the only thing that brings me solace is he's so inept at politics and governing that he's likely to hand off to a democratic trifecta and he'll probably crash and burn when he makes a bid for senate
the Dems allowing Terry to get in that primary was a self shotgun blast to the face when the Republicans put up and easily bearable reptile in a vest like youngkin
A more competent GOP governor could have gotten things through a closely divided General Assembly and made things significantly worse. Fortunately, Youngkin was not that governor.
But yet if he’s so extremely inept, he’s definitely in line for getting lots of support from Trump if he is stupid enough (subservient). That means Trump will pour money into a campaign supporting his reelection. The effort to get someone w/integrity in ofc there will take massive citizen outcry!
Dems tripped over themselves to put in the worst candidate with the weakest plans. McAuliffe’s whole agenda was orange man bad, which yes is obvious, but he had no plan for the Commonwealth and Dems steamrolled better candidates for that slop.
wasn’t there a whole thing about how nice and normal he looked in some kind of jacket and therefore he’s a great guy/candidate? whatever it was that I’m thinking of, it was typical and embarrassing and wrong as hell
We are where we are, in some small part, because the D.C. Dems and press watched the GOP radicalize suburban white Dems by telling them schools were teaching their kids about systemic racism.
WaPo Editorial Board in 2021: "There’s little mystery about what impels Mr. Youngkin’s false statements, which dovetail with national Republicans’ strategy of using the critical race theory bogeyman to foment racial resentments among the GOP’s heavily White voting base."
before I read the article I guessed the races of the murderer and the victim and was magically correct. not surprised who the GOP thinks is inequatibly treated and whose life doesn't matter.
He reminds me of Bruce Rauner in Illinois. All the "serious" people said that we needed a sensible moderate Republican to run the state like a business.
Once in office he wasn't just a hard line conservative but a wildly incompetent executive who got nothing meaningful done.
Rauner was somehow even more incompetent than Youngkin. I interviewed him once and there was just nothing there, nothing going on inside that empty skull of his
Hogan was at least savvy enough to realize doing nothing would make him popular. This idiot is much more similar to Ehrlich, picking stupid fights that do him no good.
That and all the job losses for government workers (and attendant recessionary multiplier effect) living in Virginia, I don't know why anybody there would vote Republican for the next half-century or so.
We have our dumb maga here too and a lot of people saw him as more center than ultra conservative … I think it’s def going blue bc of what’s happening.. people don’t trust Trump as they shouldnt
yeah the legislature here has been able to put some checks on Youngkin, which is the main reason he hasn't destroyed everything. Not for lack of trying on his part!
I figure Virginia will have more impact from federal firings than any other state. If Dems can't flip this governor's mansion, they should truly shutter their doors.
Think Musk will allow that? Maybe. Read an interview with Yarvin where he talks up Vance as a man that speaks to flyover country as well as the elites. That's why they selected him. Understood then that these guys are so autistic and may get politics wrong. But they will destroy lives nonetheless.
Your lips to God's ears. We were making some real progress in this state before this shithead won. Legal weed, abolition of the death penalty. Not earth-shaking changes but big, real, positive ones.
Hold up Bob McDonnell was indicted and convicted of wire fraud and caught some federal prison time. His conviction was vacated by the good old boy SCOTUS.
His yard signs in Hampton Roads read “Local Boy Done Good“. He’s from an extremely wealthy family. His success was inevitable. The signs actually saved me a ton of money: a Pilates studio in my neighborhood had one, so I now do Pilates from a fitness app instead of supporting fascists
Youngkin is why weed is not yet legal in VA. He refuses to sign the bill. Recreational legal weed is in limbo until he leaves office and the next governor hopefully signs it.
On that issue, he played the game, and that is how he won, and his opponent dismissed the CRT hoopla as misinformation (which it is) and chose not to address it. I felt that was the turning point in that race. I was watching from afar, so I don't know for sure if that was the deciding factor.
Republicans count on that. Just tell so many lies that it makes everyone stop paying attention and not care. Tell the same lie on all "conservative" platforms. Those who don't know they're lying will believe them because there's no counter-argument to rebut it, unfortunately.
It doesn't help that the 4th Estate is dead, murdered by pernicious, Nazi-aligned billionaires who don't want to pay taxes or treat their employees fairly.
Long Live the 5th Estate!
He pounded NoVa media with a commercial demonizing his opponent (Terry M), claiming he was taking away parents rights in educating their kids and Terry basically sat back and didn’t counter with anything. It was very effective and lost him NoVa - which is crucial in winning the state. It sucked!!!
Republicans spread lies like wildfire, especially if they believe there is a group of voters who believe in the lie. They don't care about the truth. They care about votes. Those voters will go to the polls to elect anyone who talks up the problem they believe in, even if facts prove them wrong.
Apply Lessons Learned!
Here In #Virginia, 2025 #Elections:
- Governor
- Lt Governor
- Attorney General
- State Senate
- House of Delegates
Make Virginia TOTALLY BLUE Again!
Expect, "UNDUE ATTENTION", to All these races!
