Oops yes. Defective. I recently read an NHTSA report describing a closed Tesla car door detaching as a woman was entering a freeway. With an infant in the car. Other Teslas have doors that won’t open after a crash. Others self ignite. Unsafe.
The great part about this is that the onboard cameras activate whenever someone approaches the car, which means you can drain their batteries just by standing close to them. 😄
Fwiw you're talking about Sentry Mode, which is always on once it's turned on. Unfortunately triggering the cameras will just put you on camera, saved on the car's internal drive, and sent back to HQ. There's no actual gain there, and just puts you at risk if you wanna f with Teslas, unfortunately 😕
My mother in law survived Hitlers occupation of Austria in WW2. The atrocities committed by the Nazis were horrendous. Stay STRONG my European friends.
I too will stand up to bring the REAL AMERICA back.
Hopefully THESE MAGGOTS will soon see they fell victim to a
Here in Cologne is fairly normal that if a building site goes a couple meters underground, you will probably either find a bomb or something from Roman times lol
Only liberals bought them, they now loathe him and Germans,unlike the US I think, have access to many cheaper, better electric cars. Not surprising really....
They bought them not for Musk but for the climate. Nobody knew he was such a racist asshole. And it's come to be quit a shocker that he too is an idiot.
Germany survived Hitler thanks to THE US and the Allies.
The Germany people survived a insane DICTATOR and will resist another Nazi? Stay strong EUROPE!!!
And there are other Nazi parties that get one or two perecent of the vote, a leftie Nazi party that got 5 percent and two parties ready to work with the AfD in 2029 who got 35%, so we‘ve got a Nazi votes of a good 65 % by now. The pure focus on the AfD misses that.
Hey, I want that too.
They're all non-arctic southerner pillocks, so we should get to enjoy watching them fry in exchange for having to shovel snow six months of the year.
AfD are supported / pumped by Musk. He is all over Europe meddling. Supporting reformUK (far right / their leader created Brexit and therefor doing Russia’s work breaking up EU)
RESIST. Tesla sales are plummeting. We need to continue the boycotts on billionaires and we cannot let up. The power of the people can overcome oligarchy and fascism. Even without an election we vote with every dollar we choose to spend or withhold. Keep applying political pressures however you can.
Not really. Before you even had the Nazi, it was a rolling piece of crap. I don't know about you but I'm not about to drive around in the car that will lock the doors down on me when it catches on fire. How did he die? He bought a Tesla.
I never would or would have. I'd get a RAV4 hybrid, if I could afford it. It's too cold around here to rely on just a battery to heat the cab, plus recharging stations aren't ubiquitous yet.
Don't just boycott. Get on the phone, get on e-mail and tell your reps in DC what you think about Musk. Resist. It only takes a few minutes and it doesn't cost any money. We don't need money in politics. We just need people to participate. https://www.nationalfinancialplan.com
In Brasil we don’t even sell this shit LOL you have to import and the price is so bizarre that normal people who wants an electric car buys BYD from our BRICS’s best friend 🇧🇷🇨🇳
That is because Germany said that the Nazi regime will never happen again, and they fucking mean it. As soon as Muskrat did the Nazi salute, it was done. They will never back down. They keep the horror of World War 2 alive, so we NEVER go back.
It actually might. His empire is welded together by shoddy business and personal loans. Tesla stock drops enough, the banks call in his loans and then Twitter is done. Elon has to sell more stock just to keep up his own personal fortune (since he mainly lives off of credit). We aren’t there yet
It's how most of the tech bro rich, rich live. Their money isn't "real", it's investments and loans. That's why if people actually boycott their products, it really hurts them.
But does exactly nothing to hurt Musk. He owns 12.5%. As usual, only wage-earners in the factory will feel it. No one will be lifted from poverty. Zero immigrants will eat.
Well, I have a conscience so maybe I'm more sensitive to Nazi inspired rhetoric. Oh, and if I had worked for Tesla, as soon I witnessed Musk's Nazi salute, they would have received my resignation letter the following day...
Elon Musk's timing could not have been worse....giving a Nazi salute at the same time China are flooding the market with cheaper, more reliable EVs....I guess ketamin takes your eye off the ball?
I don’t imagine it will unravel in Germany. Volkswagen is hurting (though they have a range of good evs) and Musk is a Nazi so buying a Tesla there today would be a faux pas to say the least.
The 20% figure is unfortunately true. I can hardly believe it myself—but it's objectively true. The 35% you're referring to means the CDU under Merz? I can reassure you—they're certainly not fascists. They were just trying to sharpen their tone to steal as many voters as possible from the AfD.
