I don't say this lightly, but the BBC are really not up to this moment.
Zelensky is a hero; Trump is a narcissistic sociopath.
The BBC should recant their theory. Trump is aligned with a murdering dictator.
that headline is a shocker though - and it's the headline that matters.
And fired.
It might have been his left leg, but from the point of view of the audience it was on the right side.
Hardly the best recommendation for the job.
How does she continue to be employed by the BBC?
Churchill's wartime jumpsuit he wore to meetings with Roosevelt gets a mention.
Dude should be ashamed of himself for carrying water for fascists.
Any serious leader would have understood his solidarity towards Ukrainian soldiers! The issue with all of this is one, everyone is cowering to the “mighty Trump” fearful of what he might do and Zelensky’s “mistake” was he did not.
These two fashion icons demonstrate appropriate wear on state occasions.
As you can imagine this law is... controversial.
Doesn't change the fact it is no longer fit for purpose.
Sorry but it's now too far gone as an organisation and it's overly simplistic to blame 'The Tories'.
But I suspect your position is far too entrenched to be capable of engaging in any meaningful discussion around this, so am muting you now.
slant (until DT got elected in
US),then…well, you know. I didn’t use to listen to BBC (after the whole Princess Diana thing), most of the US new in my area is unwatchable. I
Like their focus on Africa & asian markets report
Cancel your DD's folks!
I feel like this is also a bit of a shot at the media.
Rich guy stoned out of his mind in Oval Office, wearing sunglasses, ball cap and unwashed t-shirt: DECOROUS, NO STORY
Leader of nation at war who said he wouldn't wear a suit until war is won: SCANDAL
It’s striking to see European leaders meeting AS A RESULT OF the US switching sides to Russia, Iran and China.
If so, fair enough. Except that now is not really the time for ‘interesting analysis’. The BBC could have waited till after today’s meeting, at least.
BBC should be ashamed.
Has 300,000 dead & some fluff piece handmaid cries about a suit
See also Churchill’s attire at the WH during WWII.
Shame on the BBC for victim-blaming and sane-washing this event.
You can't win with disingenuous assholes.
The most vain, egotistical bunch of half men you’ll ever see
"He is also reportedly dating Marjorie Taylor Greene, the Georgia congresswoman who is one of Trump's most outspoken supporters."
It’s just a desperation from the English Middle Classes to pretend it’s OK because they’re scared to admit they were duped.
I date the decline to the launch of BBC News 24 which had to fill 24 hours of news with what became a huge quantity of drivel replacing a relatively smaller amount quality news.
First noticed it with obituaries, where it's just a huge list of nobodies saying how it's so sad XXX died and was great in whatever role.
Get a fucking grip BBC.
is it simply Putin‘s psychol. warfare via „influencing“ (paying) journalists?
For - well - taking sides pro Russia?
Zelensky does it and they melt down, but it's because of obligation to and solidarity with his people.
What a gullible nitwit Starmer is. He should be tough.
Surely it's highlighting the fickle, shallow, vacuous intellect that's in charge of the free world!
How long does the war in Ukraine need to go on before they finally twig this ???
Anyone who's still worth a damn will see how cowardly they really are to allow such drivel be considered news.
They will just platform themselves and condemn the one dumb enough to let their name be attached to such a statement.
Then they will fire them to grandstand as being 'for freedom'
Who he is dating is proof of that! (MTG).
He obviously doesn't know how Winston Churchill dressed when his country was at war with Germany in WW2.
A typical ignorant, uninformed American loudmouth with no idea of what he is taking about!
Open a history book and READ it.
...was I assume addressed to Glenn and not me?
Did Zelensky's wool sweater decide Ukraine's destiny?
Eg Fringe Trump conspiracy media allowed in after Trump took control of which media was allowed in, "Costume" similar to Ukrainian for "suit", Trump aides trying to get Zelensky to wear a suit beforehand...
How Churchill disrespected POTUS back then
Blundering fools your are..
Very shoddy reporting.