“Ha ewon uss an awaaa ifft han wesoff ohhh esh hinna wewashuns”. Just in case you’re curious how that sounded when it was pitched with a boot fully in the author’s mouth.
Friedman wrote a banger of a first hand account of the Lebanese civil war and pivoted to holding court on everything he has no first hand experience of
Not quite an example of Poe's Law—there's no extremism involved—but we can all agree that Tom Friedman is now indistinguishable from any possible parody of Tom Friedman. He's finally become a parody of himself.
I'm done.
It's all crazy and I'm not up for the dog and pony show anymore.
Let me know when someone who REALLY will unravel this mess shows up.
Meanwhile...I'm gonna just sit back and enjoy every day in my little, poor side of the world.
I heard that you were losing your job to the NYTimes, which feels ironic, but apparently they feel it's the best way to reach recalcitrant lefties, only without the humor.
Damn, I was called a devil worshipper for playing dungeons &dragons with my cousins, and I am sure she thought Catholics were equally bad (Smurfs too). Close enough?
Absolutely. As an ex cradle catholic (me) you were spared a bizarre upbringing. Was listening to Alan Watts on the radio as a child, and my father was like, ‘is that voodoo? It better not be.’
The GOAT of op-Ed's
These headlines are just so mad even you couldn't of thought them up as parody.
*texts ILY to family*
(We just happen to be in the temporal timeline where everything is as stupid as you can imagine)
The NY Times is complete garbage.
For those wondering
Swift >> MusQ
In every way
Just... wow.
Pretty sure Taylor Swift could handle things without president elect Musk
I’d add Gail Collins as well, equally bad and inconsequential.
The decent satire you so diligently delivered has been surpassed by....Friedman?
You are now 2 Mooches - or for purists, 1/13 of a Friedman Unit® - away from being rendered irrelevant. At the hands of actual lunatic supplicants.
What a time!
Longue vie à la loi de Poe, évidemment.
It's all crazy and I'm not up for the dog and pony show anymore.
Let me know when someone who REALLY will unravel this mess shows up.
Meanwhile...I'm gonna just sit back and enjoy every day in my little, poor side of the world.
I have witnessed Friedman upstage his "Suck on this" moment. He has become even more wrong.
"Please tell me this is not real."
So knowledge of the dark arts qualifies you
That must be what it takes to be a NY Times columnist.
Send them in as diplomats.