Extremism researchers, by the way, say that it's more or less the same everywhere in the world. 6-9% of people in almost every country hold radical views that are incompatible with a democratic understanding of the law. The rest are, to varying degrees, followers.
Germany has been suffering from right-wing extremist terrorist attacks since 1980, and in recent years three more have simply been swept under the carpet.
Germany has failed to come to terms with the past since 1945.
so, the politics of the Nazis arent xenophobic,and Merz's rapprochement with the Nazis, all not so bad?
You can tell from Merz that he is a Nazi thief.
It's shameful what you're relativizing here.
But it's Germany's problem in a nutshell.
its because THOSE kinds of people exist in pretty much the same proportions in ANY place.... the ones here in USA emboldened the ones in your country. time to brush up on the ole 'nazi-punching' skills. 🤜
This is how you respond to the beginnings of facism. Soon we will be going medieval on their asses, but for now hitting them in their wallets is a good enough sign that facists can Fuck right Off
Please, understand that public companies don't sell the product they *say* they sell. Public companies sell stocks. Musk didn't get to where he is by selling products. His only real product is cars that sometimes don't crash and the ability to get Americans to do whatever he wants, apparently.
I am a teacher in germany and I would not applaud our education System. There is a lot to do ... but we at least try to educate them about our history. (But 20% voted for the right winged AFD ... So who knows how that will work out ...)
Just like everywhere else, it's an education and informartion issue. Polls show that a large number of heir voters think AfD is center, center right at most. They continuously lie about their program, even when confronted head on with printed out copies. It's propaganda and it's working.
Nobody’s gonna buy that piece of shit car in the United States either it’s a piece of shit and it’s ugly and Elon Musk is Adolf Hitler. We saw him salute uncle Adolf that fuck we want him outta here.
And as Canadians we know Canadian, British and US history but not enough African and First Nations history. Americans don't really know any other histories except their own if that. That's why they are doomed to make this mistake.
Good! He came over here telling people to vote for thr Nzi party while at the same time working against the safety of Ukraine and wider Europe. No one over here should be supporting that menace.
I think it's the same in most of Europe. UK is the only one bucking the trend, but then my people voted for Brexit and put the Tories in power for 13 years so I've got very low expectations.
I never lived in Germany proper, But I never lived more than maybe ninety minutes from the German border, I visited Germany many times, and have a bunch of German friends I talk to like once a week. 90%+ agreement on anything in politics is just generaly suspicious not just in Germany.
I understand the scepticism.
I think the numbers have been explained satisfactorily by others, the main point being that there is almost NO crossover whatsoever between nazis and EV buyers.
As a German, I can assure you that this is true. Raising your right arm in public is still a no-go here and a criminal offense. In addition, electric car buyers tend to be progressive, liberal-minded individuals. This is the demographic that least tolerates Nazis.
I lived in Munich for several years, and it seemed to me that Germans were far less divided than Americans. All things Nazi were pretty much illegal when I was there.
Elon has absolutely alienated the EV buyer with his nasty beliefs and hateful political agenda.
And this is why the US is so crazy. When you apply for a green card there are questions like do you belong to the communist party or the Nazi party. People holding green cards know they cannot and will not go there to stay in the US yet their home grown idiots can.
The average gross monthly salary is €4,105, but due to unequal distribution, about 20% are higher. With approximately 45 million employed people, that's still 9 million, and the leasing rate for a Model 3 is €415 per month.
Ok...you are right.
There are more than 10% germans that could theorically buy a car that costs 10% of their income as investment (and another 5% in use costs) and that is not suitable for long holidays.
I am in the happy small percentage that could barely afford it, but I happily never owned a car in my whole life (once my girlfriend had one and I contributed to the cost) and never even considered spending the price of a countryside home for a car.
Yeah, by loudly intervening in support of the AfD, he allied himself with a group that largely hates EVs, and made an enemy of voters for any other party. Just seems totally irrational.
Better not mess with Germany. We'll watch for a long time, hold back, but if a point is crossed, then you'll have to live with our response. And we just don't like swastikcars! Is that clear, Elon?
Great, but need the courts to close his plant there. That will really hurt him. Unfortunately it will cause people to lose jobs, but need to focus on big picture. Destroying Muskrat.
This is NOT crazy. This is burning the #nazicar down! This is overturning oligarchy! This IS democracy in action. Let's race this MFer to zero! #teslazero #overthrowmusk #destroyelon
Well there will be still a demand for alternate fuel vehicles. Toyota has gone from electrical to hydrogen. Which has a better chance of building an infrastructure. I'm sure German engineers have figured that one out.
