i’ll say that RFK is the guy that genuinely frightens me because i think he would happily let as many people suffer and die as it took for him to feel vindicated about his beliefs. a totally amoral person who doesn’t seem to believe that other minds exist.
Similar yes, but distinct.
there are conservatives who are all ready to give it all up, believing we arent strong enough to keep the US out, and I strongly disagree. US is going to have pry Canada out of my cold dead hands.
Canada is Canada. CANADA. Canada and the US are not the same.
Havin' the US as neighbours can be great but that doesn't mean we want 'em movin' into our house. MOUSES!
I’m getting boosted on everything
Not everybody in this world is so insane as that lot.
They say they want "free speech" but that is disinformation and that is harming society because they are enabling MORE disinformation
To me, it’s a waste of time/breath.
And those are just the most high profile ones.
Do you protect the DC swamp on this topic ? I won't, it's apolitical , in fact...
Nonsense , is replying about a topic without fully understanding what I meant ... 😵💫🤦 Need to ask ab nonsens😅
Catching a cold is natures vaccine injection, though sometimes it is fatal. IMO vaccines are safer
Point being, capitalism without controls is a big mess for us all, and some Vax manuf. use formaldehyde, monosodium glutamate, aluminum, some still have Thimerosal 🫠
The same regulations required for food can easily be applied to vaccine producers.
Unregulated capitalism is a race where random chance gives some rats sports cars, while the rest must run.
Lina Khan should be promoted, not terminated.
HEALTH is a number ONE priority with everyone - once they realize that it's something that money cannot buy.
They seem to believe death only applies to people they don't like. We'll see about that.
The thing that sets RFK apart is that he's the kind of narcissistic conspiracy theorist that reflexively rejects whatever the experts say so he can prove he's smarter than them. So his beliefs are always harmful.
WTF are we doing here
Down off them
And handed him his lifelong polio crutches .
The America idiots want is unsurprisingly stupid.
The big indicator that this was on the horizon is that so many value guns over their children.
The USA has never fully understood this reciprocal societal obligation.
This is just hate speech, it's just a opinion. You have zero evidence. You don't even know the man. All I'm hearing is hate from you. Zero justification.
I'm just saying there.
If I'm right, their effectiveness will be much impaired.
"Every lie we tell incurs a debt to the truth. Sooner or later, that debt is paid."
Trump's second term will have more lunatics and sociopaths than his first, fewer guardrails, and...
All of which means there's a high likelihood that at some point in this upcoming term...
If we're lucky, it'll be something like a botched natural disaster response, another Katrina -- something that will be tragic and horrific, but contained.
And if that happens, God help us all.
When that happens, the bombing begins in earnest. And those of us who are out of range can enjoy the fireworks.
Just like most of Trumps administration
Don’t forget that
Just like the Street Junkies, but they wear suits.
These are our leaders.
I read RFK cut off his ex-wife, and she had to resort to asking people for money. She committed suicide. There is something very wrong with him. He has no principles. When the Dems wouldn't meet with him, he shifted to Trump.
--George Orwell
RFK Jr is another #CreepyShkreli
musk can &will allow as much harm/as many deaths as it takes for himself to rule his fevered vision of a world.
Both are exteme &extremely dangerous malignant narcissists, I think with different motivations.
If they want to do quiet slow-walking/malicious compliance instead, also fine.
At least this way they can limit the damage done by the interregnum. 🤷♂️
But in the meantime they can have some fun.
- there isn't as much money in vaccines and some of the companies making them might just opt out to avoid the risk
- the "advisor" in this article is a lawyer whose practice includes (unsuccessfully)suing vaccine manufacturers.
Maybe the tack here is to start saying he's right, we've been lying the whole time. He'll have to disagree.
The corrupt asshole will gladly let the cazies run free if it benefits him personally in some way.
Just like a King let's some church have their inquisitions. It's all in history.
Because without that one would have to act already. With "all means necessary".
While this has happened, properly tested vaccines do not cause disease because using dead bacteria.
But the Kennedy name has great influence
But they aren't the only ones that can be directly affected; making vaccines unavailable, or more difficult to acquire, perpetuates desired results
Everyone gets indirectly affected; at an eatery, I assume servers don't have diseases. But in the future? 🤷♀️
What conscience? Crazies don't have any. Conscience requires sober self-reflection.
Something they will never do.
The man he's putting in charge of the nation's health wants to eliminate life saving vaccines
Children will pay the steepest price
Families will be devastated
Healthcare costs will explode
You can lead a horse to water but can't make them drink.
Seems people believe just abt anything if it comes from the "right" ppl
Be it
- stupid leaders get elected by saying what ppl want to hear
- weaker minds are convinced by stupid leaders to ignore knowledge
- decision makers implement decision to keep a voter base
- enablers get rewarded to kiss a or keep quiet
- stupid leaders remain in power