My friend just published an email Paul Weiss chair Brad Karp sent to the firm. This excerpt is the most chilling. This is how constitutional republics die -- when rivals see a violation of fundamental rights not as an injustice, but as a business opportunity:
Known for their communal ethics.
Guess that saying about "no honor among thieves" is correct.
Those predatory lawyers don’t understand if there’s no rule of law, just a rule of the dictator there’s not too many need for lawyers
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
—Martin Niemöller
an Atticus Finch he ain't
Did he not have enough faith in his own firm's vaunted litigators to take his case to the courts?
Pathetic cowardice on his part, as well as the rest of Big Law.
Money rules.
Trump has effectively castrated the firm, and the firm is now complicit in the destruction of America's legal profession.
I can hear "How dare you," and just say that if only people who have experienced the same thing can judge ethics, then we have no basis for shared ethics at all.
I personally know an in house lawyer who has authorized >$10 mil in legal fees for PW. He will never hire them again.
Now that they've capitulated once, trump knows he'll win next time too. And he'll take a little more. Then he'll do it again and take a little more.
It's possible they see this too and think in terms of delay tactics.
If I were a client though, I can't see why I'd continue with the firm.
"Instead, what is most important is to look to the future."
Assumes there's a future when nobody fights.
"Second, the resolution we reached with the Administration will have no effect on our work and our shared culture and values."
"To that end, we will continue our proud, century-long legacy of courageously standing up for fundamental rights and liberties, for fairness in the justice
Until they take a case trump doesn't like at which point that EO is going to come back again.
This is the hopium of a fool. How'd this guy get to run a law firm?
Which law firms?
Thing is, shouldn't a law firm fight against illegal shit? I mean, even without backing, who else is left to fight?
Did they even ask for anyone's help?
No, they instantly gave in. There's more going on here. The more I think on it, the less I believe that email.
Did he consider he was to the same in reverse by acquiescing? CluelessBastard
It's not so funny now.
All Paul Weiss Associates & Partners with any self-respect need to announce their pending resignations. Now.
If your employees want to be a part of actively threatening the rule of law, civil rights, and the foundations of two and a half centuries of American liberty, then fuck ‘em, Brad. 🤷🏻♂️
Sure, in that case, it’s all understandable.
YOU rolled over, stop whining now that you find yourselves reviled.
I guess the firm at issue is learning a valuable lesson about diversification.
At the same time, this whole situation is why you sue and not capitulate. Other firms trying to steal clients and attorneys? Call them out. Don’t give up. (1/2)
It is a sad state of affairs.
You gave him no promises that changed who you are. That’s more than enough.
I’m sorry, you should be willing to lose your job and/or lose your business rather than aid in the destruction of American democracy & rule of law, especially if you’re, oh I don’t know, LAWYERS!
Your financial excess is not as important as our freedom. #NoKings
So by assisting the slide into authoritarianism while not compromising their core values, they’re confirming that they are just peachy with authoritarianism.
And open your pocket book.
Why won’t sharks attack lawyers?
Professional courtesy