there he goes speaking in "code" that continually "confuses" our esteemed group of fact-checkers. I'm wondering how close he is to having a Nicholson on the stand moment in 'A Few Good Men'.
There are tapes from the Apprentice outtakes you KNOW they burned in the deep deep NBC vaults.
Maybe they kept one.
Be nice to see it burn other things.
Hell, he’s gonna drop a hard “civil war” when ,la punches thru +5 margins in the battleground states.. “Some say civil war might be the only way, I don’t know…(sniff, accordian)”
100% but I’m very curious how far he will go with the name-calling during the debate. I don’t think he’s brave enough to do it in front of her. The B word, on the other hand…
I've seen some anti-Trump people almost salivating for Trump to use the n-word, thinking it'll destroy him in the polls once and for all. but (a) no it won't (b) CHUDs will follow Trump's lead and begin saying it loudly, publicly, wherever they can
My guess is if Kamala laughs at him at the debate, he'll drop it right there. Nothing enrages him like a woman's laughter, especially if he thinks they're laughing at him.
Maybe they kept one.
Be nice to see it burn other things.
I guess I shouldn’t have been so shocked but damn.
Why can’t bring back the star?
I'm really actively dreading when this day comes