One Step At A Time!
🇺🇸 ⚖️🗽
Have to laugh at all the women in Northern VA who voted for Youngkin because the GOPQ lied to them about CRT being taught in public schools and NOW many of them were no doubt hit with Trump's layoffs of federal employees.
PLEASE #Virginia VOTE #Trumpkin, errr.. I mean Youngkin out of office! Hell even his own son tried to vote multiple times for his own father even after being turned down after his first legal vote! And NOTHING was ever done about it either. If that had been a Democrat they would have gotten prison.
The absolute worst VA governor that I can recall. He doesn’t care about anything except making money for his developer bros and appeasing the Republican base. He’s a joke and a poor leader. Spanberger should sail in with a landslide!!!
2025 Virginia gubernatorial - November 4, 2025, to elect the governor of Virginia. Incumbent Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin is ineligible to run for re-election.
Vote for U.S. Rep. Abigail Spanberger
I would imagine that when Youngkin runs for Senate and Spanberger is Governor, CRT will have conveniently returned to our schools to threaten our children. Like a migrant caravan.
I think that list of worst in our govt and the GOP is long. Very long.
I want Jeff for President. Now. I want this man speaking for us. He understands. Watch it all. He speaks for all of us.
Youngkins underage (at the time) son attempted to vote or him TWICE, so once after he'd already been told he couldn't. This is called attempted voter fraud, and it's a crime, one Republicans claim to be serious about, but Youngkin and the media played it as a cute, funny story, no harm no foul.
And that's going some. I really really REALLY hope NOVA, Charlottesville, Richmond, and other blue areas turn out in force for Spanberger in the next election.
Today, we remember #TimothyJohnson who was
‼️UNARMED‼️and murdered by former Virginia officer #WesleyShifflett over allegedly stealing a pair of shades. We send love & strength to Timothy's loved ones, and FVCK #GovernorYounkin for this insulting pardon of a trigger happy murderer!
What the hell has happened to our concept of right and wrong?
Rapists, murderers, embezzlers, thieves, all ok.
Hard working people, imprisoned for being in the country and being brown.
Youngkin is a horrible governor. He set up an email "rat line" for snitch parents to rat out educators teaching so-called "divisive subjects," like lesson plans addressing social inequality.
The decision to pursue someone out of the mall over an alleged sunglasses theft demonstrates that he should never have been hired as a police officer. The reports don’t clarify if the allegedly stolen item was recovered outside the store or mall, which was the initial reason for police involvement.
It’s not even close. Thank God we have our election this November. Lots of time to build up momentum so we can make Abigail Spanberger our next governor.
Yes that's my sorry Arse Governor. I didn't Vote for his MAGA Arse either.... He got to go and take that Lt Governor with him done with that trash.
Hey African American community, the republicans are telling you exactly what they think of you… you don’t deserve justice, your history told, DEI gave you a leg up and now the SecDef demands all images of minority especially (Blacks) & women be removed from recruiting advertisements and out reach.
Let me guess, he believes the officer "learned his lesson." I hear it's a very popular stand for Republicans who give lip service to "thoughtful consideration" before doing the wrong thing.
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
I was only voting age in VA for two years, but managed to vote AGAINST Ollie North, and I'm still super happy about that.
2. The Carlyle Group and his perceived moderation because of his association with David Rubenstein
Once in office he wasn't just a hard line conservative but a wildly incompetent executive who got nothing meaningful done.
Gotta fight to bury em (politically)
If anyone wants the story, without paying WaPo.
Thing that bugged me was he was a CEO who drove his company into the ground and then wrote himself out with a massive golden parachute.
GOP/MAGA crowd were like, "He was a CEO, vote for him!"
Long Live the 5th Estate!
And not a peep about CRT now.
Apply Lessons Learned!
Here In #Virginia, 2025 #Elections:
- Governor
- Lt Governor
- Attorney General
- State Senate
- House of Delegates
Make Virginia TOTALLY BLUE Again!
Expect, "UNDUE ATTENTION", to All these races!
One Step At A Time!
🇺🇸 ⚖️🗽
Karma is your vote causing you to lose your job.
“What evil shit can I do today that will make the world a worst place to live in”.
Vote for U.S. Rep. Abigail Spanberger
Who da fu@k even reads WaPo any more?
I want Jeff for President. Now. I want this man speaking for us. He understands. Watch it all. He speaks for all of us.
‼️UNARMED‼️and murdered by former Virginia officer #WesleyShifflett over allegedly stealing a pair of shades. We send love & strength to Timothy's loved ones, and FVCK #GovernorYounkin for this insulting pardon of a trigger happy murderer!
Rapists, murderers, embezzlers, thieves, all ok.
Hard working people, imprisoned for being in the country and being brown.
People can vote him out ..
That's just me.
Putting my money and support behind, and then will work to make sure that Youngkin does not even *sniff* a Senate seat.
You didn't think he would do anything to help the general public living and working in Virginia, did you?
Like Trump and other Republican narcissists, he doesn't care what happens in the future, after his term.