Most of them don’t want one because for the past decade they’ve been brainwashed into thinking EVs are some Jewish plot to make cars gay or some dumb shit.
We know what is facism in Europe , that’s what USA is experiencing right now , Tesla wants to help far rights in Europe , boycott Tesla , X and all bullshits from this person
People think Europeans are against war because we are bad at it. It’s the opposite. We’ve visited untold horrors on each others as well as the rest of the world. We invented eugenics and colonialism and imperialism and fascism.
Giga Berlin is the cleanest, most environmentally efficient car factory and yet the leftists have been sabotaging it since day 1. The Germans just sit by and let it happen. The unions have brought war also and again the Germans are fine with it. I’ve lost my respect for Germany. Elon is the nazi?
Clean air
Clean water
Clean energy
Diverse workforce
Diverse friends
Diverse companies
Helping the disabled gain function
Free speech
Fight corruption
What a fucking Nazi. LMAO
And Musk and Putin want the same thing. They're racists and the US already fought a war against slavery and still these evil pricks exist along with the KKK which have now traded their stupid hoods for red hats and Nazi salutes. All these billionaires are siding with them too.
AMERICA is crazy. America should be in the streets making demands and STOPPING the overtaking of our country AND killing Tesla...like other countries do.
They’ve lived through this before.
we will not fcking have it 🤬🤬🤬
Never again
I too will stand up to bring the REAL AMERICA back.
Hopefully THESE MAGGOTS will soon see they fell victim to a
Not here apparently but I'm glad that happens elsewhere
The Germany people survived a insane DICTATOR and will resist another Nazi? Stay strong EUROPE!!!
I think America can match their 94% & even do a bit better!
What do you say?
German Nazis are just still really into internal combustion.
They're all non-arctic southerner pillocks, so we should get to enjoy watching them fry in exchange for having to shovel snow six months of the year.
Germany better figure out how to fix that or they will continue to have kraut magas
I love this
“The german people remember that very bad people exist.”
Oh yeah…that.
Europe coming to its senses.
Boycott the US!!!
But does exactly nothing to hurt Musk. He owns 12.5%. As usual, only wage-earners in the factory will feel it. No one will be lifted from poverty. Zero immigrants will eat.
But I like how it is going so far.
So glad he did it though, he showed us exactly who he is
not only 6%
wrong numbers.
and over 35% voted for "fascism light in a suit"
do the math
Germany has failed to come to terms with the past since 1945.
YOU can assure that.
so, the politics of the Nazis arent xenophobic,and Merz's rapprochement with the Nazis, all not so bad?
You can tell from Merz that he is a Nazi thief.
It's shameful what you're relativizing here.
But it's Germany's problem in a nutshell.
They know exactly what a "Roman salute" is.
And they don't like it.
The goal should to make such beliefs more fringe and not mainstream because I think human nature will never allow for 100% eradication.
1933 to 1945.
I think the numbers have been explained satisfactorily by others, the main point being that there is almost NO crossover whatsoever between nazis and EV buyers.
That was suicide live on stage
Elon has absolutely alienated the EV buyer with his nasty beliefs and hateful political agenda.
Besides in Germany you get 5 years in prison for a nazi salute!
94% can't afford a Tesla Car 🤷🏼♂️
There are more than 10% germans that could theorically buy a car that costs 10% of their income as investment (and another 5% in use costs) and that is not suitable for long holidays.
And this is the news yesterday:
I’ve never seen a brand become this toxic.
#tesla #musk #doge
"Sales in Germany fell by 76% in February, data showed on Wednesday, adding to the collapse in sales of Elon Musk's EV brand across Europe in what could be a loyalty test for the close ally of U.S. President Donald Trump."
But they don't do Hitler salutes, so its okay.
I am slightly less impressed with Germans.
These things tend to come out on the late side.
I was born on American soil against my will you see.
When we say it’s bad, it’s bad.
Enlighten me.
Clean air
Clean water
Clean energy
Diverse workforce
Diverse friends
Diverse companies
Helping the disabled gain function
Free speech
Fight corruption
What a fucking Nazi. LMAO

This is the people standing up and saying NO!
That's what democracy looks like.
I hope not too long.
AMERICA is crazy. America should be in the streets making demands and STOPPING the overtaking of our country AND killing Tesla...like other countries do.
America is lazy, entitled, and conflicted.
America belongs to The People. But not for long.