize Trump.
Why not lead with more objective headline? "Trump doubles unnecessary Canadian tariffs hurting American families and the U.S economy."
It is objectively true. No white washing. Just plain facts.
Calling it "trade tensions" is absolutely spin. It makes it sound like a mutual disagreement between two countries. This is economic warfare, this is an entirely one sided attack on a country with an outright stated goal of eventual conquest. NPR isn't fox but they're stuck in a decorum bubble
Yeah, like if someone was stabbed in a home invasion you don't report trying to be "neutral" by saying "Resident stabbed during escalation of property ownership disagreement"
He WANTS to tank our economy and isolate the US politically and economically in order to devalue the dollar. Those anarchist computer hackers are preparing government agencies to function with a currency other than the dollar as we now know it. They are planning the biggest heist in history.
He wants my country to be economically destroyed so he can take it over to strip us of our resources and leave us in the dirt. And if he can't take it by economic force, we have no reason to believe he won't try by force. He already thinks our borders need to be redrawn.
It doesn't, but when lots of businesses go bankrupt because of it, Trump and his rich buddies will be able to buy assets for cheap, and that's far more important to them than the needs of us peasants.
And look at that the colors even match! It feels like this timeline is both a combination of Dumb and Dumber with Idiocracy, and every post-apocalyptic fiction novel written in the last 60 years.
This is going to have a tremendous negative impact on disabled people who need wheelchairs, walkers, braces, canes, etc. It will especially impact families with disabled kids who grow out of their equipment.
Cowardly self serving Republicans in Congress more concerned about Musk $Funding their potential election replacement (if they don’t fall in line) than doing what is right for the country.
Remember this?
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
He's NOT doing it. Throw him out!
NPR, your headline is misleading. The media needs to start using proper language when describing what’s going on. Should read “president trump said it plans to put a 50% tariff on steel and aluminum from Canada in an escalation of his unjustified and bogus trade war he started”.
When Donald was about 11, he became so incorrigible at the dinner table his older brother Fred dumped a family size bowl of mashed potatoes on his head. Somebody needs to do that to him now.
Correction. “President Trump throws toddler-like tantrum and doubles tariffs without concern for the impact on Americans or the economy amid trade tensions that he alone is responsible for.” The latest increase is all about Trump's ego. He doesn't like being told no. No cooking the tax books. No grouping women. No stiffing contractors. No violating money laundering laws. No insurrection. Weather the storm Canada. He may try to use Tariffs as border excuse.
Support the Dems: Valimont in FL-1; Josh Weil in FL-6; Blake Gendebien in NY-21; Crawford for WI Supreme Court in the upcoming Special Elections. DONATE at
Are people starting to realize every time DJT raises a tariff he is increasing the costs to American consumers? Housing costs will increase and people will not be able to afford them; even employed ones. Same with automobiles. People will not accept the increased costs in autos. Who hurts? Everyone
The housing market is already starting to cool down on existing homes. Housing crisis? Yes, caused by the mob boss in chief, TFG, DJT the orange orangutan.
What Americans may not understand is this is just not about tariffs. That would be a trade spat adults could work through. Your President has declared war on Canada. Imagine your response if Canada said we are going to annex your state and you are just going to have to learn to like it.
Trump’s hoping Canada escalates tariffs to the point where Americans will support the use of force. This is right out of the Putin/Hitler playbook. So far, Canada is doing its part. I just hope Americans will enjoy living in Russia. come on already. It’s an escalation of Trump Tariffs. This is entirely on Trump. Enough with the both side-ism. Canada does not want tensions, they also don’t want to be stepped on.
Brilliant. That will really help with getting more housing built and rebuilding the Key Bridge. Not to mention aiding in the collapse of our economy. And those republicans keep bobbing their heads in support of these crazy tariffs like those dashboard bobbleheads.
Limiting the availability of steel and aluminum (and lumber) hurts us. I thought he was in in support of American manufacturing? Captain Doofus is flying us all into the ground.
Guy who launched unprovoked tariff war against neighboring country, longtime ally, and important trading partner plans to escalate his unprovoked tariff war by issuing even more unprovoked tariffs. That's what I'm hearing, but it's not what I am reading. 🫤
Add 50% more on price tag on anything steel and aluminum related products. He is killing American manufacturers. This is what MAGA wants and voted for I’m sure
Agreed. I want us to do something like that every day so he can keep raising the percentage. Want to learn what the magic number is for the storming of the Bastille.
Trump is now a dictator, he has removed all independent watchdogs. An executive branch without guardrails kills democracy. The only ones capable of stopping this is Congress, but they have failed to exercise their power and uphold the Constitution.
