I appear to have enraged the bluesky bicycle crowd with my murderous, evil, genocidal take of "I would like bicyclists in my state to follow the law, as it exists, in my state."
(issue being lane splitting/filtering, which is not, at present, legal in North Carolina https://www.bikelaw.com/laws/north-carolina/)
(issue being lane splitting/filtering, which is not, at present, legal in North Carolina https://www.bikelaw.com/laws/north-carolina/)
You would have to live under a rock, or in a rare North American city with great pubpic transit, to miss this. Pretty sure it's everywhere.
Patrol the bike lanes for the love of god
If you're going to complain about cyclists slowing you down a tad, are you also screaming yourself hoarse about cars speeding? If not, why not?
They’re very willing to look at studies etc on different rules and scenarios based on the thread
Approx 40,000 people die from vehicle crashes another 2 million are injured every year
It's virtually impossible to cause that kind of property damage death and injury from a bicycle
I'm an expert in two-wheel travel (I also ride motorcycles), following traffic rules and breaking them, and separately, online reactions.
You've established that bikes are not allowed to filter to the front in NC. They can take a full lane as well. And yes, bikers are 1/
I'll point that I filter in traffic to get to a place of safety. If I stopped several car lengths from a light, by the time I pedaled to a green, cars would be going past me at 35mph.
Using your logic of obey the laws, I could 2/
Now going back to following the rules, would every driver know the law and respect that I'm taking a full lane? Let's be honest: how many drivers you see speed/run reds/roll stops, and treat riders badly?
The argument that bikers 3/
This leads to the reaction to your stated goal. Did you want to improve road safety or enforce all rules? 4/
There are a dozen dangers when the police pull over the worst driver, from fleeing to violence. Society is so inured they do little to change this.
Cyclist infractions are easy to 5/
Finally, if you want to improve cyclist safety, ask someone like me: I ride and drive. If you don't do both, what is your goal? To fight cyclists?
Being in front gives a lot more visibility, and makes turning actually possible
They stay 2m behind me and roar their engine.
Very normal things
maybe, maybe in completely stopped traffic on a 4 lane road??
honestly confused when this would happen
turning left makes some sense, I can see it. Then you're visible and out of everyones way, almost immediately.
Going straight feels pretty bonkers. (cause if you were you'd just creep up on the right side of the right lane)
Please point me to your post about cars passing cyclists in no passing zones. Far more dangerous, and also illegal.
The riskiest time to split lanes is in traffic which is almost stopped; because drivers will jam into a new space; without looking
Bicycles are even harder to see; and much quieter; and (if the motorcyclist is at all smart) much less armored.
Couldn't pay me to split lanes on a bicycle (which I rode in LA traffic from age 16-21)
so my own thought is that basically living outside the law is the least worst option available for most everyday cyclists
(but in my ~~defence~~ sentencing submissions i still think this despite not having biked in nearly 10 years)
but this is real "I want a pony" territory, because apparently there are no driving laws worth enforcing, ever.
Was meant to poke fun at nest poker, not Native Americans.
Have a good one.
read the room, cyclists are threatened by lawless hunks of moving steel every day, we have rage
Texas is probably the worst state for this given their disregard for pedestrian and walkable roads. Yikes. 😬
What's stronger than "complete moron"?
As a rider, I prefer to be center left in the lane.
1. It avoids the door zone
2. I can see more parked cars ahead to see who's pulling into traffic.
3. I'm in front of the driver instead of their peripheral vision.
4. Better visibility at intersections, some of which are blocked by buildings.
In my state we don’t have this law and drivers don’t seem to have trouble with it. What’s the issue?
Not interested in a debate, so have a nice day.
On the other hand, lots of good assholes to block came out of it.