Guess losing $150 billion got under the old boy's skin. No surprise, he's responding by throwing around tired old conspiracy theories meant to intimidate and discredit us. Guess we better make #teslatakedown so big no one can hear him over our noise! And lol he's signing his tweets now?
Why? Because #Musk ‘s Hitler salute in front of the US Presidential Seal should turn your stomach. It’s time to show your support for the innocent men, women, and child that were tortured to DEATH in the Holocaust.
#Resist and #TeslaTakedown
Seems to me we could raise questions about the world’s richest man bankrolling Trump’s campaign, being granted unprecedented access to the operation of state institutions, and then granting himself no-bid federal contracts
Most humans with a conscience don’t like you “ Hehr Muskrat”
Dude has factories and huge financial interests in China, he's a de facto co-president of the US and he's screaming "foreign influence".
#boycotts #usa
It's we the people who don't like your #altright agenda or your #nazisalute. It's #wethepeople who want to see you purge away into a little corner of the world than run rampant in the #USA
How dare we criticize the great and powerful Elon!
We are just a bunch of ungrateful peasants.
Sorry Elon, we don't play the peasant role real well.
We are Americans!
Billy Ray: “Yeah, it seems the best way to hurt rich people is by turning 'em into poor people.”
But …. Oof
That movie’s
Never worry about that cheque again, INSTANT payment.
Also she refusing to fill out a 27b/6.
I guess she's still annoyed at you for never updating the share docs for potlucks. (fyi: she REALLY hates duplicate dishes).
I'll talk to her, Phil. No worries.
Literally THIS MF???
People are not allowed to say
"go to Mars, you twit!"
Doesn't sound very "free speech absolutist", to me.
But instead he doubles down on attacking people who actually deliver facts
This day #March2025 #AmericanHistory
#resist #persist #exist #RiseUp #bluecrew #punchnazis #Elon #Musk #Trump #Vance #Thiel #Bongino #Kash
“Elon Mask” song for the #Resistance
People ACTUALLY SHOWING UP are individual acts of people who wish to protest.
His crying pretends it is all fake and corrupt. No ... the outrage exists or people wouldn't be showing up.
Hmmm ...
This is full “antifa stole my space laser” nonsense
Further on,this is the same sort of lazy intimidation Musk has used for yrs as defense when people call out his fraud waste & abuse at Tesla to fudge the stock price for him and his family's enrichment
I love how grassroots everything is - we are all sick and tired of their shit.
Did he lose the password?
PayPal founders include Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, and David Sacks.
I'm also looking into Venmo funding an illegal gambling ring involving tens of thousands that seems to roughly align with the NFL season.
Captain Holt
It's right there in the first Amendment (I guess they skip that and go right to the 2nd).
"Congress shall make no laws...the right of the people peaceably to assemble."
Push just a tad bit more, and he will cave in on himself entirely!
#musk #tesla #teslatakedown
The Undermining of America, World, Earth
The Sinister Case of Elon Musk
(fascist -saboteur - eco-terrorist)
Authoritarian Thought Police