How does this tie in to the emergency fentanyl crisis? Maybe NPR ought to do an article on how more fentanyl gets into Canada from the US than from the US into Canada. Might open up a few Americans eyes.
The only people that will read that article are the people who already know fentanyl isn't coming in through the northern border. The ones who do need to hear it will be told the lie and will believe it.
Just trying to illustrate the absurdity of it all. It also shows the BS of the Executive Order since this is how the US decided to start this trade war.
I've told some Canadian acquaintances that they should consider building a wall on their southern border. We're bringing drugs, we're bringing crime. Some, I assume are good people.
There is NO MONEY coming in from the countries Trump put tarrifs on.
They don't pay the penalty, Americans do.
Petulant child. Canada one upped him and he’s having a tantrum. If he wants to rebuild auto manufacturing he just shot it in the foot. Can’t build without steel.
This guy has never heard the word no from anyone, so now that he’s in his dotage he thinks he’s above consequences 😒
You want a trade war #FAFO… 😑🇨🇦❤️🔥
We will never be part of #murca 🖕
He wants to invade Canada 🇨🇦 over fictional fentanyl labs so he can take resources by force 🤬
Tensions between countries? This is a unilateral attack on Canada. This is the US government clearly stating their goal is economic warfare in order to conquer Canada. Please take this seriously and report accurately.
Stop the insanity! Donald is playing with the people of the United States like we are his little green toy army-men. What is the end game? Implode the US economy, cut all social services, destroy education, regenerate diseases that were nearly irradiated…it’s like a dystopian horror film.
If you charge your neighbors a fee when they bring over the condiments for the cookout you are hosting, I bet they will stop coming around. Yeah that’s how it works
For the first time in the history of the world, you can simply say or post "He's an idiot" and 90 % of the world's population will immediately know whom you are referring to!
Then time for Canada to say "enough" and simply set a date when the oil, gas, electricity, uranium, rare earth minerals, softwoods will stop being shipped into the US until they resolve their internal issues with electing idiots.
No more drama, no more theatrics
And for the record replicating Canada's power structure that the idiot said he's going to do would cost well over a couple of trillion dollars and only take 10-15 years. And that's after they find some raging rivers to build on.
Until then it would be candles, whale oil and wood all the way
Next up aluminum. That would be relatively simple. Find again a few raging rivers and build the equivalent of 4 Hoover dams to produce the power. Each would take 3-5 years and cost $1 billion each. Then you have to build the processing plants another 1-2 trillion
Read the room, Donald.
Canada folded up and left like...yesterday.
If you're just trying to impress your maga fools...yeah, this'll probably do it. Knock yourself out.
Oligarchies will applaud and their media will broadcast these empty gestures all day. Over and over. Headline after headline.
uh, the media needs to start writing to reflect reality.
Recent trade tensions?
How about "President Trump plans to double the 25% tariff on steel & aluminum from Canada in an effort to punish our neighbour for their retaliatory tariffs and to increase pressure on Canada to become part of the US."
Canada stand strong- form new trade partners and dish it right back on the good old US of A. Do not be bullied by these wanna be technocrats and dictators!
I think the Putin plan that Trump is running is to actually bankrupt and cripple the United States of America to the point where there is no fight left. Fuck these motherfuckers. I’ve got plenty of fight left!!
Canada will never forgive the USA for electing this psychopath. We will become the 51st state over my dead body and the 42 million other citizens that will NEVER accept annexation.
If Canada became a state it would be like adding another California electorally and politically. Point that out and they quickly stfu. If they don't, that's a tell they intend to take away our right to vote and officially install a dictatorial regime.
They want to conquer canada as a colony, not give it any sort of actual political or voting rights. Like Russians worrying that conquering Ukraine would vote Putin out of office. There ain't going to be elections.
I am not even sure Trump will allow Americans to vote again. He wants to create a Putin inspired North America with him as the dictator. He has even hinted at this and I don’t think he was joking. And his cultish followers and neutered Republican Party will not oppose him. It is late in the game.
When the only tool in your box is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. This is the problem with electing idiots and simpletons into positions of power. Nuance is completely lost on them, so they keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome.
Trump doesn't like the taste of his own medicine and makes his fellow Americans pay more, lol! Looking forward to see how a new trade deal with the rest of the world looks like. But for now, he chooses to punish his people.
It's not targeting if "it" is attacking everyone. It's like a spoiled child throwing a fit on the floor. It will hit anything within its reach. Sorry, but Canada and Mexico happen to be the closest to the flailing brat.
That's exactly it. We have a Russian stooge, a Manchurian Candidate, who is dismantling the United States and driving it into collapse. Putin owns Trump. All of this nonsense makes perfect sense when you ask "What would Putin want?"
