I can only hope that this idiotic situation helps swing the upcoming Canadian election more to the Left. I think that the vast majority of Canadians, even conservative Canadians, find the idea of joining the US ridiculous and unappealing.
Musk: Trudeau will have to humor me and play along even though I'm a massive dorkwad because I'm the richest man in the world in possession of one of the most influential social media platforms and he knows I can make his life miserable unless he pretends to like me.
We have a prime minister, the fact that the people (president musk and his friend Donald) leading our neighbouring country don’t know this is absolutely dumb.
Elon went to undergrad in Kingston for years, he should know this.
Elon is clearly not that well educated as he doesn’t seem to know that Canada is a sovereign country and its leader is Justin Trudeau who is Prime Minister and a man. @ElonMusk.
Elon doesn't understand how democracy works. Individuals are voters, so their opinions count. They get together in large numbers to decide who's going to run the country.
I listened to the last Rogan podcast w Elon (looking for a reason to be angry that day idk), & ol' Elon said he'd beat Zuckerberg because of "physics", because he is fatter he would win. Zuck training in Jiujitsu & being a marathon runner, meaningless according to Elon, because he's a tubby boy.
Trudeau was a boxer and would probably beat both of those clowns in the same day. Just crazy how Elon runs his mouth is all. Especially given his childhood
Trudeau absolutely still stays fit, we all know he recently descended on a ski resort near Nelson for the holidays. I think maybe him and Zuck might be evenly matched (you seen MZ does weighted vest marathon training?). Elon is just a tubby drugged up bully. i'Ll WiN bEcAuSe Of PhYsIcS yeah ok bud
Pasty faced,dough boi Afrikaner Horses Ass needs to UP his horse tranq to oats ratio.Might counteract whatever he's really doping his feedbag with.Coke,meth?
I would prefer that sometime, preferably today, he simply takes so much ketamine that his internal organs pack in all at once and he shits several of the more important ones out into his hot tub.
I feel like even the right would work with us on this. Like this would help unite the divided political landscape by killing Elon musk with 500-1000000000 hammer attacks
And they have all of their dumb hammer jokes ready from the Paul Pelosi attack. Elon thought that attempted murder was hilarious, so why not offer him a more intimate experience?
So much cringe with this guy. I am confident he will have no idea what to do with the dry sarcasm of the Brits and Australians he is currently squaring up to.
Elon once again demonstrates his non-existent sense of self-awareness by being a man with no elected authority to do anything proclaiming that a resigning prime minister with a decade of experience running a country is not important.
Remember when billionaires would just buy a decrepit resort in the middle of the desert and hole themselves up for years, collecting their piss in jars?
Honestly it’s embarrassing. Just keystone cop stupidity still fucking everything up. Like…. I thought it would be harder to do, require some kind of evil genius.
But nah. Just any clown with money can fuck everything up.
It’s worth remembering that the OG fascists were also morons obsessed with the occult. Hitler has been rebranded as an evil mastermind rather than the drug-addled unstable freak he was.
Yeah one of the major propaganda successes of the WW2 wave of fascism is their bullshit self mythology stuck after they were gone including among the mainstream. Sort of like how people still believe the bullshit Reagan sold
Hopefully if and when Trump falls our journalists and historians do better
it's gonna be insanely funny when he and his bestie have a breakup and ol' smallhands decides to "lose" his naturalization papers and deports his ass back north of the 49th
you're doing a great job making sure elon gets a lot of attention and every word he says makes it over to this platform, but god damn is it unpleasant following someone who puts the worst ppl all over the timeline. we know he sucks. i don't need transcripts every day. ✌️
It's one of the problems. He's a straight man appropriating gay culture, while supporting fascism that would strip gay and trans people of their rights.
I agree that gay people have adopted a lot of AAVE, but I actually think us calling each other "girl" stems from not conforming to gender norms and reclaiming the misogynistic idea that gay people are feminine. It's now part of a culture that normalizes the idea of femininity in men.
Some of that slang does originate from queer POC growing up around straight black women. And if a majority of it originates from black queer people, why wouldn't it then also be AAVE? Why are you making this distinction between straight and queer black women?
He's still the prime minister until a new Liberal leader is selected by the party so several weeks at least. He stepped down as leader of the party. The government is still functioning.
Elon chose that word deliberately. Don't play his game.
*Trudeau to say that.*
I don't think it would matter how much you paid Musk: that O ain't arriving. 🤣
Elon went to undergrad in Kingston for years, he should know this.
That's quite the accomplishment.
Is Canada already a colony for the rich white guy whose family owned mineral mines in South Africa?
"you're not the leader of your country anymore, so why do you care if we forcefully take it over"
I dare the Carleton dropout to say that to my face
I hate these people so much.
what a vile person
This is too much
But nah. Just any clown with money can fuck everything up.
Hopefully if and when Trump falls our journalists and historians do better