I didn’t appreciate Ordinary People when released but it’s a deceptively complex story. And it pivots on the Sutherland character, which makes it all the more egregious that he was the actor shut out of an Oscar nomination.
"Eye of the Needle" is one of my favorite movies, and he was truly great in "Ordinary People." He was great in everything, even if what he was in wasn't very good.
But my favorite role of them all was Oddball. I grew up with a lot of Brooklyn hippies in the '60s and '70s. He was perfect.
man, he was so good as Merrick in Buffy the Vampire Slayer the movie. He understood how camp it was. Brought both gravitas and humor to that role. My first exposure to him
I remember seeing him first in the Dirty Dozen in the theatre, shocked at the sight (I was young) wondering where they had found someone who looked like him. I figured I’d never see him again. What a joke I was. Loved him in everything he did.
A movie that got dismissed due to having the same premise as The Sopranos is PANIC with William H. Macy - in it, Donald Sutherland gives an outstanding performance. Worth looking for!
he aged into seriousness and gravitas, but he could also display a wry humor that i always enjoyed. and his work in the 70s perfectly captures the paranoia and pervasive sense that something was “off”
Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?
He didn't need big roles either. His brief appearance in Backdraft stole the movie. It is a perfectly fine film regardless, but his arsonist (up for parole and asked for expertise) lent such gravitas. What a horrible loss.
Ordinary People is truly the ultimate example of "don't make them like that anymore" since they don't make those types of film anymore period. I think people wrongly look down on the film since its won the Oscar over "Raging Bull."
I'll recommend his brilliant one-scene performance in 1971's Little Murders (one of three great monologues in the movie), like MASH also with Elliot Gould. https://youtu.be/TgwjHBUW9MY?si=o2U3FwlSfHw1dw-d
during a Hunger Games interview, he was asked a stock question of "how would your characters from previous movies have handled the arena?" he started talking about the guy from EYE OF THE NEEDLE, then grinned and muttered "well Casanova would have f*cked his way out..."
Five? More like 16. 16 captivating minutes. God, that cameo ranks up there with the baptism montage in The GD I for inclusion of my fave movie scenes of all time.
He was the singular talent of SEVERAL generations. He was in everything from Kelly's Heroes to the Hunger Games. Personally, I can't believe they got him to do the Kentucky Fried Movie. Dude was amazing. How is Hollywood gonna make anything without him?
Didn't really care for the hunger games adaptations, I only remember that glare and shake of the head to tell Katniss that she didn't sell it. Genuinely chilling and took me off-guard.
Went on a date in the early 90s to see a Keifer Sutherland movie, at the end she commented on how much Keifer looked like Donald Sutherland, not realizing the connection even after saying the last name out loud. RIP Donald, a legend
Sutherland as the imprisoned arsonist in Backdraft was the highlight of the movie.
DeNiro: What did you do to that little girl?
Sutherland, suppressing a chuckle: I burned her.
DeNiro: What would you like to do to the whole world?
Sutherland, terrifyingly serious: Burn it all.
But my favorite role of them all was Oddball. I grew up with a lot of Brooklyn hippies in the '60s and '70s. He was perfect.
One of my favorite films.
I know people can't stay around forever, but damn it the world was a better place with him in it.
Also Ordinary People. Insanely 70’s but once again his performance brings his scenes to life
We still have Kiefer in the game.
One of the best lines in JFK. That five minute or so scene is the best in the movie, in my opinion.
"I won't go schizo, will I?"
"It's a distinct possibility."
Absolutely brilliant
He was one of those people who, when they appeared on screen, just brought enormous weight to whatever was happening.
He was wonderful in everything...
an absolute legend
He will be missed.
DeNiro: What did you do to that little girl?
Sutherland, suppressing a chuckle: I burned her.
DeNiro: What would you like to do to the whole world?
Sutherland, terrifyingly serious: Burn it all.