What on earth is trump is trying to accomplish? He's pissed off the entire world. He's aligned himself with the world's worst despots. He's crashing the economies of multiple allies including the U.S. economy. He's threatening to annex other countries. For what reason?
He is punishing an entire NATION for what the governor of a single PROVINCE did!
And yes, it's punishment. It's not about trade policy, or even US interests. This is about Trump trying to bully the rest of the world into submission to him, repeating what he did to the GOP over the last decade.
I stand corrected! Unfortunately I can't edit the post to correct.
But hope you also take my general point, as well as recognize my title/terminology blunder.
Exactly as he was groomed by the KBG and money men that loaned hin big bucks to jump into the casino market many moons ago.... Trump is flat out a nut case and no good for america....
When will the American Left realise that it needs to form a response to the far right based on the model of the Black Panthers? Bring back the Beret’s and AK’s before it’s too late. Let’s see the far right argue against the right to bear arms.
25% tariff on aluminup hurts Canada and the USA. 50% tariff hurts the USA way more. USA does not have the capacity to smelt aluminum at a reasonable cost even if it built its own smelters (which takes years).
So...Canada matches tariffs, Trump pretends it's Canada's fault, increases Tariffs. 😂🤦♂️. I know this pales in comparison to the dumbest 💩 he has done in the last month...but boy oh boy is this guy awful for the American ppl. He is basically shorting the US as a stock to profit personally off it's ppl
in upside down world
Why not lead with more objective headline? "Trump doubles unnecessary Canadian tariffs hurting American families and the U.S economy."
It is objectively true. No white washing. Just plain facts.
That's literally why so many of us follow it had been doing this for years and we're paying for it.
But at least you could have had a President who was pro-middle class and pro-small business.
Nice work.
He wants my country to be economically destroyed so he can take it over to strip us of our resources and leave us in the dirt. And if he can't take it by economic force, we have no reason to believe he won't try by force. He already thinks our borders need to be redrawn.
Hey, it worked during the pandemic.
We stand with you and are calling our local officials daily.
Cowardly self serving Republicans in Congress more concerned about Musk $Funding their potential election replacement (if they don’t fall in line) than doing what is right for the country.
Weak, traitors
This just sounds like a continuing fight... It was unprovoked.
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
He's NOT doing it. Throw him out!
Where does the collected tariff money go?
A. It will be divided equally & given back to the American consumers.
B. It will be used to pay down the national bebt.
C. It will be used to fund the hole created by tax breaks for billionaires & large corporations.
I'm asking, what is done with the money after it is collected?
Canada's the largest supplier of steel to the US, representing approximately 22.8% of total U.S. steel imports!
Ferrous material often doesn't have a high value recycled because we got it cheaper from other countries.
Downside is what, about a 30% cost increase for new material?
Just as the illegal arms with the cartels etc are sold from Americans Arms companies into Mexico
More proof that every accusation is a confession.
They don't pay the penalty, Americans do.
Throw a net over him
Trump against the world
You want a trade war #FAFO… 😑🇨🇦❤️🔥
We will never be part of #murca 🖕
He wants to invade Canada 🇨🇦 over fictional fentanyl labs so he can take resources by force 🤬
Billionaires shouldn’t exist.
Trump should be in jail.
Try it (many, many times)...
No more drama, no more theatrics
Until then it would be candles, whale oil and wood all the way
Canada folded up and left like...yesterday.
If you're just trying to impress your maga fools...yeah, this'll probably do it. Knock yourself out.
Oligarchies will applaud and their media will broadcast these empty gestures all day. Over and over. Headline after headline.
Recent trade tensions?
How about "President Trump plans to double the 25% tariff on steel & aluminum from Canada in an effort to punish our neighbour for their retaliatory tariffs and to increase pressure on Canada to become part of the US."
Or can someone please impeach him, the number of illegal things he’s done in the last month… convicted felons don’t make good presidents 🤮
Unfortunately, every single Republican Senator is a feckless coward.
Another sad day for the United States of America.
These actions are an attack on Americans. It’s anti-American activities.
Impeach before we collapse and Russia moves in.
Scammers are attacking all of us. Now they’ve got seats in government to attack and try to make it legal.
And yes, it's punishment. It's not about trade policy, or even US interests. This is about Trump trying to bully the rest of the world into submission to him, repeating what he did to the GOP over the last decade.
But hope you also take my general point, as well as recognize my title/terminology blunder.
Please, and edit button in the first 10 minutes would be awesome.
The next 4 years will be the South Park movie. Here's the sainted Robin Williams...